Arma 3
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[SP\COOP]DUWS-R WW2 Western Front
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Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Multiplayer, Coop, Persistent
Scenario Type: Air, Infantry, Vehicles
Scenario Map: OtherMap
Meta: Dependency
Tunnisteet: Tag Review
6.681 MB
4.5.2017 klo 6.39
4.3.2020 klo 21.03
31 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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[SP\COOP]DUWS-R WW2 Western Front

*******************AND YOU WON'T HAVE TO ASK ME SILLY QUESTIONS***********************

This is a modification of the original DUWS by Kibot and the DUWS Enhanced-M (More CP)(Manual Enemy Zones) by My man. Full credit goes to those guys for creating this mission.

Please see below for a description of how to play DUWS, and take my word for it, its one of the best persistent singleplayer and multiplayer missions out there.

In this modification you play as the US Army , Airforce and Tank troops against the Wehrmacht, Panzerwaffe and the Luftwaffe in winter.


- Manual Placement of enemy Zones

- AI Revive, medics will automatically revive units (only if played in Multiplayer)


I've set up a google drive for the .pbo just rename DUWS-R-WESTERN-FRONT.Chernarus_winter.pbo to DUWS-R-WESTERN-FRONT.altis.pbo (for example) and put the file into the MP missions folder in the arma 3 root directory.

Google drive .pbo link

Requires Mods to play, you'll find em all on the Arma 3 Workshop, links are to the right in required items except for the map Chernarus Winter A3, you can get it here:

How to play and set up game:

- Play in multiplayer by hosting a LAN for SP an or Internet game for COOP (AI will revive you in multiplayer LAN or local host.)

- Choose class in lobby and edit parameters - optional (top right, disabling the AI limiter is recommended)

- Place HQ dialog will pop up. Choose Random or Manual then (I prefer to choose a location manually).

- HQ will spawn wherever you click on the map for manual or wherever random location is, then a large dialog box will pop up to set up the game. Most of this is self explanatory - choose amount of enemy zones (more than 4 or 5 will engage the AI limiter and may stop the AI commanders on both sides from sending out attacks (task forces) against each other). This AI limiter can be turned off in the parameters options in the lobby before starting the game.

- Set your starting Command Points "CP". These are used for purchasing empty Vehicles and High Command Squads and are increased by doing side missions. If you haven't used High Command squads before I'd suggest looking up a short tutorial on You Tube to find out how as they are very useful in this game mode to capture strategic locations and hold them whilst you are elsewhere.

- Set the Army power "AP" for both sides. This is the amount of resources that both sides have from the start. I usually set the enemy AP for the German forces to 200 and the US to 10 so that you have to build up strength before attacking enemy zones by doing side missions. However AP is increased by capturing and holding zones.

- The max distance from HQ is the maximum distance that a side mission will spawn from the HQ or FOB

- Other Options here are self explanatory

- Click Start or Continue (not sure exactly what the button says). Then you will be taken into the map to choose the locations of the enemy zones. Try to choose flatter areas that are not cluttered up by trees or buildings and left click. If the area is unsuitable a dialog box will show up in the top right. Keep trying you usually can get them to go where you want, even if the area looks too cluttered. The further apart you put them the harder it is for the enemy Commander to reinforce them and take them back (which makes for a boring game in my opinion) Set them up around 1, 2 or 3km from each other and they will mutually support each other. Or not its up to you. Once done the game will start.

- Your AI commander is in the HQ building, go to him for requesting units, supports, Virtual Arsenal (from Supports) and side missions. The "Recruit Special Operatives" option has hireable troops that gain experience points for doing side missions and capturing zones that will improve their effectiveness in battle, go back to that menu periodically to add these points to their attributes.

- Set up FOB's. Once you have captured a zone after maybe a couple of minutes you will get a support added to your 0-8 menu (press 0, then 8) called establish a FOB. They need to be within 250m of the centre of the zone to work and will spawn in with a small patrol and can be fortified if the AI limiter hasn't kicked in. The AI Commander will also eventually send reinforcements there to protect the zone but you should also consider sending some high command squads there to patrol the zone to protect it further. You can also buy from a smaller selection of troops, high command squads and vehicles, as well as teleport between FOB's and select side missions at the FOB.

- Save in MP or SP by pressing 0-8-1, it costs one Command point.

Known Bugs:

Wierd bug where there's a thin black line across the screen when driving or gunning in a vehicle. Its the map thats doing it for some reason and only with IFA3 vehicles. They don't do it on other maps, only this one.

Sometimes when you start once your HQ has been deployed the HQ Commander does not send out Task Force attacks against the Germans. This can be caused by spawning more than 4 or 5 enemy zones which will cause the AI limiter to kick in. This can be turned off via the parameters tab (top right) in multiplayer where you select your soldier, however this can slow down fps if your machine isn't up to it.

AT guns aren't very good at killing tanks, purchase a Single High Command Tank from the request squads menu to guard your HQ and learn how to use high command on youtube.

Make sure to destroy or at least immobilise any empty german vehicles, mainly halftracks as if you don't they will not be despawned by garbage collection which deletes bodies and immobilised or destroyed vehicles. This will help performance and also will help your AI commander to spawn tanks after you control 2 zones as the script that handles this is limited to 15 tanks and/or vehicles on the battlefield at a time, ie the script will count undestroyed or empty/undamaged german vehicles.

Please notify me of any other bugs and i'll try to fix em, I'm relatively new to coding, and ENJOY!!!

Check out the Summer version US vs Germans

Russians vs Germans

The Germans vs Russians Version is done. You guys wore me down by asking so many times, Enjoy.
Winter version Germans vs Russians

Check out my Vietnam War Version of DUWS
90 kommenttia
LT.DANG  [tekijä] 25.1.2021 klo 0.36 
LT.DANG  [tekijä] 2.3.2020 klo 0.08 

- Added US Weapons and Equipment Mod (needed to play).
- Changed Revive system to an updated version of AIS (works slightly differently but is a lot more user friendly).
- Added new AI spawning scripts to side missions for more infantry and 1 vehicle per side mission to make them harder. - Changed most of the IFA AI infantry to US General Accessories and equipment AI's .
- Fixed both sides tank's and planes not spawning due to IFA3 update.
LT.DANG  [tekijä] 28.11.2019 klo 21.41 
Just noticed that IFA3 changed some faction related stuff so for example they removed luftwaffe and panzerwaffe as a faction and put it all under the umbrella of wehrmacht and did the same with the red army so a fair bit of this will not be working properly, ie no planes or tanks spawning dynamically for either side. Haven't checked if they did the same for the Alllies. I MAY have finally cracked to the pressure of people asking for a Germans Vs Allies version, thinking about doing it for the Italy campaign where the Germans were defending against operation Husky. I'll try to fix these all soon, rather busy atm with work, red dead and jedi fallen order is next.
traveller771 17.6.2019 klo 0.41 
a wonderful addition to my collection
LT.DANG  [tekijä] 28.5.2019 klo 23.24 
Minor Update: Added the new Willy's jeep variants
Added a German Sdkfz222 to side missions to make them a bit harder and fixed some of the HQ sidechat comms that weren't working.
Added another German Tank to enemy zones. **NB** This slows down how fast the enemy zones can be spawned when using START M (manual enemy zone placement). Make sure to keep an eye on the bottom right messages that tell you when you can place the next zone.
LT.DANG  [tekijä] 23.5.2019 klo 17.38 
No worries thanks, yeah there was functionality in the dynamic music script that I modified but it put the "activate/deactivate music" option into the scroll wheel, which was really annoying as it got in the way so I disabled it. Duws-r already has one scroll wheel option for squad manager (if you have unlocked that ability) so having more just made it cluttered.
Tony 23.5.2019 klo 6.58 
After playing with it some more it's really a none issue, as you say turning the music volume down a tad is perfectly fine.

Keep up the good work, loving the missions so far
LT.DANG  [tekijä] 17.5.2019 klo 0.48 
Ok good idea, or you could just turn your in game music volume down in audio settings. I'll get to it one day.
Tony 16.5.2019 klo 10.45 
As much as I appreciate the effort with the soundtrack, an option to turn it off completely would be a nice addition in the parameters. Other than that this mission is definitely scratching this WW2 itch I've been having
LT.DANG  [tekijä] 9.5.2019 klo 23.39 
Added Parameter options for 101st Airborne Special Operatives or 1st ID
Added Parameter options for Soundtrack - Fury or Mixed WW2 films/series music
Added Halo jump support
Added Crusader AA Tank to Squad (High Command) purchase for some much needed AA support.
changed FOB ammo box contents to WW2 stuff.
Added my music mod to the dynamic music script, make sure to subscribe, its in required items above on the right.
Using CUP Terrains maps mod now for the Chernarus Winter map.