Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

47 ratings
Vlad Dracula the Impaler
New Workshop General: Campaigns, Graphics, Speech
New Workshop Languages: English, Spanish
File Size
29.554 MB
Oct 10, 2016 @ 10:22am
Mar 14, 2017 @ 9:04am
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Vlad Dracula the Impaler

Dark clouds were assembling at the horizon and one could feel a slight sweltering which was usual before a storm. A hollow thunder was grumbeling. The strong wind took some yellow leaves from the ground and threw them right into Benedict's face.

The grey-bearded man stopped for a moment and took a long breath. There he was, Benedict de Boithor, an old man, invited for dinner with Vlad Dracula. Oh, he knew exactly what such a dinner meant. Benedict hasn't become stupid in the end, he has become wise. Probably one hundred times now he asked himself how he had deserved such a dinner.
Too much suffering did Benedict see during his life. He saw how teutonic knights raged through his homeland, killed his relatives. Poland struck back and defeated the Teutonic Order at Tannenberg. But what of it? Suffering has always been and will always be, also here in Wallachia.

Benedict turned around once more and looked at the hanged men. Their legs moved slowly in the wind, their bodies almost completely rotten. He closed his eyes for a moment and went on, heading towards Dracula's castle.

The guard at the gate was an old man as well, his skin was marked by wrinkles and scars. Benedict recognized himself in that face. The two looked in their eyes and in that very moment they understood each other. Both have seen enough of the world. The guard opened the gate. "Dracula already awaits you", he said quietly.

And at the backyard of the castle Benedict finally faced him - Dracula! The tormentor of uncountable souls. The man with a never satisfied bloodthirst. They said that he was the son of Devil in person... Dracula made detemined steps towards Benedict. He was not very tall, but very stocky and strong, with a cold and terrible appearance, a strong and aquiline nose, swollen nostrils, a thin reddish face in which very long eyelashes framed large wide-open green eyes; the bushy black eyebrows made them appear threatening. His face and chin were shaven, but for a moustache. The swollen temples increased the bulk of his head. A bull's neck connected his head to his body from which black curly locks hung on his wide-shouldered person.

Dracula led Benedict to the dinner place. Great God! Dozens of human beings were impaed around the table! The smell of blood and the sweet smell of rotting were in the air. "Don't look weak, he's watching me!", thought Benedict.
Benedict swallowed the meal with a great effort and was struggling not to let it out. Most of the impaled persons were still alive, one of them even looked at Benedict...

Dracula made a quick sign with his hand and another stake was brought in, it was golden. Dracula gazed into Benedict's eyes and said: "This stake is golden, as an important person shall be impaled there, it's you! You have insulted me and will be killed right now. What do you say?"
"Stay calm!", thought Benedict, "It's merely a test". And as a Ploish nobleman, he had mastered a lot of tests made up by kings. He answered: "So it is my fault then. I serve you and if I have insulted you, it is up to you to judge me."

Dracula smiled. "A good answer. A brave man's answer", he said, "You will stay alive for you know how to talk to kings. You are free to go."

Bendedict took a deep breath. Another story to tell his grandchildren. If they weren't already dead...

Scenario designed by Roman Rausch translated and updated by igorhp.
It has its own soundtrack, so turn off the game music to play. You must play high speed (x2.0) for good trigger-coordination.

Available in english and spanish.
Tiger_Prince Feb 21, 2020 @ 2:57pm 
@ Silence Will Fall, Hi, i figured out the villager part. So i selected them all and assigned them to work on the burning rubble in the town then deleted each, one by one, by actual delete key not manual skull icon. Then I moved Dracula to the flag next to the town center, after moving him in this general area a couple more times the game should trigger and sing the good job song. Story should continue from there. It worked for me. Hope it helps everyone, happy gaming.
Striker Apr 19, 2019 @ 3:30pm 
I have completed the campaign to its fullest extent and the others that are stuck, well, you have to be overzealous with units and never stop creating them in chapter 5 when destroying the Turks. Also, go to Poenari castle. It doesnt matter about the Turks, just gate up where they come from and by the time they arrive, you can just flee and carry on with the story. Also, you have to attack each camp with a force of around 40 Huskarls, Halberdiers and Heavy Cavalry Archers (divide them roughly equal) and just keep creating units. The gold from the dead guy is a big help.

What i want to know is this, does the book of Judas Iscariot in the early chapters actually make a difference besides the bit of gold you get?
VicNic Mar 8, 2019 @ 12:14am 
What are the custom soundtracks' name? They are very nice!
TacoMaster Feb 26, 2019 @ 5:02am 
i have a problem. When i have cleaned up my country, i lose and cannot continue the game. Did i miss something or is it a bug
Silence Will Fall Feb 20, 2019 @ 6:59am 
i have a problem with gathering the vilagers in the village centre. i have them in front of the town centre and nothing triggers?
Brick Slayer Jul 12, 2018 @ 7:28am 
First off I need to say that this is perhaps one of the best scenarios out there in the workshop, and that I'm really enjoying it. It really shows cruel of a man dracula really was.

But I'm having a problem with the 5th chapter where you have to fight the turks. After destroying their 4 camps you either need to defeat all turks on the map (I'm not sure how to do that, castle farangas is on an isolated piece of land) or flee to Poenari Castle. The issue here is that the last camp I destroyed was the one bottom one which is closest to the ottoman camp where you start chapter 1 in, so it's literally impossible to send Dracula to the fort in time before the turkish canons bring down Castle Farangas.
navalones Mar 3, 2018 @ 8:48am 
Hola. No puedo iniciarlo por que me faltan algunos DLC, es necesario tener todos instalados? Conquerors, The Forgotten, etc. Me he quedado con las ganas de poder jugarlo.
Rosso Apr 10, 2017 @ 7:52pm 
I had a problem with a trigger when Dracula flees from Poenari Castle. When he escaped, Fargeras Castle is automatically destroyed and, therefore, the game announces that I am defeated because of it. Is there some kind of trigger that I missed or bug or something like that?
x_BluePhoenix_x Oct 20, 2016 @ 12:17pm 
Great idea!
Sir Phantom Oct 19, 2016 @ 8:45am 
Mereces un premio por esta gran historia. Impresionante diseño gráfico, excelente edición y, por supuesto, una impactante musicalización. ¡Jugar este escenario es un lujo, Igorhp, muchas gracias!