Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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Brodo's Taunt Pack
New Workshop General: Speech, Taunts
New Workshop Languages: English
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802.556 MB
Jan 30, 2016 @ 6:50pm
Feb 21, 2016 @ 9:21pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Brodo's Taunt Pack

This is just a mod a made for me and my friends.

Here is the taunt list (out of order) . I used cmd line to print this list and I didn't get the sorting down but here it is anyway.

01 Yes.mp3
02 No.mp3
03 Food, please.mp3
04 Wood, please.mp3
05 Gold, PLease.mp3
06 Stone, please.mp3
07 Ahh.mp3
08 All Hail.mp3
09 Oooh.mp3
10 Back to Age 1.mp3
100 Uh Huh.mp3
101 AWww yeah Luke Rap.mp3
102 Pet the horses.mp3
108 Luke Rap Full.mp3
109 Rockin and Rollin cut.mp3
11 Herb laugh.mp3
110 It's working!.mp3
112 Its not True (Star Wars).mp3
113 Thats impossible! (Star Wars).mp3
114 Nooo! Noooo! Luke (Star Wars).mp3
115 Nooooo Luke (Star Wars).mp3
116 (Star Wars) You should not have come back.mp3
117 Wipe them out - all of them.mp3
118 You said people gonna die.mp3
119 Embarassing Jar Jar (Star Wars).mp3
12 Being rushed.mp3
120 Ye Gods Jar Jar (Star Wars).mp3
121 Ahhhh Muy Muy Jar Jar (Star Wars).mp3
122 CaWazy Jar Jar (Star Wars).mp3
123 DissenBerry Bad Jar Jar (Star Wars).mp3
124 Exqueeze me Jar Jar (Star Wars).mp3
125 No not really Jar Jar (Star Wars).mp3
126 Robbed Jar Jar (Star Wars).mp3
127 If you are not with me then you are my enemy (Star Wars).mp3
128 I will do what I must (star wars).mp3
129 You will try. (Star Wars).mp3
13 Blame your isp.mp3
130 I Have the High Ground! (Star Wars).mp3
131 You Underestimate My Power (Star Wars).mp3
132 Chosen one long loud edition. (Star Wars).mp3
133 Chosen one... (Star Wars).mp3
134 I Hate you (Star Wars).mp3
135 You were my brother Anakin! I loved you (Star Wars).mp3
136 Hello (Potion Seller).mp3
137 To Strong (Potion Seller).mp3
14 Start the game.mp3
15 Don't Point That Thing.mp3
150 Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber.mp3
154 Trololo-Family Guy.mp3
155 (Austin Powers) I shall call him mini me.mp3
157 (Austin Powers) I'm gonna get you Austin Powers.mp3
16 Enemy Sighted.mp3
160 You are outmatched, you have no heavy cavalry.mp3
161 (Stewie) SAY WHAT!.mp3
163 Yes i'm sorry, I do not speak english, ok.mp3
17 It Is Good.mp3
175 DO IT (Shia Labeouf).mp3
176 Just do it (Shia Labeouf).mp3
177 If your tired of starting over (Shia Labeouf).mp3
178 Just do it Remix Intro.mp3
18 I Need a Monk.mp3
184 Now listen to me, I beg of you not to do this.mp3
19 Long Time No Siege.mp3
190 Remember to upgrade at the blacksmith, you do have a blacksmith right.mp3
191 What's it like knowing your about to die.mp3
193 I cant cope with this, I will go lie down somewhere.mp3
199 Ain't Nobody Got Time for That. mp3.mp3
20 My granny.mp3
200 Boil Dripping Beef (Hook).mp3
201 Fart Factory (Hook).mp3
202 Pan the Man (Hook).mp3
203 Bomb (Hook).mp3
207 Throw me a freakin bone here, i'm the boss, need the info.mp3
208 Uh can u remind me what i pay you people for, honestly throw me a bone here.mp3
21 Nice Town I'll Take It.mp3
213 behold, the hoard of genghis khan approaches.mp3
214 It's genghis khan! we must flee!.mp3
22 Quit Touchin.mp3
222 Baby crying.mp3
223 Always two there are, a master and an apprentice.mp3
23 Raiding Party.mp3
24 Dadgum.mp3
241 Your armies are too close to my city, stand down.mp3
247 I feel I must apologize for the conduct of my nation in the war.mp3
248 Always look on the bright side of life.mp3
25 Smite Me.mp3
253 We come in peace, shoot to kill x3.mp3
254 We attack under the cover of daylight.mp3
255 Won't you let me live, won't you please.mp3
257 It was not what I wanted!.mp3
26 The wonder.mp3
260 Sir Yes Sir.mp3
267 Tell me where the rest of your men are hiding.mp3
27 You play 2 hours.mp3
271 Laughter.mp3
273 BnB Laughter.mp3
275 You done messed up!.mp3
28 You Should See the Other Guy.mp3
284 You never meant to keep you word, you have no honor, you are a cheat and a liar.mp3
29 Roggan.mp3
297 A most excellent idea sire.mp3
298 We won - victory.mp3
30 Wololo.mp3
300 THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!.mp3
301 This is Sparta Remix!!!.mp3
302 This is where we hold them! This is where we fight!.mp3
305 Davin dying cut.mp3
306 What is he doing to me (Ethan).mp3
308 Bagpipes.mp3
309 More bagpipes.mp3
31 Attack an Enemy Now.mp3
311 Drums.mp3
315 Just what the heck do you think you're doin.mp3
317 Hail to the King Baby.mp3
32 Cease Creating Extra Villagers.mp3
324 I'm just curious, why am i so good.mp3
325 (Akira) They found us - run for it.mp3
33 Create Extra Villagers.mp3
330 French Guard's insults in Monty Python.mp3
331 Hello, my name is Indigo Mantoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.mp3
333 Inconceiveable.mp3
334 I am noone to be trifle with, that is all you ever need know.mp3
34 Build a Navy.mp3
344 you tell your king, William Wallace will not be ruled.mp3
35 Stop Building a Navy.mp3
350 For Narnia.mp3
36 Wait for My Signal to Attack.mp3
362 Impressive.mp3
363 Our base is under attack.mp3
364 go,go,go,go,go,go.mp3
365 GO!.mp3
366 You are making me so angry.mp3
37 Build a Wonder.mp3
376 (Aliens) Thats it man Game Over.mp3
38 Give Me Your Extra Resources.mp3
39 Nom Nom Nom pt1.mp3
394 (Monty Python) I'll Bite Your Legs Off.mp3
396 Bring out yer dead.mp3
397 I'll kill you I ain't playing.mp3
40 Nom Nom Nom pt2.mp3
41 Nom Nom Nom pt3.mp3
42 Is there a move that will make a man crap his pants.mp3
43 Cut the Kiddie stuff.mp3
431 This is the coolest thing I have ever seen.mp3
434 Its Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!.mp3
437 Nyan Cat.mp3
44 Ultimate punch.mp3
443 Super Mario loses life.mp3
445 Super Mario gets star.mp3
45 Ancestors protect me.mp3
458 what are ya gonna do bleed on me.mp3
459 oh lord bless this thine hand grenade that with it thou shalt blow thine enemys to tiny bits in thy mercy.mp3
46 Cool beans.mp3
465 no thanks necessary my good man i was just doing my duty.mp3
47 Cooler heads.mp3
48 Have fun.mp3
49 Quiet place.mp3
498 mongols! we are doomed for certain.mp3
50 Cooler heads.mp3
50 Youll respect me.mp3
502 Leave me alone.mp3
506 Muse - Uprising.mp3
51 Lets finish this the way we started it.mp3
512 Whos The Brains in this Outfit.mp3
514 You know, sometimes I feel like you guys don't want me to.mp3
515 I seem to have died Is that okay.mp3
52 Lets finish this the way we started it (Together Forever).mp3
520 sabre_dance.mp3
523 goodbadugly.mp3
525 Over, nothing is over until we decide it is.mp3
528 Let's go, let's go, I'm bored, let's go.mp3
53 I love magic.mp3
536 And monkeys might fly out of my butt.mp3
544 I really gotta pee.mp3
547 roland's quest - rochester is defeated.mp3
548 Here They Come - Fire.mp3
555 What are they paying you - I'll double it.mp3
557 Well Well we meet again.mp3
561 Its Over 9000!!!.mp3
565 Why This Kolaveri Di.mp3
566 baby crying (autotuned).mp3
568 You are so dumb.mp3
588 I know your admiration for me is great, as it should be.mp3
589 Be gone - you have occupied my lands for far too long.mp3
590 Bowmen ready.mp3
591 Draw arrows.mp3
592 Attack.mp3
618 trumpet playing - taps.mp3
624 The Beatles - Help.mp3
638 Anytime you wanna get into the fight just jump on in 1.mp3
639 Try to distract him, i've got a plan.mp3
649 (Aliens) Now What Are We Supposed to Do.mp3
653 Ahh! you Eediot!.mp3
654 HahAhahaHa.mp3
655 takefreedom.mp3
656 bye bye boys, have fun storming the castle.mp3
657 you'd like to think that wouldn't you.mp3
658 are you ready for a war Yeah.mp3
665 gonna kill us, run, RUN!.mp3
668 Oh what i'm gonna do to you.mp3
670 pffft Oh, you farted.mp3
675 May i have your attention please.mp3
677 Will the real Slim Shady please stand up.mp3
678 Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me.mp3
685 I Get Knocked Down, then I Get Up Again.mp3
687 Yeeehaaa.mp3
689 I'll teach you to come near my city.mp3
740 cause i am a noob.mp3
761 is this the right room for an arguement.mp3
787 Icey cried for Ents Marching Song.mp3
789 LotR music 2.mp3
792 Khazad Dum music.mp3
793 Minas Tirith music.mp3
803 Hobbits to isengard middle.mp3
804 Hobbits to isenga
Brodo T Baggins  [author] Feb 21, 2016 @ 9:22pm 
It works just like the other taunts in age of empires. It just has additional taunts.
oiv Feb 2, 2016 @ 12:19pm 
how does this work?