

Not enough ratings
1.灾厄 Calamity Mod
2.灾厄:音乐包 Calamity Mod Music
3.灾厄:额外音乐包 Vanilla Calamity Mod Music
4.灾厄:星流巨械替换曲 Calamity Alternate Exo Mechs Theme
5.灾厄:亵渎天神夜晚形态替换曲 Calamity Night Providence Theme
6.灾厄:移植音乐包 Calamity Mod Extra Music
7.灾厄:Bossrush额外音乐包 CalamityMod BossRush Music Expansion
9.灾厄:灾劫 Catalyst Mod
10.灾厄:灾劫末世星挑战限制移除 Catalyst Anti-Tier Lock
11.灾厄:灾劫喷气背包 Andromeda Aeropack for Catalyst
13.灾厄:虚荣 Calamity's Vanities
14.灾厄:虚荣汉化补丁 zh-Hans localization for Calamity's Vanity
15.灾厄:炼狱 Calamity Mod Infernum Mode
16.灾厄:炼狱音乐包 Infernum Mode Music
17.灾厄:炼狱额外音乐包 Paranoia
18.灾厄:炼狱大师&传奇限制移除 Infernum Master and Legendary Modes Patch
19.灾厄:炼狱bug修复 Infernum Multiplayer Patch
20.灾厄:至尊巨蛤 Clamity Addon
21.灾厄:至尊巨蛤音乐包 Clamity Music Mod
22.灾厄:至尊巨蛤汉化补丁 至尊巨蛤汉化
23.灾厄:灾熵 Calamity Entropy
24.灾厄:旧神之猎 Calamity: Hunt of the Old God
25.灾厄:众神之怒 Calamity: Wrath of the Gods
26.灾厄:众神之怒诺克萨斯替换曲 Noxus New Music
27.灾厄:众神之怒天钻饰品 Calamity Gem Tech Post-Noxus
28.灾厄:众神之怒天钻饰品汉化补丁 灾厄天钻饰品汉化
29.灾厄:修普诺斯 Hypnos in Calamity Mod
30.灾厄:外神史莱姆 Sloome (calamity Expansion)
31.灾厄:外神史莱姆汉化补丁 SloomeCN(灾厄外神)
32.灾厄:钨钢鳄鱼 Wulfrum Alligator Mod
34.灾厄:酸雨元素 Acid Waifu
35.灾厄:酸雨元素:汉化补丁 酸雨元素汉化
36.灾厄:旧物复苏 Calamity Demutation
37.灾厄:神龛物品制作 Calamity Craftable Shrine Items
38.灾厄:武器大修 Calamity Overhaul
39.灾厄:射手拓展 Calamity Ranger Expansion
40.灾厄:鞭子拓展 Unofficial Calamity Whips
41.灾厄:鞭子拓展汉化补丁 灾厄鞭子汉化
42.灾厄:盗贼拓展 Calamity Rogue Stealth Strikes Only
43.灾厄:喷火器拓展 Calamity Flamethrowers
44.灾厄:鞋子拓展 Calamity Treads
45.灾厄:兑换币 Calamity Loot Swap
46.灾厄:兑换币汉化补丁 灾厄兑换币汉化
47.灾厄:吟游诗人与乐师拓展 Unofficial Calamity Bard & Healer
48.灾厄:药水装饰品拓展 Calamity Decorative Potions
49.灾厄:上色的圣物 Colored Calamity Relics
50.灾厄:更多能制作的物品 Craftable Calamity Items
51.灾厄:点击者 Calamity Clickers
52.灾厄:点击者汉化补丁 灾厄点击者Mod-汉化
53.灾厄:更好的天顶剑 Better zenith in Calamity
54.灾厄:真·鬼妖村正 Calamity Attached: More Murasama
55.灾厄:无尽星空 The Ultimate Infinite Star
56.灾厄:更多传颂之物 More Lore - Calamity Lore for Non-Calamity Bosses!
57.灾厄:更多传颂之物汉化补丁 LoreAddonCN(更多传颂之物)
58.灾厄:魔影套潜行值 CalamityMod to Demonshade of Rogue Stealth
59.灾厄:可出售的蘑菇 Sellable Mushrooms Calamity
60.灾厄:神吞贴图修改 6ekoh'sDoG
61.灾厄:物品稀有度词条 Calamity Rarities
62.灾厄:矿石商人 Calamity Ore NPC
63.灾厄:矿石商人汉化补丁 CalOreNPCCN(灾厄矿石商)
64.灾厄:更多灾厄弹药 MCA: More calamity ammunitions
65.灾厄:拓展 Vanquish Mod (Calamity Addon)
66.灾厄:宠物癫痫鸟 [1.4.4] Bumblebirb Pet
67.灾厄:法师饰品拓展 Calamity Mage Addon (Accessory Update)
Items (67)
Calamity Mod
Created by Fabsol
Calamity Mod Discord Official Wiki The Calamity Mod is a vast content mod that creates a new and refreshing experience for Terraria! With this mod comes a slew of new bosses, unique and challenging difficulty modes, over a thousand new items, new NPCs, and...
Calamity Mod Music
Created by Fabsol
Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki This mod adds the Calamity soundtrack and music boxes for each of its songs. It is intended to be used alongside the Calamity Mod, but can be used alone. You will need to use the Calamity Mod in order to naturally o...
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music
Created by apotofkoolaid
Vanilla Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki Vanilla Calamity Music Mod (aka VCMM) is an in-progress music expansion for Calamity. It aims to replace the entire vanilla Terraria soundtrack with new songs made in the context of the Calamity soundtrack. ...
Calamity Alternate Exo Mechs Theme
Created by apotofkoolaid
Calamity Alternate Exo Mechs Theme This mod makes the Exo Mechs fight use DM DOKURO's remix of 'Run!' from Cave Story instead of the normal theme. It also adds a music box and item toggle for the song. A decent amount of people wanted this, so here it is. ...
Calamity Night Providence Theme
Created by apotofkoolaid
Calamity Night Providence Theme This mod makes the nightime Providence fight use a high quality rip of Unholy Insurgency by the team behind the SilvaGunner YouTube channel. If you've been a fan of the Calamity Mod for a while, you may notice something quit...
Calamity Mod Extra Music
Created by Tabletop Simulator
A port of the 1.3 mod "Calamity Mod Extra Music", with permission from ENNWAY (aka Turquoise, composer of all the music). Now on 1.4.4! This mod aims to add themes for vanilla features that don't already have unique themes. This mod is client-side, so you ...
CalamityMod BossRush Music Expansion
Created by WxoKl_
"CalamityMod BossRush Music Expansion" Adds 2 new themes to the boss rush in the Calamity Mod: Tier 4 and Tier 5 themes. These songs are made by The mod is compatible with Please note that "CalamityMod BossRush Music Expansion" is an independent mod and is...
◆ Calamity Chinese Translation Patch ◆ 灾厄汉化补丁 ◆
Created by Kcovin
Introduce This is the unofficial Chinese translation patch of Calamity Mod ...
Catalyst Mod
Created by apotofkoolaid
Catalyst Mod Discord Official Wiki The Catalyst Mod is a new game+ style add-on for the Calamity Mod. It currently adds various new items and enemies, some based on the superboss Astrageldon. The mod is planned to add much more content in the future, such ...
Catalyst Anti-Tier Lock
Created by Snek
The Catalyst Mod has this annoying restriction where you can't fight Astrageldon post-Moon Lord. This mod removes that restriction. That's it. Go have fun. Developed By Snek...
Andromeda Aeropack for Catalyst
Created by the catboy
You have landed the final hit to the multidimensional destroyer, you see it writhe and collapse onto itself from how unstable it is getting at every second, trying to hold on to existence itself. But alas, it bursts open and letting out such a spectacular ...
Created by 虚空大队友
这是一个AndromedaAP1.4.4版本汉化(直接订阅) 使用方法 1.同时订阅AndromedaAP和本Mod 2.进入tml,在模组管理中同时启用AndromedaAP和本Mod 3.安装完成,进行游戏 AndromedaAP是一个灾劫模组额外内容模组,他为灾劫模组添加了一个末世星史莱姆后的翅膀以填补异宇星凝套没有对应的翅膀的缺憾 0.1更新全部汉化 感谢@moon_ditch 大佬的帮助,让我学会了如何制作汉化 如果有需要汉化的模组,我可以帮忙汉化 Developed By yuyan2023...
Calamity's Vanities
Created by GinYuH
Calamity's Vanities Discord Official Wiki Calamity's Vanities is a mod which aims to add more vanity items/pets to the Calamity mod. The mod does not require Calamity to run. Note: This mod is not an official addon to Calamity, rather just a fun fan made m...
zh-Hans localization for Calamity's Vanity
Created by uisdfja
This is the Simplified Chinese translation mod for Calamity's Vanities. No hidden code, extract the localization file if u need. Developed By nobody...
Calamity Mod Infernum Mode
Created by Imogen
An extension mod for Calamity that adds an extra difficulty - Infernum This difficulty is harder than Death mode and can be activated with the difficulty selection UI in Calamity. The primary focus of the mod is expansive reworking of boss AIs. Some bosses...
Infernum Mode Music
Created by Imogen
Special music for the Infernum Mode. Works without Infernum enabled. Do note that PinpinNeon, the musician and owner of these tracks, intends and wishes for this music mod to be used during infernum mode fights! While you're free to use this music mod outs...
Created by Penrosian
Replaces "Storm before Dawn" in the headphones with "Paranoia" by Kentenshii. Unlikely to be updated. Special music for the Infernum Mode. Works without Infernum enabled. Do note that PinpinNeon, the musician and owner of these tracks, intends and wishes f...
Infernum Master and Legendary Modes Patch
Created by rawJIo
This mod removes Calamity Infernum Mode limitations that disable you to play it with Master Mode and For the Worthy or Zenith (getfixedboi) secret seed enabled. Thanks to Infernum Mode developers for making it a lot easier to make this patch in the update ...
Infernum Multiplayer Patch
Created by squid
As of 12/24/23, almost all of this mod's fixes have been included into the main Infernum mod. This mod now only contains two fixes: -Moon Lord becoming invisible when killing an eye -Moon Lord not properly telegraphing attacks -Argus spawning infinitely wh...
Clamity Addon
Created by WitherTaco
Clamitas Addon is mod for Calamity which adds content from Calamity Fandom wiki and not only, but with high quality of realization as posible (second Calamity Community Remix). This mod focusing on adding bosses Mod has official support of English and Russ...
Clamity Music Mod
Created by WitherTaco
Don't play without Clamity Addon This is music mod of Clamity Addon. Mod work without Clamity (Only mini-boss themes), but unable to use clamity music Music of: Own themes of Clamity Addon Bosses (Clamitas, Pyrogen) Placeholder theme of Wall of Bronze Clam...
Created by 虚空大队友
这是一个Clamity1.4.4版本汉化(直接订阅) 使用方法 1.同时订阅Clamity和本Mod 2.进入tml,在模组管理中同时启用Clamity和本Mod 3.安装完成,进行游戏 CJMOD是一个灾厄添加模组,为灾厄(calamity mod)添加了许多新道具和一个新boss 通过拆包发现这里面居然还有好多东西,该模组会持续更新 Developed By yuyan2023...
Calamity Entropy
Created by CLE_NSNighten
This mod is an expansion of CalamityMod. -What we added- 2 new boss weapons Accessories new bossbar style Armor Prefixes some new pet Auric toilet that can sit Auric Boulder We will continue to add more new content in the future -Credits- Polaris: Leader, ...
Calamity: Hunt of the Old God
Created by mgsts
This mod adds something horrible. Fight the one and only Goozma in this Calamity Mod addon. Main programmer - caligulasAquarium Mastermind - AmmyanDocCiesh Additional programmers - MisterGoodLuck, Tomat, YuH Main spriter - THEREDSTONEBRO Additional spriter...
Calamity: Wrath of the Gods
Created by Lucille
A random side project done as a means of enjoyment alongside bigger things. Implements a Noxus and light deity boss fight based on one of the Calamity Mod's old ideas. Don't expect other such projects. If I make more it'll be because I want to. This mod ha...
Noxus New Music
Created by WitherTaco
This mod replace Noxus`s (placeholder) theme with MicelTheGuy56`s Funmade Noxus Theme (INFINITE ASCENSION) Developed By WitherTaco, MicelTheGuy56...
Calamity Gem Tech Post-Noxus
Created by Yharim Gaming
I didn't like how useless Gem Tech armor was, so now it can be used to make an accessory with the same benefits after defeating Noxus in Wrath of the Gods. Mod description-ing is hard... Developed By EclipseSword...
Created by 虚空大队友
这是灾厄天钻饰品的汉化模组 灾厄天钻饰品添加了诺克萨斯(因此,需要前置模组众神之怒)后的饰品,可将天钻套装合成为对应的饰品以避免天钻套装时期的尴尬 另外,请看我的灾厄钨钢鳄鱼的汉化的描述 Developed By yuyan2024...
Hypnos in Calamity Mod
Created by GinYuH
Hypnos Mod Discord Hypnos' Wiki Page It’s the one and only XP-00 Hypnos! 100% faithfully recreates from his page on the officially unofficial Fandom Calamity Mod Wiki!!! The mod contains: The one and only XP-00 Hypnos and his legion of 12 trusty Aergia Neu...
Sloome (calamity Expansion)
Created by John
I(IMPORTANT! THIS MODE IS NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED) -----CURRENTLY ADDS----- A super boss that can be fought post game. 1 Regular boss A few different slimes. like Auric slimes. Readd's and modifies some removed calamity content. Sloome NPC and Disassemb...
Created by le_bien_qui
这是Sloome-灾厄外神的汉化,该模组是CalamityMod-灾厄的附属模组,添加了许多强力的武器以及两个强大的boss 希望您获得好的游戏体验 汉化合集链接: Developed By Priest...
Wulfrum Alligator Mod
Created by SkullShot
Adds the mythical Wulfrum Alligator, finally allowing Calamity to be playable UPDATE - Version 1.1 - Now functions without Calamity - Wulfrum Alligator drops significantly more money on kill - New config (have fun with this one) Developed By skullshot...
Created by 虚空大队友
钨钢鳄鱼模组为灾厄添加了新的生物-钨钢鳄鱼 另外,我和永恒君的事件属于误会,双方已进行沟通...
Acid Waifu
Created by Drentel
THE ACID WAIFU THE ACID WAIFU IS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAL Adds the Acid Waifu (Sulphur Elemental), as per the fandom calamity wiki. Animation by yours truly. She's not exactly how described on the wiki, but she's in game and it's all that matters. Get her summo...
Created by 虚空大队友
这是一个AcidWaifu1.4.4版本汉化(直接订阅) 使用方法 1.同时订阅AcidWaifu和本Mod 2.进入tml,在模组管理中同时启用AcidWaifu和本Mod 3.安装完成,进行游戏 AcidWaifu是一个灾厄添加mod,添加了酸雨元素召唤杖,获取方式为在血月时钓鱼。 Developed By yuyan2023...
Calamity Demutation
Created by 凝视那侧颜
Add removed items back to CalamityMod(weapons、accessories、potions、the special effect of lore items......) Add some useful configs......(toggle texture、change your cursors......) 120+ Items ...... ...... ...... The mod is constantly being updated 最新几次更新日志: ...
Calamity Craftable Shrine Items
Created by 小水母暮雾儿
You can use this mod to craft items that can only be found in shrines As we all know, these shrine items can not be found by players very smoothly Now you can craft these items: Trinket of Chi,Luxor's Gift,Tundra Leash,Onyx Excavator Key,Gladiator's Locket...
Calamity Overhaul
Created by HoCha113
-Calamity Overhaul Mod- The introductory music in the preview video might be quite loud, so please prepare accordingly or lower your computer’s volume if you wish to watch it. The Calamity Overhaul Mod aims to enhance and expand the gaming experience of th...
Calamity Ranger Expansion
Created by 承影
Join our discord sever Calamity Ranger Expansion is a mod that provides several extra ranger ammunitions and accessories, in order to provides more options for rangers and play for fun, instead of doing strict researches about "Who is the strongest equipme...
Unofficial Calamity Whips
Created by Poroboros
Do you like whips? Do you like Calamity? So do we! Unofficial Calamity Whips is a mod that aims to add several whips to the Calamity mod, in order to fill in progression gaps for summoner whip builds. DISCLAIMER: Unofficial Calamity Whips is in no way affi...
Created by Flandre Scarlet
This mod is a Chinese Translation Patch of Unofficial Calamity Whips This mod is a Chinese Translation Patch of Unofficial Calamity Whips Developed By moon.ditch...
Calamity Rogue Stealth Strikes Only
Created by GinYuH
Calamity Stealth Strikes only Have you ever found yourself having too low of a focus to use Calamity's rogue stealth strikes? Well this is the mod for you! This mod forces the player to only be able to use rogue weapons if the player has enough stealth to ...
Calamity Flamethrowers
Created by GinYuH
Calamity Flamethrowers Adds a flamethrower for almost every Calamity boss that doesn't have one. Note: May not be completely balanced yet All flamethrowers have a 25% drop rate in Normal Mode and 33% in Expert Mode (except the sentinels which have a third ...
Calamity Treads
Created by 0Pixelated0
This is a replacement for the currently outdated mod of the same premise check it out if you play on 1.4.3 Thanks 虚空大队友 for the chinese translation Developed By 0Pixelated0 This mod has been...
Calamity Loot Swap
Created by GinYuH
Calamity Loot Swap Lets you switch between drops from Calamity bosses using new "Manipulator" items Notes: Manipulators have a 100% drop rate from most bosses You can craft the Manipulators with the boss' ""expert"" drop Profaned Guardians and Eidolon Wyrm...
Created by 虚空大队友
这是一个CalamityLootSwap1.4.4版本汉化(直接订阅) 使用方法 1.同时订阅CalamityLootSwap和本Mod 2.进入tml,在模组管理中同时启用CalamityLootSwap和本Mod 3.安装完成,进行游戏 CalamityLootSwap是一个灾厄添加模组,为灾厄(calamity mod)添加了许多道具兑换币以将Boss掉落物进行等价交换。 另外,我想在此说一下我想说的事。 我刚刚入坑还是一名萌新时,tmodloder还是在1.3版本,当时下载模组的方法还是在网页或个人...
Unofficial Calamity Bard & Healer
Created by N0t_UNowen
This mod aims to add Thorium bard and healer class content based off of the Calamity, Catalyst, Infernum and Hunt of the Old God mods Most of the weapons are obtained either through killing bosses, crafting with world materials, decrypting schematics or ex...
Calamity Decorative Potions
Created by WitherTaco
Calamity Decorative Potions adds some placeable decorative Potion and Alcohol tiles! Each potion, flask and Alcohol from calamity has a decorative version, crafted using one potion at a heavy workbench This mod inspired by original Decorative Potions mod M...
Colored Calamity Relics
Created by Altixal
Adds color to every relic from the Calamity Mod. If relics were placed without the mod loaded prior, break and re-place the relic to add the colors. Note that the mod places variants of relic tiles, and unloading the mod will also unload any existing relic...
Craftable Calamity Items
Created by Aqurtex
This mod lets you craft some items that are uncraftable in the mod and sometimes are a pain to grind. Thanks to my friend Pezus who helped me with some errors in the code. This mod adds recipes for the next items, the items are ordered from oldest to lates...
Calamity Clickers
Created by WitherTaco
Calamity Clicker is addon which adds new clickers where used calamity materials or dropped from calamity bosses. He also adds an new accessories (primary of upgrades of existing) and class helmet for calamity armors This addon contain: 10 Pre-Hardmode, 18 ...
Created by 謎の日
该Mod是Calamity Clickers (Active Develpment - Early Hardmode Stage) 灾厄点击者的汉化 If your native language is not Chinese, you don't have to download it 只需要订阅该Mod并在游戏内启用它就可以了,但注意该Mod需要开启CalamityMod, ClickerClass和CalamityClickers才能使用 然后就是有些地方的翻译可能有点问题(机翻+自己想的) 最后,祝...
Better zenith in Calamity
Created by ZE-star
Make zenith have more damage in the Calamity mod Current Changes: zenith: Weapon damage been increased from 210(CalamityMod) to 245; Use time reduced by 40%. Certainly! If you find zenith too powerful, please leave a message and I will make the necessary c...
Calamity Attached: More Murasama
Created by 猫猫
Developed By Caleigh&猫猫...
The Ultimate Infinite Star
Created by 锯角Serrat Antler
This module adds two terminal weapons Nemesis and Ultimate Infinite Star which may make your game's final stage more interesting, You can choose to play this module independently, but that only counts as a weapon experience. The two weapons needs to be mad...
More Lore - Calamity Lore for Non-Calamity Bosses!
Created by Skulgan
An unofficial bridge between Calamity's lore and other mods that does what it says on the tin. Note that all currently written lore items are subject to have their lore changed for any reason. Currently supported mods are: - Consolaria - Thorium - Assorted...
Created by le_bien_qui
这是More Lore - Calamity Lore for Non-Calamity Bosses!-更多传颂之物的汉化,该模组是CalamityMod的附属模组,添加了非灾厄boss的传颂之物。 希望您获得好的游戏体验 汉化合集链接: Developed By Priest...
CalamityMod to Demonshade of Rogue Stealth
Created by 朗朗晴天
为灾厄模组的魔影套添加潜行值 Added stealth to Calamity mod's Shadow Set Developed By Len...
Sellable Mushrooms Calamity
Created by pinny
allows you to sell mushrooms in calamity because calamity disabled it because it sucks idk Developed By pinny...
Created by 理塘丁真
修改了二阶段神吞贴图,由b站@6ekoh绘制 Changes the sprites of DoG Phase 2,By 6ekoh Thanks 6ekoh,杜格Doggo 【看了神吞新贴图晚上睡不着,遂熬夜画了一套贴图重置版-哔哩哔哩】 Developed By 6ekoh,杜格Doggo,你说柿不柿...
Calamity Rarities
Created by The Golden Knight
Calamity has added ModRarity support to their items as of Calamity v2.0.1.2. This mod now only gives Calamity items with unique rarities ModRarity compatibility. Config Options Use Unique Rarities: Enable this to give calamity items with unique colored tex...
Calamity Ore NPC
Created by Finnblade
PROGRESSION BASED CALAMITY SUPPORTED CALAMITY ORE NPC BIG UPDATE (v1.1): Added Jin the Glitch into the mix! Changelog (v1.2): Added Metanova Ores (Catalyst Mod) and Ancient Healing Stone - a new item! Big Note: If you don't see ores, please note that this ...
Created by le_bien_qui
这是CalamityOreNPC-灾厄矿石商的汉化,该模组添加了售卖灾厄矿石的商人 希望您获得好的游戏体验 汉化合集链接: Developed By Priest...
MCA: More calamity ammunitions
Created by Blue
More calamity ammo! This mod adds more variety into calamitys ammo types, tired of the god slayer slugs? just use auric rounds! The mod also will add more consumable rouge weapons, and weapons that use unique ammo types like dart guns There currently is: 9...
Vanquish Mod (Calamity Addon)
Created by mars
Vanquish Mod NOT RECOMMENDED FOR INEXPERIENCED OR CASUAL PLAYERS An extension for Calamity Mod that adds extra UI and gameplay mechanics. Please DM me or create a ticket on discord if you find any bugs or have quesions. DISCORD INVITE LINK The focus of thi...
[1.4.4] Bumblebirb Pet
Created by GinYuH
Calamity Bumblebirb Pet Adds a pet Bumblebirb that drops from The Calamity Mod's Dragonfolly with a 33% drop rate The mod does not require Calamity. Birb pet sprites by Krysmun Item sprites by Blockaroz Discord for support: 3....
Calamity Mage Addon (Accessory Update)
Created by std::vector<double>
This mod aims to make mage a more pleasant class to play with Currently buffs most mage accessories and plans to buff/rework some mage weapons when the official rework is done Modified item list: All mana flower variants All celestial magnet variants Mana ...