

423 ratings
Vivi Race
Mod, 1.5
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Dec 28, 2024 @ 6:24am
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Vivi Race

Vivi, the honey bee fairy
Vivi is a bee fairy who has lived on a faraway planet for a long time.
There was a time when they thrived, but now they have lost much of their technology and live scattered.
They used to avoid contact with outsiders, but now, as the planet gets more polluted and there are fewer Vivis, they have started to trade resources to survive.
Build a new hive, make it prosper, and forge a future.


Vivi are divided into two types: Royal Vivi and Common Vivi.
Royal Vivi lay eggs to spread their offspring and have very long lifespans. They mainly lead the Common Vivi, but have poor working skills and move slowly.
Common Vivi are fast movers, but they have very short lifespans and cannot reproduce.


Vivi are skilled in building and gardening and generally have cheerful personalities, but they lack combat abilities and have almost no talent for mining.
They also have no interest in romance and instinctively fear fire, fleeing at the sight of it.
Vivi are used to living in groups, treating barracks as if they were their personal rooms, and are minimally affected by the death of a comrade.

Breeding & Caring

Vivi grow much faster than humans. To ensure that the fast-growing Vivi develop their skills efficiently, consistently feed them rice cakes made from pollen and honey.
To raise a new Royal Vivi, you must feed them expensive royal jelly from a young age.

Vivi's genetics mutate very quickly, with most born with random mutation factors.
They can pass these mutation factors to their offspring, allowing for more diverse traits with each generation.
Breed Vivi with strong genes to develop even more powerful Vivi.

As you play the game longer, you will need to consider how to manage older Vivi whose abilities have declined.


Vivi gather honey and pollen from flowers to secure food and resources.
Humans can also gather like Vivi if they are equipped with the right gear.
Gathering does not damage the plants and can even help them reproduce.

Unique features

Vivi use a cream produced by their bodies to quickly build their homes.
This cream can be hardened into beeswax, or used to form temporary walls that are then refined and dried to create sturdy walls.
Beeswax can replace stone or wood in various construction applications.

Arcane plant

Vivi compensate for their lack of technological and combat abilities with unique arcane plants.
These plants, cultivated using Vivi's special techniques, produce and consume a unique resource called 'mana' under certain conditions.
Each type of arcane plant has its own unique functions, ranging from basic infrastructure like heating and cooling to defensive turrets and batteries.

Optimize your settlement by cultivating various arcane plants.
Even if there are no Vivi in your settlement, you can acquire arcane plants by purchasing them, bringing in materials to grow them, or even obtaining them through raids.


Although Vivi's technology is limited, they have developed weapons specialized for defense.
Most of Vivi's weapons are coated with poison, which can intoxicate opponents and are particularly effective in defensive situations.
Some Vivi also use very unusual weapons, the workings of which are difficult to understand.

NPC Vivi hive

Vivi hives are built in unique shapes and contain many items, yet they are equipped with strong defenses.
Vivi generally avoid combat and never initiate attacks, but they will fiercely retaliate if their hives are threatened.

Titanic hornet

Titanic hornets are creatures that appeared after outsiders arrived on the planet.
They are instinctively drawn to areas populated by Vivi but can also appear occasionally in other regions.
With sturdy exoskeletons, powerful jaws, and quick movement, these hornets attack anything in motion as they move in groups.
Killing or butchering these hornets yields wings, which are used as high-quality material for Vivi's advanced equipment.

We offer two starting scenarios, but even if you choose a different scenario, you will have opportunities to encounter Vivi during gameplay.

Exiled vivi

There is a Royal Vivi who hasn't grown properly for some unknown reason, different from typical Royal Vivis.
Even though this Vivi is a Royal, it looks different and was pushed away from its hive.

Follow this Vivi's difficult journey to build and thrive in a new home.
You start with this unique Royal Vivi. It's a bit challenging, but a great way to see the special skills of different Vivis.

Vivi refugees

There are four scattered Vivis from a collapsed hive. They have their personal equipment but lack supplies and, most importantly, they don't have a Royal Vivi.

Hatch a hard-earned Vivi egg into a Royal Vivi and rebuild a new hive.
You start with four Common Vivis, and while it's similar to typical RimWorld scenarios, Vivis have very short lifespans, so you'll need to plan carefully.

  • The Biotech DLC is required and must be activated.
  • You can collect honey from flowers in the 'VGP', 'OverflowingFlowers', and 'Biomes!' mods.
  • The game is compatible with mods based on HAR or Xenotype. (Only Vivi can select the unique xenotype of Vivi.)
  • We have checked compatibility with as many mods as possible, but there are still many mods that we haven't been able to verify.
    If you encounter compatibility issues, please contact us on GitHub or leave a comment.
  • I don't often respond to comments due to personal reasons, but please know that I do read and address them as much as possible, so don't feel ignored.

  • gguake: design, code
  • vee (latki): art concept, textures

Special Thanks
  • 어리연: mead texture
  • horsefry, Roo, Demi and all beta testers

TurtleShroom Feb 17 @ 4:24pm 

Lich King Feb 15 @ 8:09pm 
@TurtleShroom buddy was talking mad smack
TurtleShroom Feb 15 @ 1:20pm 

That's defamation against the authors and you owe them both an apology. They aren't sexual at all . Why do you think these bee characters are Lolita pedo-imagery? The picture in the thumbnail AND the Sprites clearly distinguish adult Vivis from Vivi larvae. You are seeing things that don't exist, and that OP clearly did not do.
TurtleShroom Feb 15 @ 1:17pm 
How do I mark custom items as counting for the Vivi Honey Dependency. I am making a series of Patches for the Vivi Mod, and I want them to eat other kinds of honey from other Mods. How would I do this?
의문의L Feb 8 @ 9:20pm 
최근 비비 종족 모드를 즐기다가 문제점을 발견하게 되었습니다.

어린 비비가 로열 젤리 100%에서 13살이 되면 로열 비비가 되면서
체형(Body type)이 Female이 되고, 일반 비비옷은 못입고 로열 비비 옷을 입을 수 있게 됩니다.

그렇게 로열 비비가 16살이 되는 순간 문제가 발생합니다.
로열 비비의 체형이 Female에서 Thin으로 바뀌어 버리면서
로열 비비 옷을 못입게 되고, 일반 비비 옷을 입게 됩니다.
(har 프레임 워크등 몇 가지만 남겨두고 다른 모드는 전부 뺀 뒤에 실험했습니다!)

게임 진행상의 문제는 없겠지만...
😺​RyloStKya😸 Jan 30 @ 12:28pm 
Man that race looked so fire, i'm sad it need biotech because i don't have that dlc :c
DDumbugi Jan 8 @ 6:22am 
꿀 채집 시 꿀과 꽃가루가 동시에 수확되었으면 좋겠어요. 꽃가루가 비에 쓸려나가서 자꾸 사라집니다.
또 마법 식물들에서 채집 할 때 꽃잎도 추가로 수확되었으면 좋겠어요.
NH4HCr2O7 Dec 28, 2024 @ 7:19am 
The inheritance mechanic is quite strange in this mod. Vivi children always spawn as the vivi xenotype with the exact endogenes of it, regardless of the endogenes or xenotype of her mother, that's quite frustrating when I somehow change the endogenes of the royals (like using the editor when the game starts) and want to pass down the endogenes. While the xenogenes are changing over the generations, they are soft locked when you cannot override some of the endogenes (especially the fireterror). They should receive a copy of endogenes from the queen instead, and fallback to the original vivi xenotype when they can't find one
ShadowEater25 Dec 26, 2024 @ 11:20am 
I want an updated egg mechanic and to not have the loli aesthetic like the last comment wants
PASSION Dec 16, 2024 @ 8:27pm 
i LOVE the hive building and honey production, and wish it was its own gene so i could use it with my hive insects. sadly ill be unsubbing from this mod bc im rlly uncomfortable entertaining the """loli aesthetic""" this mod centers itself around