Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

48 ratings
Game of thrones - The Great Battle for the Wall
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Sep 4, 2014 @ 5:01pm
Dec 1, 2016 @ 10:44am
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Game of thrones - The Great Battle for the Wall

!!!!!!SPOILERS ALERT!!!!! for anyone in the beggining of the series.

The great battle has come. Play as the Night's Watch guarding the wall from the free folks as the last hope of westeros or help the relentless free folks to get past the wall to safety.

As the crows, Jon Snow,Ghost, Sir Alliser Thorne, Sam and Master Amon must protect Castle Black and ultimatly Mole's Town and must destroy Stirling Pass fortress and the Town Centers of Frostfangs and Frozen Shore.

As the Wildlings, Ygritte, Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane and the mighty War Mammoths must protect Stirling Pass, the Frozen Shore and the Frostfangs Moutains and destroy Castle Black and Mole's Town's Town Center.

You will even find Craster somewhere in the woods. Careful if you mess with his wives, he might get angry about it.

Choose your side in this epic battle for the wall, and brace yourselvs, winter is comming....

NOTE: Made with the AOEII forgotten DLC. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that only works with the DLC.

Map made by me but credits for George Martin and HBO for delivering to us the fantastic world of Game of Thrones

It's my first map, I hope you enjoy ;)
DragonPlus12 Aug 18, 2017 @ 1:49pm 
the civs?
Sgt.Shadow  [author] Jul 8, 2016 @ 3:29am 
Anytime hardeen, best of luck!
Hardeen Jul 7, 2016 @ 6:03pm 
Re-downloading doesnt help at all, i tried it a hile ago. I probably have to ask the tech support. Thanks!
Sgt.Shadow  [author] Jul 7, 2016 @ 3:53pm 
As a last resort measure, I can suggest you to repair game cache or re-download the game to see if it is possible that some of the game's folders/files could be missing. If that doesn't help you, I can only advise you to open a tech support ticket to see if someone within the devs can actually help you because you are missing a very amusing part of the game that is the custom made workshop content.
I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help, but I exhausted all options that I could think off about this problem. If you or the tech support can find the solution, please report back because not only you puzzled me but there could be someone in the future with the same problem as you have and then I will be able to help him/her.
Hardeen Jul 7, 2016 @ 3:11pm 
nope i've tried all beta versions including the latest, but none of them shows the map(s), because i downloaded an other map as well to check if it's only not working with your map. So i just downgraded again from 4.6 because the game crashes when i click on standard game.....what kind of sorcery is this?! :-(
I have really no idea what the problem is and believe it is not going to work unfortunately, but thank you for your help!
Sgt.Shadow  [author] Jul 7, 2016 @ 9:22am 
Getting weirder by the minute because if the map is located on "folder>steamapps>common>Age2HD>Scenario" it is on the right directory. The (standard) way to open the map in editor is to go on the main menu and choose "Map Editor --> Edit Scenario--> search for map name". If it also does not appear on that list, the only thing that I can think of is for you to try to update the game to latest version (because you said that you had to downgrade the version) and see if the map appears on the "standard game", "MP" or "Map editor" to see if it is some kind of incompatibility with the map version and the version that you are playing. That could be the problem's origin if I made the map on a newer version than the one you are playing, as the game might not be able to open it properly (It's just a theory because it's a situation that never happened to me but it could work, it's worth a shot).
Hardeen Jul 7, 2016 @ 6:30am 
How do i know if it is in the right directory, where is it supposed to be? It's located in the steam folder>steamapps>workshop>content and in an other format steam folder>steamapps>common>Age2HD>Scenario as well
I tried to open it with the editor but couldn't find the map, but maybe i did it wrong
Sgt.Shadow  [author] Jul 5, 2016 @ 5:13pm 
It is located in the main menu (where you can select options, map editor, single player,etc) on the top center between "learn to play" and "single player" there is the "age of empires II HD banner". Above that banner there is a button that you can press to switch between both versions of the game (forgotten, or just vanila version). But it might be of no help to you if you say that you can play normaly the forgotten version.
If the workshop downloaded the map successfully, try to investigate if the map is on the right directory inside the game folder. Also if it is in fact where it is supposed to be, try to open on the map editor (as if you were editing a map already created) and save it with another name to see if the game recognizes that save therefor enabling you to open it via SP or MP.
Hardeen Jul 5, 2016 @ 3:44pm 
I dont see a button above the banner as described, but i can normaly use and play the the forgotten dlc. Maybe this button is not visible in patch 4.2.1 (?) i have really no idea...
Sgt.Shadow  [author] Jul 5, 2016 @ 3:29pm 
That's strange because it was really supposed to be there. What version are you playing on? If you are playing on the Vanilla version, the map is not compatible from the feedback I've been receiving. You have to be playing on the Forgotten version. You can switch versions on the button located in the middle top of main menu (above the banner). See if by changing the game version the map appear in the location described earlier.