Arma 3
116 rating
Interrogation System
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Animation, Mechanics
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10 Okt 2023 @ 2:55pm
22 Okt 2023 @ 12:25pm
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Interrogation System

Interrogation System
This mod introduces a module that adds the ability to interrogate a unit during gameplay. The module lets you add intel that can be learned from the interrogation, as well as other things like difficulty and the amount of times the unit can be interrogated. This is designed to add some immersion to “Interrogating” units during campaigns and missions.

This mod only adds one module, it can be searched in the modules as “Interrogation System”. Simply sync this module to whichever unit you want to be interrogatable. You can only sync it to one unit. Add more modules if you want to interrogate more units.

Module Settings
Target Photo: This is a file path to the target photo you want to appear in the menu. (By default this is a white silhouette)
Target Name: This is the name of the target that appears in the menu. (If left blank the name will be the same as the Identity of the unit.
Target Description: Purely for roleplay, gives the mission maker an opportunity to add some lore.
Target Intel 1-3: This is where you put information for the player to learn during interrogation. (Fill these boxes from 1 to 3, do not leave 1 blank if you fill in 2, etc.)
Intel 1-3 Success Change: These are number values, from 1 to 100. A random roll is done every time you interrogate the target, if an intel succeeds in said role then it is shown to the player. If multiple succeed then whichever has the lowest chance of success is shown.
Require Intel 1/2?: Check mark these if you need intel 1 to be acquired before 2 and 3, or 2 before 3.
Total Interrogation Attempts: This number just represents how many attempts the player has to interrogate the target.
Maximum and minimum time for interrogation action: These numbers are the minimum amount of time it will take to interrogate the target, and the max amount of time. The first time you interrogate the target it will be the minimum amount of time. The last attempt, it will be the maximum amount of time. Increases linearly.
Disable Torture Option: This disables the option to torture the target, also removes the multiplier that increases with damage to the target.
Require Hostage: This makes it so that the target has to be a "captive" before they can be interrogated. An example being ace ziptied.
Code for Intel 1-3: If you have any code you want to execute, such as an sqf file, upon success of any of the 3 intels then put it here.

Must be loaded on all clients and server.
You can "Torture" the target through an ace interaction and it will injure the target randomly. You can also injure the target in other ways, such as shooting them. The more damage there is the greater multiplier is applied to the success chance of getting intel.

If you have any questions/suggestions/feedback, or just want to chat, feel free to join the discord here!
click here for discord []

This mod is licensed under the APL-ND license for Arma 3.

46 Komentar
J3FF  [pembuat] 17 Apr @ 7:07am 
@abdallm37 Unfortunately no, it relies on ACE for the interaction system.
abdallhm37 17 Apr @ 3:19am 
any way to use it without ace ?
ace dosnt work for me in multiplayer for somreason
NuclearRacc00n 29 Mar @ 2:14am 
Yeah, I feel stupid, me and one of members found our server ACE file was broken, sorry
J3FF  [pembuat] 28 Mar @ 12:12pm 
@NuclearRacc00n That is incorrect. The last official ACE update was Jan 17. I have used this mod on a dedicated server since then with no issues. I suggest doing some testing and seeing if another mod you added recently is the issue. If you're getting a error then you're welcome to share it in discord and I can assist there.
NuclearRacc00n 27 Mar @ 11:35am 
Latest ACE update broke this and now won't work on our server.
Letty Whiterock 27 Jan @ 1:28am 
J3FF  [pembuat] 2 Jan @ 6:52am 
@GodRayedKing I havn't tried it myself and do not know. However I believe it should, remember you need to manually add this function via a module synced to the unit.
GodRayedKing 31 Des 2023 @ 12:01am 
Does this work along side of Antistasti?
Sisik 30 Des 2023 @ 11:55am 
nevermind it works great mod btw
Sisik 30 Des 2023 @ 11:46am 
i have only "torture" and "end interogation"