Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Items (15)
【GS】Canal Enhancements
Created by WindFly
Since the orignal Canal district in GS is so useless, this mod enhances the canal for a little bit so it could be an real useful district for playing the game. What this mod does: 1、Changing the cost for the Canal to a normal cost for a district (So it wou...
【Wonder】Three Gorges Dam
Created by WindFly
  This mod adds an new Wonder that has a full 3d model set, requires Gather Storm DLC.   Three Gorges Dam: Modern Era Unlocked with Electricity Requires 1620 production The Floodplains tiles along the river containing the Three Gorges Dam are now immune to...
This is a Chinese meme, if you are not in the Chinese Internet community, trust me you won't get it. In addition, this mod does not involve any political elements. Please do not make political remarks in the comment area. 包含一个新文明理塘,和它的领袖丁真。 需要风云变幻与迭起兴衰。 点击...
三界至尊 九天之主 玉皇大帝
Created by 墨影斋主人
这个mod是【玉皇大帝】,奇观控的福音。 文明:天庭 五行演万物 一气化三清 开局拥有金(采矿业)木(畜牧业)水(航海术)火(占星术)土(制陶术)五种科技。城市单元格扩张速度与城市发展速度增加15%。每制造一个建筑者会额外获得2个建筑者。每制造一个开拓者会额外获得1个开拓者 领袖:玉皇大帝 太昊金阙 所有奇观+5信仰,+5科技,+5文化,+5金币、5生产力和+5粮食。建筑者可以推进27%奇观进程。拥有一个特殊建筑“南天门” 议程:老天爷 喜欢宜居度高的文明(+16) 厌恶宜居度低的文明(-16) 单位:仙人...
Created by 徐西南
蔡徐坤文明mod 注:养鸡场和两个特殊项目需要dlc风云变幻,其他特性可在原版游戏正常实现 关于epic版:链接:https://删除/删除com/s/删除1oXESVNtQpWeuLhYEonX9tQ 提取码:ogyn 放入c盘文档目录下My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods即可使用 8/16更新:允许收获鸡资源,收获后移除鸡。 8/13更新:增加一些外交台词。 8/11更新:修复了ikun模型、不能升级的问题。修复了小黑子的bug。增加项目律...
auto road building
Created by nea_baraja
The introduction broke and I'm too lazy to fix it. Well, builders will build road when they move, and it cost you 2 golds. Engineers can build railroad, which cost 1 steel and 1 coal. ...
Better Builder Charges Tracking
Created by wltk This mod can help displaying Builder's current build charges on the side of unit flag for easier tracking, so you don't have to select each Builder to check. ...
Earth 2020 Civs
Created by Stephen
Play the leaders and civilizations from the Earth 2020 scenario in a regular game. This mod is for Gathering Storm. For the base game (and R&F), see the Earth 2018 Civs mod. This mod also contains the leaders from the 2018 civs mod. Notes Balance: The civs...
HUMAN_POWER(PLUS) 人多力量大(聚集效应)
Created by 天阳的搅拌机
再次更新。 每个市民能够提供1生产力,1食物,1金币,0.5科技值,0.5文化值和0.5信仰值。 当城市市民达到5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50时,城市的所有产出提升5%,10%,15%,20%,25%,30%,35%,40%,45%,50%。 当城市市民达到10,20,30,40,50人口时,城市人口增长速度分别提升10%,20%,30%,40%,50%。 每个城市每五位市民提供1点宜居度(上限10点)。 仅对玩家有效,AI无效。 仅有固定产出没有各种百分比加成的模组在这里:htt...
Phantagonist's Hybrid Rice and Biofuel
Created by Phantagonist
This mod adds hybrid rice (and wheat and maize) and a new source of renewable power, biofuel, to the game. Hybrid Crops After researching the Synthetic Materials technology, the Hybrid Crops Research project can be performed in any city with a Research Lab...
[GS] Absolutely Safe Nuclear Reactor
Created by Flactine
Nuclear Reactor will be absolutely safe. And, removed "Recommission Nuclear Reactor" Project....
Cheat Map Editor
Created by Zur13
Allows changing terrain type, features, improvements, roads, and resources in-game. Accessible via a new button in the top right corner of the window near the Civilopedia button. Works with GS R&F and vanilla. Sorry I'm not able to answer the questions. I ...
Better Chinese for GS
Created by 流浪de蒲公英
A mod to correct Chinese translation....
Mod CN Translation/Embellishment Plus
Created by Clear8Sky
This Mod can translate other mods' text into Simplified Chinese....
毛泽东与中国共产党 | Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China
This mod added a new leader Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China(1929) under his lead. Require Expansion: Rise and Fall and Expansion: Gathering Storm. A brief description: Civ: Communist Party of China Ability: The Bugle from Gutian All land units ...