Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

2,627 ratings
Cheat Map Editor
Type: Mod
File Size
461.975 KB
Feb 10, 2019 @ 7:43am
Oct 15, 2019 @ 10:57am
20 Change Notes ( view )

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Cheat Map Editor

In 1 collection by Zur13
Zur13 Cheat Mods
14 items
Allows changing terrain type, features, improvements, roads, and resources in-game.

Accessible via a new button in the top right corner of the window near the Civilopedia button.

Works with GS R&F and vanilla.

Sorry I'm not able to answer the questions. I will try to give answers to the most common questions in the Please note and FAQ section.

Please note and FAQ

Steam has a limit on the text length on the mod description so I've moved the Notes and FAQ section to the mod discussion tab.

Link to Please note and FAQ page

About the crashes.

The problem with crashes is that they happen on some turn later in-game and it is not possible to continue the game because it will repeat on that turn no matter what you do. The only way is to load the save game made before the problematic change was done but the crash may happen 400+ turns later and you literally can lose all progress.

Mod uses game testing and map generation functions to make map changes. These functions are used by the game on the map generation stage before the game starts. The game was not designed to use these functions in mid-game after the players and AI appears on the map and this is the main reason for the crashes. It was not changed with the mod updates and if you start to get crashes after some mod update it does not related to this update in 99% of the cases it just your game went to the stage where the significant map updates are not safe anymore.

In general, it is pretty safe to make changes early in-game on the first turn (except the impassable-to-passable and water to lands and vice versa).

So now I'm running long tests to find the functions which might cause the crashes. The current test results are listed bellow.

All test was made with default resources/features/improvements/natural wonders with Crash safe and Safe mode checkboxes turned on. There still may be a risk of crashes when changing modded resources/features/improvements/natural wonders.

Safe functions (minimal risk, no crashes detected, test games played up to turn 500)

* Add water tile (create lakes, oceans)
* Add/Remove Natural Wonders (may need to change terrain type on the tile where the impassable wonder was to make tile passable after wonder removal)
* Add/Remove features (passable)
* Add/Remove resources (in test game new resources was added every 50-80 turns)
* Remove improvements (in test game almost all improvements on the map was removed on turns 206 and after that once more on turn 350)
* Add/Remove cliffs (in test game many cliffs was added on turn 4; on next game all cliffs was removed on turn 86)
* Add rivers (in test game many rivers was added on turn 110 on not owned and AI owned tiles around the cities)
* Change tile owner (huge changes was done on first turn, 120 turn and 200+ turn)

Safe functions (low risk because no long-run tests were done, no crashes detected, test games played for 50 turns)

* Change terrain type/add hills
* Add improvements
* Add/Remove roads

Unsafe functions (risky because no long-run tests were done, no crashes detected, only short tests was made 6 turns)

* Add/Change/Remove coastal flood level

Unsafe functions (very high risk of crashes (100% crashes in certain game situations))

* Fix game data if Crash safe mode checkbox disabled (crash later in-game on AI turns after 1-400+ turns)
* Remove water tile/create land tile instead of water tile (crash when settled on such terrain if not Fix game data, it seems that AI do not settle on such terrain so it may be safe to use in some cases)
* Remove mountains (crash when settled on such terrain if not Fix game data)
* Add mountains (may crash when AI tries to move units nearby)
* Remove river (crash when any unit moves into the tile where the river was)

Available on Nexus Mods
Popular Discussions View All (10)
Aug 29 @ 7:13am
Feb 16, 2019 @ 9:43pm
Sep 25 @ 6:45am
To Solve many Issues, do this:
Melkor Unchained Nov 22 @ 7:56pm 
So I started next to a 10 tile sea called "Gulf of Tehuantepec." I don't know why the game thinks this is a gulf considering it's completely land-locked lol. I used CME to add a land tile to make this "gulf" only 9 tiles, and fixed game data so it would be considered a lake, since any land-locked body of water that is 9 tiles or less is considered a lake by the game. This updated the in-game tile info to "lake," but it is still named the Gulf of Tehuantepec, instead of having the name regenerated with a lake name. Is there a way to do this name regeneration in CME? Or some other way to do it? Having a land-locked gulf was bugging me from the get-go, but now that this gulf is also technically a lake on top of that, the name is doubly getting on my nerves.
FEED YOUR WEED Nov 17 @ 10:02am 
after restart the mod doesn't show in the mod list and dont work in game, any suggestions?
kalaak Nov 13 @ 10:08am 
Is it possible to have a larger brush size? something like 4 tiles instead of 1?
Kernel Douche Nov 5 @ 9:11am 
Changing yield amount on strategic resources does not work, it is always a yield of 2, is there a fix?
Doc_Furtado Nov 4 @ 11:51am 
Let me understand, this mod change, in game, the type of tile, in example, changing a hill to a plains, in game?
ShimadaLucio Sep 21 @ 12:09pm 
2448372954 Sep 13 @ 11:37pm 
You can change the ownership of the plot through the game's own module, or restart the game to restore it to normal.
Peoge Jul 1 @ 3:39pm 
Hey OP, just letting you know there's a bug when using Maya, probably with other civs that add yields to tiles: if you give yourself a tile with this mod and then improve it with a farm as Maya you do NOT get the extra gold on farms. I didn't check if it also doesn't give you housing, though. Removing ownership of the tile via the mod and then buying it back fixed it for me.
♜ Thebesj ♜ Jun 18 @ 9:44am 
Solution to people who don't see the button to open the panel when creating new games:
Save the new game and reload worked for me.
AngeBurger May 31 @ 6:40pm 
Any way to delete religious units? "Remove units" doesn't work on them