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1,282 ratings
Antistasi Ultimate - Mod
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Mechanics
File Size
268.611 MB
Aug 15, 2023 @ 12:04pm
Feb 10 @ 8:42am
25 Change Notes ( view )

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Antistasi Ultimate - Mod

In 9 collections by Silence
Antistasi Ultimate STALKER Mods
6 items
Antistasi Ultimate Scion Conflict Mods
6 items
Antistasi Ultimate STALKER Optional Mods
9 items
Antistasi Ultimate French Mods
6 items
Antistasi Ultimate Task Force Canada Mods
6 items
Antistasi Ultimate Mod Collections
30 items
Antistasi Ultimate Turkish Mods
5 items
Antistasi Ultimate Android Mods
7 items
Antistasi Ultimate CWR III Mods
9 items
Antistasi Ultimate is a fork of Socrates Antistasi Plus. We aim to add more templates, maps, and features that will completely change your experience.

11.0 Save Notice
Old saves (Pre 11.0.0) will no longer show up. To get them back temporarily until you finish your campaign, use this mod[] instead.

Here are just a few of the Antistasi Ultimate features!
  • 25+ Supported Faction Mods.

  • 50+ Supported Maps.

  • Reimplemented save options, allowing linux servers to save correctly. (Untick "Use New Save file" when creating a new game)

  • Re-integrated Spearhead 1944 compatibility.

  • Re-integrated Community undercover.

  • Reworked Trader, to dynamically adjust the traders inventory depending which mods are loaded, allowing full compatibility when mixing mods/factions around.

  • Ability to tweak when enemy tiers start spawning, via cba setting.

  • Ability to add plane loadouts via extender mod, planes will use a default loadout if one isn't found. Before if planes didn't have loadouts they wouldn't spawn.

  • Special templates, such as STALKER which has support for emissions and anomalies, or the Zombie civ faction. Take over a city, and civilians will start moving in again!

  • New Total Victory Parameter, for those who prefer to conquer everything.

To get the rest of the description, you can click on the images below.






Why should we play this instead of other versions?

Antistasi Ultimate offers most of the features of Antistasi Plus, most things you can do in Plus can also be done in Ultimate. But beyond that, it has support for more factions and more maps. More new content to experience. Better support for mixing mods together for any faction combination you like, the newly reworked trader will work with whatever supported mods you load and factions you use.

Support is not provided for custom mission/mod edits, since we don't know what you have changed and how. We will try to help but cannot guarantee anything if you mess around in the code. If you would like to contribute, you can find the github link just above.


- Original Mission by barbolani
- Antistasi Community Edition by Official Antistasi Community
- Magrepack by Outlawled, R3vo and OOster
- HALs_Store by HallyG, R3vo and barman75
- DRO by mbrdmn
- Discord Rich Presence by ConnorAU
- Antistasi Plus by Socrates
- Antistasi Ultimate by The Antistasi Ultimate Dev Team
- Screenshots for the page by rn_s25


Regarding Extender. It still works the same way as Community or Plus does, it even has a few more things you can change/add (Look for the .hpp files in the ultimate folder). If you want to post extender addons, it would be best for you to name them A3UE , to avoid confusion with the Community A3AE .

DISCLAIMER: We are not affiliated with Antistasi Community or Plus. Any changes we do, do not reflect the ideas of either parties. If you have a bug with Ultimate, neither Community or Plus will be able to help you.

Popular Discussions View All (102)
Feb 10 @ 1:47pm
I accidentally deleted Arsenal. How can I get it back?
Jan 27 @ 3:02pm
Builder Box dont save the construction
Jan 27 @ 11:00am
What Mods do you recommend, for a softcore experience
SpaceGhost 21 hours ago 
They've said many times they will not add factions that are currently engage in major real-life conflicts.
jp9999 22 hours ago 
could it be possible for this mod to recognize this faction?
Baka679 Feb 11 @ 7:02pm 
They will be dismissed later...maybe 3 to 5mins max than they will dissappear...even if they are fighting...after a while you will see ur HR AND MONEY COMING BACK TO YOU
Dom Borzat Feb 11 @ 5:18pm 
The Ai who join mid fight can't seem to be dismissed. Had to remove them through zeus
Nicholas Inferno Feb 11 @ 1:29pm 
For Some reason, whenever we persistent save and then come back on it does not save anyway to resolve this?
RaNgeR Feb 11 @ 1:02pm 

Happy to help :)
Sambainu Feb 11 @ 12:47pm 

Friend, thank you very much! If you knew how much time I spent trying to find these settings! So, that the radio has nothing to do with it. And the display of marks is in the Anitstasi settings menu at the very beginning of the mission launch, as you said. Thank you for not passing by!
RaNgeR Feb 11 @ 11:43am 

Then in the mission parameters (in-game, not the lobby one) when you create a new save, there's an option to enable or disable player markers on the map. Don't remember the exact name but it's somewhere at the top.
Sambainu Feb 11 @ 10:51am 

I just checked, I threw everything out of my inventory, but the white triangle of my location is still displayed!
RaNgeR Feb 11 @ 10:23am 

You have to carry a radio in your inventory. Just a plain radio item. You can't see AI though, only players (but they won't see you if they don't have radio as well)