

395 ratings
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
6.746 MB
Dec 18, 2022 @ 1:34am
Jul 2 @ 9:05am
39 Change Notes ( view )
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Recent Changes:
  • fix for errors relating to trying to play with babies inside buildings
  • fix for a NullReferenceException in BringBabyToSafety related to checking if the baby is currently in a crib
  • finally got around to learning how Translate keys work, and implemented them for all previously-hardcoded text
  • changed names of apparel settings for (hopefully) better clarity
  • toddlers belonging to enemy factions are no longer considered threats and will no longer cause pawns to flee and/or open fire on them
  • abandoned toddlers belonging to enemy factions can now be adopted
  • fixed an error that would occur when non-player-faction toddlers were sleeping or downed
  • rework of baby refugee pod event:
    • toddlers generated in such a pod no longer immediately crawl/toddle their way off the closest map edge
    • babies and toddlers who fall from the sky are unhappy about the experience
    • dead parents generated alongside skyfalling babies are now of the same xenotype as the baby
  • if a baby/toddler needs rest for medical reasons, adults should no longer remove them from the bed/crib to play with them, but should do so in situ

New life stage: Toddler
  • 1- and 2-year-old pawns are no longer completely passive objects
  • toddlers cannot work, but can move around and interact with the world
  • toddlers gain capabilities over time – configurable
  • young toddlers are blocked by doors and can be confined to their cribs, but once they learn to walk they can also open doors and climb out of cribs
  • toddlers can fill their play need on their own for a while, but still need regular adult interaction
  • older toddlers can feed themselves if baby food is left where they can reach it

Improved babies
  • no expectations
  • configurable rate of fall for Play need
  • babies are no longer made of antifreeze – configurable
  • make baby clothes to protect your babies and toddlers from the elements

Growth Vats?
Toddlers can be grown in growth vats. They will not gain skills, just as they would not outside the vat. They will improve at walking and manipulation.
Adding to existing saves
If you have no pawns aged 1 or 2 years old, you do not have to do anything special. The mod will take effect automatically when babies hit 1 year old.

If you have 1- and 2- year olds, they will automatically turn into toddlers but they will not automatically receive the "learning to walk"/"learning manipulation" hediffs. To fix this:
  1. Turn on Development Mode from the main menu.
  2. You should see a row of new icons at the top of the screen. Choose Open Debug Actions Menu
  3. In the search bar in the top left, type "toddler" (no quotation marks) to find the option "T: Reset Toddler Hediffs". Click on it.
  4. While your mouse has the text "T: Reset Toddler Hediffs" next to it, click on all the toddlers that need the new hediffs. They can be a bit difficult to target. If you're having difficulty, try and catch them sleeping or otherwise not moving.
  5. Note that toddlers older than about 2-and-2-quadrums may not have/need the hediffs as they've already finished learning both capacities.

  • Facial Animation – compatible!
  • More Than Capable -- known issue due to toddlers being set to incapable of all work
  • GeneSeed -- reported INCOMPATIBLE -- pawns being deleted when taking the GeneSeed drug
  • Dubs Bad Hygiene -- compatible but toddlers have no hygiene/thirst needs, more interesting compatibility intended for the future
  • Celsius - soft INCOMPATIBLE, the logic around moving toddlers to safe temperatures is very confused by Celsius. compatibility is on the to do list.
  • Humanoid Alien Races -- (1.4 ONLY) effectively in beta! please do try it out and give feedback, but be aware that there are a number of as-yet-unresolved issues. 1.5 HAR compatibility is in the works.
    For full notes see discussion here

Please Report:
  • issues with kidnapping
  • any issues around toddlers and ceremony attendance
  • error messages on opening the UI -- there's at least one problem around modded job roles but I don't know which mod(s) the interaction is with yet
  • babies/toddlers receiving inspirations that they can't make use of
  • any other problem that is not on the known issues list below

Known Issues:
  • [1.4] custom eye genes render in slightly the wrong place when facing East/West -- this is a vanilla bug
  • warning messages when adult pawns attempt to spawn in wearing baby hats -- this is a vanilla bug

Upcoming Features:
  • toddlers play with items (on/off toggle for dangerous play)
  • insulated cribs and other tribal solutions to temperature regulation
  • more ways to keep a toddler occupied in the crib

With thanks to:
  • wep of wepfont.com for Atmospheric font
  • the Rimworld discord for answering my C# questions
  • Dress Patients and Injured Carry for inspiration/example code that helped me get the dress toddler and carry toddler interactions working
  • erdelf of Humanoid Alien Races for taking a request to modify their code to make it easier for me to hook into

Popular Discussions View All (2)
Jul 3 @ 5:58pm
PINNED: Bug Reports
Mar 9 @ 11:49am
PINNED: HAR Compatibility
Fredini 13 hours ago 
Alright, thanks~
cyanobot  [author] 17 hours ago 
It is not a vanilla feature. There's an equivalent vanilla job for taking babies to safety but it does not cope with toddlers being out of their cribs most of the time, so I had to write my own.

I'm sorry it's so buggy, it turns out AI is hard. It is not supposed to be that high priority unless they're literally removing the toddler from a fire or something. A full rewrite is in the works.

In the mean time to try and reduce the impact on your game: if you turn off "adults care about floor sleep" and "adults care about toddlers schedules" in the settings, and restrict toddlers to a zone that is fully a comfortable temperature for them, hopefully that ought to reduce the frequency with which your adults feel they need to move the toddlers.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.
Fredini 22 hours ago 
Is the "taking toddler to bed" job a vanilla feature? Because the frequency of it from this mod and the extremely high urgency of it makes pawns drop everything they're doing in the middle of it - tending, resting, surgery, crafting, researching - like it overtakes every other job in the game.

I'm so sick of it I'm about to kill all my children.
cyanobot  [author] Jul 20 @ 9:49am 
Still? Same messages "Position == localTargetInfo" and "Already in target bed" ?
Thought I'd squashed those...
Have you tried unsubscribing and resubscribing? Are you on 1.4 or 1.5?
heymegalodon Jul 16 @ 2:25pm 
same with spaming notifications
cyanobot  [author] Jul 3 @ 8:40am 
You are saying that the toddlers are leaving their assigned zones? Can I have some more information? What are the toddlers trying to do that takes them outside their zones?
violue Jul 2 @ 11:10pm 
I liked this mod, but my toddlers wouldn't stay where they were supposed to so i was constantly getting notifications that an adult had moved the toddler back to a safe location
Delmain Jun 30 @ 11:15pm 
Hey, I've been getting some log spam from this mod, I tracked it to what appears to be some left-over debug messages in "FindUnsafeBaby" in https://github.com/cyanobot/Toddlers/blob/master/1.5/Source/Toddlers/Safety/BabyMoveUtility.cs

Are those logs for "Position == localTargetInfo" and "Already in target bed" useful or were they left over from something else?
bean Jun 16 @ 1:12pm 
Welcome to parenthood
PiffleLovesBaseball Jun 11 @ 8:36am 
My first baby just aged up into toddler, but she started to sleep on the floor and when one of her parents try to put her to bed, she stay there for half a second and then get up to just move on the floor and sleep there.
Is it normal behavior or a bug?
She also get the "disturbed sleep" mood malus, but that might be because her and her sister's bedroom is not separated from their parents' room.