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Project Red Dawn
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Project Red Dawn

Project Red Dawn: Bringing the cult classic film into Arma!

Update 1.8 Features:
-New Factions: US National Guard, US Navy, Chernarus (BLUFOR/INDFOR/OPFOR), China (OPFOR).
-Enhanced OPFOR-style units/loadouts with Jamie's Basics integration. Airborne assault troops now wear common uniforms for "Day-One" IFF.
-Spetsnaz winter troops.
-ToH Faces soft dependency. When loaded, story characters Erica, Toni are available and appear in appropriate groups.
-Pook Artillery soft dependency. When loaded, appropriate vehicles (generally pre-1985) will be added to appropriate factions.
-Enhanced 4K51 with proper radar guided anti-ship cruise missile behavior.
-Navy SEAL special forces for US Navy.

-Casual civilian outfits
-Integrated cDLC cross-compatibility and improvements
-Integrated Warlords presets - Make sure to have the Air Auxiliary loaded as well.
-Minimum mod dependencies

Most organized military factions have both a regular and Airborne variant. In some cases, such as with the United States and Soviet Union, named special forces groups are present, as well as Reserves and Conscripts.

-United States: This depiction is of the US Army, broadly from 1979-1985.
-United States Marines: Early '80s representation, these soldiers have M16A2 rifles instead of M16A1 rifles, and M1043 humvees instead of M1025.
-Wolverines: Guerrilla faction typically wielding captured weapons. The default uniforms are merely a starting point. Have fun and get creative with character design!
-Canada: Neighbors to the north, their spearhead forces wield C7 rifles (repreesnted by M16A3) and reserves carry SLR rifles.
-United Kingdom: The one confirmed ally in Europe. Limited arsenal, but wields FAL/SLR rifles, and spearhead troops wear flak vests in DPM.
-Chernarus: Modified form of Soviets with newer equipment reminiscent of Arma 2 era CDF.

-Soviet Union: What it says on the tin, these soldiers wield AK-74s and are equipped with a special "Red Dawn" camouflage pattern.
-Czechoslovakia: Wields vz. 58 rifles and wears rain-pattern camouflage. Includes many unique vehicles.
-Cuba: Similar to the Soviet Union in many ways, these troops carry AKM variants and have a unique appearance.
-Nicaragua: Central American faction inspired by images of Sandanistas. Includes "Conscripts" representative forces of surrounding assimilated militaries.
-China: Now available as OPFOR.
-North Korea: Uses a collection of vintage and contemporary Soviet equipment.
-Chernarus: OPFOR version available for Soviet alignment.

-China: A versatile faction, can be used with different side allegiences. For a movie-accuracy, set them as friendly to BLUFOR. Alternately, they can be allies with the East, or even do three-way engagements. PLA insignia by default, but can be removed.
-Chernarus: INDFOR version available.

-United States (Civilians): In assorted outfits and roles, with a variety of typically Western vehicles to choose from.
-Soviet Union (Civilians): In assorted outfits and roles, with a variety of typically Eastern vehicles to choose from.

Weapons and Weapon Balance:
Select weapons have been overhauled to improve their sounds, appearance, compatibility, and AI usability.
-AK-74N Family: Available in both standard and folding-stock versions. Due to limitations, the folding variant is derived from the AKMSL. Implements vanilla-compatible sounds and AI fire modes.
-AKM Family: Available in multiple furniture options, these have vanilla-compatible sounds, as well as new AI-specific fire modes.
-FAL Family: The iconic British rifle added by CSLA received an overhaul, with updated names and the ability to accept a variety of magazines.
-M16A2 Family: The M16A2, M16A2 Carbine, and their variants received a sound and handling overhaul to match those from SOG:PF. They can also accept a variety of 5.56 magwell magazines, from 30-round, 75-round WS, and 150-round APEX magazines..
-M16A3 Family: As a bonus, the M16A2 and M16A2 (M203) are available without the restriction of the burst fire mode. This rifle is the M16A3.
-PK Family: PK and PKM can now share magazines, and have standardized sounds.
-SVD Family: SVD and Op-63 can now share magazines, and have standardized sounds.

Some weapon variants (AKS-74N for example) do not have a 100% historically accurate model. Trust me, I want those triangle stocks on the AKS-74N too, but it is the best placeholder there is.

Customized weapon boxes are also available for each faction under "Supplies" > "Ammo [Red Dawn]".

Vehicle-mounted weapons have also been the recipient of improvements.
-M240 Family: Vehicle-mounted M240 GPMGs that can be found on helicopters, tanks, and the like received a sound overhaul.
-M168: The 20mm Vulcan sound overhaul; multiple fire mode options of 1000rpm, 3000rpm, 10-round burst (3000rpm), and 30-round burst (3000rpm).
-M134: UH-60 miniguns adjusted to mimic those in SOG:PF
-M247 Rocket: Adds HEDP rocket typewhich combines an AT payload of the M72 LAW with 70% the blast effectiveness of a M151 10-lb warhead.

-Casual Clothing with variants for each of three pants types and three shirt colors. This allows combinations of olive, black, and sand-colored shirts with black, dark, and light jeans.
-BDU variants with Nomex gloves and different camouflage styles.

cDLC Cross Compatibility:
-Vehicles across all cDLCs have been added to most factions; most share a custom base class for consistency.
-ACE Compatiblity has been added where possible to most vehicles, with the primary purpose of standardization and advanced damage.
-Funky vehicle collision sounds are generally standardized to use those from SOG:PF.
-CSLA logistics trucks and boxes, specifically custom classes added by Project Red Dawn have built in ACE logistics capability. Due to how configs work, however, transport fuel/ammo/repair cargo must be removed via initialization or script when ACE is loaded. In the future, I may try to script a solution to this.

cDLC Recommendations:
This was initially a project that was a crossover between GM and SOG:PF. However, it quickly expanded to use CSLA and WS assets as well.
GM is the most important; it equips most of the OPFOR factions gear, and also provides data for the AK variants.
SOG:PF is the second-most important, as it provides faction-specific infantry gear for the US and vehicles.
CSLA mainly provides late Cold War vehicles, but the experience can still be enjoyed with compatibility data.
WS provides back-end resources and the ZU-23-2 as well.


I suggest owning at least GM and SOG:PF, but cDLC ownership is not required.

Soft Dependencies
-Pook's Artillery Pack
-FIR F-14 (when Air Auxiliary is loaded)

Suggested Terrains:
-Twin Lakes
-Limestone, Fl.

Join us on Discord!

Thank You
First to the developers of all cDLC teams, as well as those who supported with testing and concepts
POLPOX for creating his Artwork Supporter

Insignia textures for the USSR, GDR, PL, and CSLA MiG-19S/MiG21PFM are APL-SA. They were created by DMOrchard, not me.
90 Komentar
Brian Steward 30 Jul @ 2:43pm 
brendob47  [pembuat] 3 Jul @ 9:30am 
Opening 3den editor and making something. This adds factions to the game which are accessible via the editor and Zeus.
Kyle Reese 2 Jul @ 12:34pm 
I apologize, can someone give me a guide on how to make the MOD work? I have all the required DLC and have subscribed to the necessary MODs but when I open ARMA I either get the generic ARMA screen or Prairie Fire splash screen. Thank you
brendob47  [pembuat] 19 Mei @ 8:17am 
When I recently found out that Jamie's adding ALICE stuff to Basics, I put it on my to-do list.
I just have other mods I'm deep in the weeds of writing an update for right now.
sKullFalcon 18 Mei @ 11:13pm 
Hope you consider using s&s, the new jam basics us equipment or at least the default CSLA equipment to avoid de high amount of clipping in the US units, because i really love this mod. Keep the great work
brendob47  [pembuat] 13 Mar @ 8:27am 
In the Suggested Terrains section you will see the full list, but my go-to is Twin Lakes.

Antek: I have a couple more ideas, but this mod is not my current focus as I'm working on updates to other mods.
Jovan 12 Mar @ 5:22pm 
what mod would you recommend for an american map?
ANTEK 9 Mar @ 3:04am 
Thank you for this nice mod , it would be great if more faction coming !
brendob47  [pembuat] 19 Feb @ 9:52pm 
Unfortunately, that is an issue on CSLA's end with the memory points used for ironsights, so I cannot fix that easily without manually going through recoil configs to pick a good one, which takes much more time than I have available right now.
123 19 Feb @ 6:49pm 
The new recoil causes the iron sight hitting player's face in first person every time it is fired, which is the main issue, otherwise it's fine, and new sound for it is really good.