Arma 3
555 ratings
S.O.G. Prairie Fire - Creator DLC Compatibility Data for Non-Owners
Data Type: Mod
File Size
38.376 GB
May 4, 2021 @ 5:23pm
Dec 10, 2024 @ 10:51am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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S.O.G. Prairie Fire - Creator DLC Compatibility Data for Non-Owners

DLC Ownership

You do not need to subscribe to this Workshop item if you already own Arma 3 Creator DLC: S.O.G. Prairie Fire.

To purchase S.O.G. Prairie Fire and get access to the content of the Creator DLC, please visit:

If you experience any issues, please post them on the official DLC feedback tracker here:

What is Compatibility Data?

- Compatibility Data allows players who wish to participate in multiplayer content containing S.O.G. Prairie Fire DLC assets (vehicles, weapons, etc.) without the need to buy it. It uses the same server key as the DLC.
- It also allows players to preview and try out DLC assets in the Arma 3 Virtual Arsenal.


After subscribing to this Workshop item and downloading the data, you can visit the "MODS" tab in the Arma 3 Launcher, load the S.O.G. Prairie Fire Compatibility Data, and hit PLAY.

If you are unsure which type of data you are running (this Workshop item or DLC), check in the Arma 3 Launcher app.
- S.O.G. Prairie Fire will be loaded in DLC tab if you own the DLC.
- S.O.G. Prairie Fire Creator DLC Compatibility Data For Non-Owners will be loaded in MOD tab if you are running this compatibility data mod.
If you've purchased S.O.G. Prairie Fire, unsubscribe from the compatibility data mod.


You need to download your server with switch '-beta creatordlc' in steam command line.
You will see a folder 'vn' in your Arma server folder.


Please direct any questions, ideas or feedback to:


To find the gaming communities playing this DLC and get help resolving any issues please visit our website[]

For more information about the restrictions, please check out our blogpost about the DLC Strategy for Arma 3[]

For more information about the Arma 3 Creator DLC initiative, please visit our official website[]


S.O.G. Prairie Fire is a paid DLC and can be modded by the community like any vanilla content.
Mike Force, the Compatibility Pack and the Language Pack are not part of the DLC, they are Community content published by Savage Game Design on Steam as a free mod.
Re-uploads or modifications of our mod content are not permitted at this stage.

Known issues & limitations:

- Workshop shows wrong filesize 3.8 GB. The actual filesize is approximately 25 GB.
- Please unsubscribe from the Workshop item if you intend to buy the DLC to prevent data duplication.
- Starting a mission in eden editor on Cam Lao Nam terrain does not show S.O.G. Prairie Fire's purchase prompt correctly.
- First S.O.G. Prairie Fire mission will terminate immediately after accessing the content.