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Space Battleship Yamato - U.N.C.F. Andromeda
Type: Blueprint
Taggar: ship, large_grid, safe
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20 jul, 2022 @ 12:15
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Space Battleship Yamato - U.N.C.F. Andromeda

Disclaimer: this ship is primarily a work of art. As such, many cosmetic mods are required, but despite this, function has not been sacrificed over form. A powerful computer is required to experience this huge creation without stutter or lag.

The UNCF Andromeda (AAA-01) is a battleship built as the new flagship of the United Nations Cosmo Fleet, as a successor to the older Yamato. The Andromeda is the ultimate battleship, capable of bringing immense firepower and survivability to the battlefield, and of changing the tide of a battle on its own.

Ship Statistics
  • Blocks count: 20.258
  • Weight: 72.328.808kg
  • Length: 138 blocks = 345m = 1132ft
  • Width: 43 blocks = 107,5m = 353ft
  • Height: 55,5 blocks = 138,75m = 455ft
  • Maximum shield health: 211.106.300HP
  • Jump range: 30.000km
  • Power: 410GW
The AAA-01 first line of defense are its first-in-class shields, which can sustain continuous, heavy fire without collapsing.
If the shields are incapacitated or overloaded, however, the Andromeda can still count on a clever armor design. While the average thickness is of 1.5 heavy armor blocks, critical sections of the ship like the engine or the combat bridge are protected by up to five layers of heavy armor.
  • Twin Frontal Wave Motion Gun
  • 4x Triple Barrel 480mm Shock Cannon Turrets
  • 2x Triple Barrel 200mm Shock Cannon Turrets
  • 22x Double Barrel 127mm Pulse Laser Turrets
  • 10x Quadruple Barrel 127mm Pulse Laser Turrets
  • 3x Triple barrel 88mm Pulse Laser Turrets
  • 24x Double Barrel 75mm Pulse Laser Turrets
  • 12x Triple Barrel 75mm Pulse Laser Turrets
  • 6x Sextuple Gatling turrets
  • 4x Long-range Torpedo Launchers
  • 27x Short-range Torpedo Launchers
  • 4x Point Defense Laser Turrets
  • 2x Thermonuclear Warheads

The ship is heavily armed. The primary weapon system consists of four high-caliber shock cannon turrets, capable of firing both energy rounds and kinetic Type-3 rounds, making them powerful and effective against a wide set of targets. To add firepower and increase coverage of the space around the ship, two smaller shock cannon turrets have been added to the bottom of the ship.

While the main turrets are busy targeting large ships, more than fifty fast-firing lasers and gatlings are capable of creating a wall of fire all around the Andromeda. Together with a few strategically placed point defense turrets, this barrage stops most missiles, projectiles or smaller vessels even before they have a chance to hit the shields or the hull.

However, the twin full-sized Wave Motion Guns are the true pride of the Andromeda. No other base or ship, including another Andromeda-class ship, can withstand a direct hit from the Wave Motion Gun, even if shields are considered. Due to the extreme power at play, the ship loses almost all of its energy while charging the weapon.

As a last resort for emergency situations, the two bottom tanks can be detached to reveal their true nature: thermonuclear missiles. Each missile has its own independent mechanism, with a remote control, antenna and power, to ensure the delivery of the lethal payload in any case.
Power Source
  • Twin Wave Motion Engine (2 × 180GW)
  • Auxiliary Engine (50GW)
While the Wave Motion Engines are the only power source capable of supplying the ship of the energy needed to operate the weapons, an auxiliary reactor has been installed to maintain the life support and basic systems functional even in the event of a Wave Motion Engine malfunction.
Hangar Bay

While the main role of the ship is clearly that of a battleship, the AAA-01 is fitted with a spacious hangar, capable of servicing four Cosmo Delta type fighters at a time, and housing up to seven. Two hangar doors, opening on the side of the ship, allowing fast take-off and landing operations.
Interior rooms
The weaponry, hangar and power systems do not paint the full picture of the services and rooms available on board. All throughout the ship, carefully thought corridors keep movement inside the Andromeda intuitive and multiple stairs and convenient passageways provide a quick connection between the many decks.
Main Bridge

Inspired by the Yamato’s bridge, this is where the captain and high ranking officials control the ship most of the time, under normal circumstances. This is the highest habitable room of the ship. Every official is granted a personal station where all the relevant information and controls can be accessed.
Combat Bridge

While the main bridge is suited for exploration and smaller skirmishes, its relatively thin armor is not enough to guarantee the required protection of the commanding crew. The combat bridge is very similar to its counterpart, but is located deep inside the ship hull, with several additional heavy armor layers surrounding it.
Intelligence room

Before any major battle or operation, the crew meets in the intelligence room to review previously gathered information, choose the strategy to adopt, and do a briefing
Wave Motion Engine room

While shaped like the Yamato's engine, the Andromeda Wave Motion Engine is much newer, more powerful and reliable.
Wave Motion Guns firing room

A massive weapon like the Wave Motion Gun requires an equally massive firing mechanism. When charging, the tachyons build up in the energy capacitor, and when the trigger is pulled the capacitor is connected to the gun’s firing port, releasing all the stored power at once.
Computer room

In the Andromeda the navigation system and the turrets’ targeting systems are completely automated, with the help of the computer room.
Production room

Oxygen and Hydrogen room

Infirmary and Medical room

Aside from the main medical room, located in the hull, a smaller infirmary has also been installed at the base of the ship’s conning tower to help with the in-game spawn mechanics.


Preparation room

Conference room

Captain's cabin

Dorms and Crew cabins

Mess hall and cafè

The Andromeda has a large mess hall with a kitchen where most meals are consumed. A smaller cafè is also available onboard.
Other Features
The Andromeda also sports an automatic repair system that can slowly bring damaged blocks back to their original state, but it cannot work without the required repair parts. All the alarms use the original sounds from the anime. To further improve ease of navigation inside the Andromeda, a door auto-close system has been put in place.
The design of the Andromeda and the SBY2022 anime are creations of their respective owners.
Without all the mods we used building this ship could not have been possible. For this reason, we wish to thank every modder that made our project a reality. Go subscribe to their mods!
11 kommentarer
MattiaBoss  [skapare] 2 dec, 2022 @ 4:31 
Appena gli impegni universitari lo permetteranno, faremo uscire un mod pack con tutto il necessario.
꧁༺Sara Heart༻꧂ 2 dec, 2022 @ 1:10 
potete fare una versione con meno mods? oppure un mod pack così non dobbiamo scaricarle una ad una? ci piacerebbe usaròa
CapitanHarlock98 29 jul, 2022 @ 13:17 
Di nulla davvero anzi, è un piacere immenso !!! Di fatti sono rimasto colpito quando, hai definito il blueprint caricato "di fretta", perché se riuscite ad ottenere risultati cosi splendidi cosi "velocemente", figuriamoci allora con più tempo a disposizione. Qui su space engineer mancava un lavoro cosi meticoloso e accurato, e questo si sentiva, anche perchè è il gioco perfetto per questi modelli di nave e vedere il vostro lavoro ha sicuramente fatto sobbalzare tante persone. Aspetterò quindi con trepidante attesa l'arrivo delle vostre prossime creazioni, che saranno sicuramente fantastiche. Prendetevi il tempo che vi serve per mantenere questo altissimo livello di cura dei dettagli, cosi da poter sorprendere ancora la community con fantastiche creazioni !!! Ancora vivissimi complimenti
MattiaBoss  [skapare] 29 jul, 2022 @ 12:44 
Grazie mille per le belle parole, davvero! Come accennato in precedenza, questo blueprint è stato caricato "di fretta" per vedere che riscontro avrebbe potuto avere nella comunità del workshop di Steam. E sono rimasto veramente colpito dal numero di amanti della serie di Star Blazers. Nelle prossime settimane provvederemo al ri-caricamento del progetto dell'Andromeda (stavolta completo al 100%), inclusivo di una descrizione esaustiva, foto e video di presentazione. Io e il mio collaboratore ci teniamo a ringraziarti ancora per il caloroso supporto e ti invitiamo ad attendere il completamento di diversi altri progetti in via di costruzione, quali la Yamato (Argo), la U.N.C.F. Dreadnought e tanto altro!
CapitanHarlock98 29 jul, 2022 @ 11:37 
Un vero capolavoro, complimenti a te e ai tuoi collaboratori. E' praticamente perfetta, sia fuori che dentro, da qui in poi si può solo che migliorare, ma già cosi posso dire che è una delle navi migliori mai viste nel workshop di space engineers. Amo la serie di star blazers e vedere qui la possente Andromeda in tutta la sua potenza e bellezza è fantastico. Non vedo l'ora di ammirare e provare le vostre successive creazioni. Se posso dare un consiglio dovreste collaborare con il creatore della mod Star Blazers weapons. Unendo i vostri sforzi potreste creare dei capolavori immortali, cosi da essere il più precisi possibili con armi, scale delle navi ecc... Già cosi siete perfetti. Ancora complimenti siete degli artisti !!!
shadowallen 27 jul, 2022 @ 4:43 
HOLY that is beautiful
MattiaBoss  [skapare] 26 jul, 2022 @ 23:24 
This was a "fast upload", look out for a more complete and detailed build in the near future. Me and my fellow collaborator are also working tirelessly to deliver a bunch more ships coming from the one and only Space Battleship Yamato. Stay tuned for the U.N.C.F. Dreadnought, the Yamato and much more!
P.S. I'll also upload an empty world with the Andromeda blueprint.
Stardust 26 jul, 2022 @ 22:42 
Also I know I'm asking a lot, but since that's a lot of mods, could you maybe just throw this in an empty world and upload that, too? Would be a big pain loading all these mods when I'm already subbed to a ton. :melon:
Stardust 26 jul, 2022 @ 22:29 
momotion313 22 jul, 2022 @ 5:25 