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Anime Galaxy
A collection of mods that can be apply to this game but won't change the code then you can continue your achievements challenge, with all your WAIFU!!

这是个兼容铁人模式的日本冻鳗美少女合集,里面包含Anime Galaxy和一些不影响游戏平衡的辅助性mod(UI改良等)。

Items (9)
Anime Galaxy (Ironman)
Created by Sanctions
Anime Galaxy 3.0 ver1 For Ironman Replace all of the vanilla species with anime girls including all DLCs. Animation images are derived from mobile games, PC games, and illustrations. Support ironman and get achievements. 萌化星河 3.0 α 铁人版 萌化包,铁人可用。替换了所有原有种族(包...
StarCraft: Protoss Executor Advisor
Created by Heavy Horndal
En Taro Tassadar, Executor! In this second instalment of the planned three base StarCraft advisor/announcers ported into the world of Stellaris, you will be advised by the stalwart Firstborn Executor from StarCraft 2 - allowing for play with any matter of ...
StarCraft: Terran Adjutant Advisor
Created by Heavy Horndal
Greetings, Commander. This is the first of a planned three mods featuring the base advisor voices from StarCraft 2 (i.e the Terran Adjutant, Protoss Executor, and Zerg Queen), allowing for a more vanilla StarCraft experience rather than a select playstyle/...
Technology Tree (for Chinese Language)
Created by Sakuya Minagami
为原版拥有后置科技的科技显示它的科技树,稀有科技和危险科技分别用紫色和红色标出。 本mod可选择游戏语言为英语或中文启动,游戏中的科技树会显示为中文。 下面的全语言通用版mod同样有中文科技树,但不支持选择游戏语言英语来启动。 for English, Brazilian Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean : Technology Tree 支持铁人成就。 为了更好的阅读体验,你可能...
Tier Numbers: Buildings
Created by BFNoise
I always had troubles to distinguish different tiers of Factories, Foundries and Research Labs, their icons look almost the same. Hovering mouse over and viewing tooltips is not very convenient. That's why I decided to make this little mod, mostly for myse...
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Mod Compatibility & Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod ...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - Dark UI
Created by Orrie
For 3.11.X ⚠️ This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that changes the modified graphical files and style to match the one in Dark UI. Will also work with any other of my UI submods. It no longer requires Dark UI to run. 📑 ...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - Extended Topbar
Created by Orrie
For 3.12.X ✔️ A submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that overhauls the resources displayed on the top toolbar. Doesn't require any other mods, and can be used even without the parent mod. Minimum resolution width is 1600px (can b...
Wider Tooltip
Created by Sakuya Minagami
Make tooltips wider. Achievment compatible. If the max width is not suitable for you, you can disable the mod and then open "%Stellaris_Path%\interface\core.gui" with Notepad. You will find: containerWindowType = { name = "ToolTipWindow" background = { nam...