Arma 3
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WebKnight's Zombies and Creatures
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2022年4月3日 15時50分
2023年3月16日 3時21分
16 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

WebKnight's Zombies and Creatures

[R E D A C T E D] outbrake is at stage 3,I REPEAT, OUTBREAK IS AT STAGE 3!! We are encounter a lot of [R E D A C T E D]
Version: 1.8

Lambs compat patch

I really like Ryan Zombie and Daemons mod, but unfortunately it is very outdated. I felt that we need a new zombie mod that will support my melee system and custom skeletons (That it will not really break them).
So i decided to fill that gap by myself. Here it is!

Core mechanics:
  • You can load zombies through editor or in zeus in a real time!
  • If you dont want to do it, there is already prepared zombies for most of the vanilla factions + IFA3
  • You can only load zombie ai on a standard human skeleton. If you will try to load an ai on a space marine or halo spartan - it will not work.
  • Zombies properly attack units with custom skeleton, so they will not break anything.
  • Zombies fully support IMS!
  • IFA3 zombies use Call of Duty Zombies Sounds :)))))))))))))))))))))
  • Fully working with ace
  • Require my IMS cause its using a lot of functions from there.
  • Full support for Necroplague mutants. Units will be infected if they were bited by zombies.

Special Infected:
  • Melee Zombie - Shamblers that can still use melee weapons.
  • Corrupted - basically a headcrab that can take over someones body and control it.
  • Smasher - a boss type mutated creature. Can throw rocks, jump, destroy literally everything on his path. Can be fully customized through addon options.
  • Bloater - Just a guy who rans toward the target and explode dealing a lot of damage. Can damage both vehicles and humans.
  • Screamer - Blind infected that screams if he hears a target turning every single infected in 500 meters in sprinters.
  • Leaper - very weak in terms of damage that it can take. Very strong in terms how much it deals damage and its speed. Can even kill a space marine in a few hits. Can be customized through addon options.
More special infected will be added in later updates.

Known issues:
  • Ai is lightweight for your CPU, but i would not reccoment you to spawn more then 50+ units!
  • Player can take special infected uniforms. That will be fixed as well.
  • Ai might not work as intendet in a group. Divide them into smaller groups if thats happening.

You can load ai through EDEN, ZEUS or just spawned units that i prepared. PLEASE LOOK AT THOSE IMAGES TO UNDERSTAND HOW TO DO IT!!!


If you like what i am doing please join one of the patrons! You will get access to my newest mods and major updates:

Have fun!

Main Credits:
MOCAP Melee, Ryan Zombie And Daemons - inspiration.
Macser - For awesome ArmaRig for blender!
Bohemia Interactive - For awesome game and platform!
Dos - head models and texture.
Smasher by Moon dong hwa:
Corrupted head model by UROD Engine:
PhoenixTREAL - Special Infected Models.
Macho, Cypher, Echo and other boys for early aplha and beta tests
My patreons - for supporting my work.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (12)
1月11日 11時39分
Necroplague vs WK Zombies
3月27日 10時59分
cant it zombie spawns in zeus
men with shoes
3月10日 6時00分
How do I load Z's with specific uniform/loadout in Eden?
631 件のコメント
SVaughan 5月30日 22時20分 
Dippy 5月30日 19時12分 
do they infect AI
Schwarz.EXE 5月23日 11時14分 
Hello! I have issues with ACE damage When zombie attack I get some wound (Which correct) but When I get attack more than 2 times my Character just die without any serious wound
Do I have to setting something or it a bug?
xLuZziffer 5月6日 2時40分 
heyyo got a weired thing that is happening with zombies and mutans...whenever they get shot they are frozen in place and then react and either keep walking or die to a headshot or critical injury...any help to fix that maybe?
WebKnight  [作成者] 4月27日 14時20分 
@❸ AlphaGarg zombies just dont have same tracking system as melee ai is, i am working on that and hopefully it will fix that issue. And for vehicles, they actually kinda avoid them because they cant hit em, but i am working on it as well to make so you can choose if you want your zombies to be able to attack and damage vehicles.
❸ AlphaGarg 4月27日 14時10分 
Recorded a video of the issue in action:

Also, I just wanted to say, huge thanks for all your mods, they made Arma fun again for me and my friends, and being a modder myself, I really appreciate the effort you put into these. Advanced Vault System, IMS, this mod... you've done some amazing things for the community and you should feel good about it :D
❸ AlphaGarg 4月27日 14時08分 
Over the past few days I've been building a mission similar to Zomboid using your mod and your melee system as the main mechanics. But I've found a rather significant issue with the zombie AI:

Walkers, sprinters, crawlers, etc, never go too close to vehicles.

You can test this by going into a car, bike, or, most worryingly, by having a melee weapon like the Fire Axe on your back, since that spawns an item holder. The zombies will approach up to a certain radius, then stop moving. They won't attack either, as they can't get into melee range. Even just being close to something like an explosive barrel with physics enabled (like the ones ACE spawns when you try to interact with a Terrain Object explosive barrel) will replicate the issue.

Would love to see this fixed if possible, or at least some pointers to try to fix it myself/work around it. I've tried forcing the zombies to approach using doMove, but they don't seem to be affected by that command like the human melee AI are..
ItsManamus 4月20日 19時24分 
Sadly all AI stops moving if you use Headless. Like they are stuck in place but will still attack but just not move.
Mucho.Frost 4月19日 4時33分 
Wont quite fit with what I had planned but I think I can do some workarounds if setCaptive will do the trick. Thanks a lot!
WebKnight  [作成者] 4月19日 3時15分 
@Mucho.Frost make player captive and thats it