Space Engineers
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GV Kharak Overview and Rules
โดย Mike Dude และ 3 ผู้มีส่วนร่วม
Overview and Rules for Guardians Vanilla: Deserts of Kharak Server, Season 8.
  • JOIN THE DISCORD!!! []You must join the discord server, and set your Discord nickname to match your in-game name.
  • Server IP: steam://connect/
  • Additional Server stats viewed here
  • View the new in-game wiki by pressing the `' "` (quotes) key.
Kharak World Overview

Welcome to GV: Deserts of Kharak (GVK), Season 8!
GVK is a PvPvE, single planet, rovers only server (with some limited flyers and hovers), themed after the legendary Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak game by Blackbird Interactive. Gameplay is focused around surviving in the harsh deserts, while fighting over scarce technology that can only be obtained through PvE encounters that drive intense PvP battles. Players can scout, fight, salvage, mine, haul and trade to thrive. PvE encounters include crashed wrecks, drones, cargo ships, convoys, trade stations, and King Of The Hill.

New 3D Interactive Map
Click here to view the new 3D map[]

Kharak's topography is based on the vanilla Pertam planet, highly modified with smooth roads, higher peaks, traversable canyons, and fun slopes. Most of the planet surface is breathable with the exception of the highest mountains. The Crossroads Region (Crossroads Island, and surrounding area) is controlled by the Coalition of the Northern Kiithid (COALITION), and the far East Desert is controlled by Kiith Gaalsien (GAALSIEN). COALITION is friendly to the player, but GAALSIEN is hostile.

Kharak Zones
The COALITION has identified 4 zones of increasing hostility with GAALSIEN.

Distances are approximate:
Distance from Crossroads
0 - 20km
20km to 34.5km
34.5km to 52km

Zone 0
New Players start in Zone 0. The Crossroads Island and its 20km vicinity is controlled by the COALITION and is safe to the player, but the COALITION does not allow weapons or atmosphere damaging production (weapons, large production, and most drills will be disabled, but basic production and basic static drills will still work). This is the primary starting point for new players. Factions Shield Generators are not siegable by other factions in this region. Valuable ores like Uranium, Gold, and Platinum have been completely mined out of the area. If you are within 20km of the COALITION.Crossroads Tower antenna signal, then you are in Zone 0.
The border between Zone 0 and 1 is dangerous. Weapons in Zone 1 can still fire up to 4km into Zone 0. Its highly advised for players to stay 4km inside the Zone 0 border, as well as use their Shield Generator at their base in Zone 0.
Items of interest:
  • Randy's Trade Station
  • Crossroads Tower
  • Crossroads Village
  • Crossroads Bridges
Zone 1
Small wrecks and derelicts from destroyed GAALSIEN patrols can be found in this region. Small wrecks provide vital salvage and technology for fledgling factions, and pose no immediate threat to players. Large scale production is also not permitted in this area. Weapons and all drills are enabled in this and subsequent regions.
Items of interest:
  • Skyport Trade Station
  • Small Signals
  • Gaalsien Salvagers
  • Cargo Ships
  • Rare Ores
  • Ice Deposits
Zone 2
Small and Medium wrecks and derelicts can be found in this region. Medium wrecks are the remains of larger GAALSIEN patrols, and contain much more loot and supplies than small wrecks, but can occasionally have small defenses. These are often places of conflict between other warring factions as they fight for supplies. Large scale production can be used in this area.
Items of interest:
  • Mastodon Trade Station
  • Small Signals
  • Medium Signals
  • Massive Ancient Wrecks
  • Gaalsien Salvagers
  • Cargo Ships
  • Gaalsien and Coalition Encounters
  • Rare Ores
  • Ice Deposits
Zone 3
The East Desert, the heart of GAALSIEN territory. This region is not only home to GAALSIEN, but also home to many warring factions. Players can find Large Wrecks and even damaged and abandoned buildings. Large wrecks carry highly sought after loot including relic weapon ammo, large amounts of tech, and highly advanced Data Cores. These wrecks are often well defended, and highly contested but provide the best payout. There was once a trade station and a small town in the East Desert but recent GAALSIEN activities have forced them to close.
Items of interest:
  • Sevastapol Trade Station
  • King of the Hill (KOTH)
  • Small Signals
  • Medium Signals
  • Large Signals
  • Massive Ancient Wrecks
  • Cargo Ships
  • Gaalsien Salvagers
  • Gaalsien Bases
  • Gaalsien Convoys
  • Gaalsien Cruisers
  • Rare Ores
  • Ice Deposits
Note: Players must be online, physically located in the zone, and not stationary to get the respective wrecks to appear.
Rules: Behavior, Building, & Scripts
Read all rules! Ignorance of the rules is no excuse. Rules and limitations will change as needed to maintain fair balance for everyone.

Player Rules
  • Treat everyone with respect. Absolutely no harassment, witch hunting, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.
  • No spam, self-promotion, or advertising other SE servers and discords.
  • No client side mods or hacks.
  • If you or your faction discover an exploit or severe imbalance, you have the responsibility to report it to admins asap. Failure to do so will be considered for ban.
  • No griefing
  • No abusing spawn pods.
  • No PVP in Zone 0 (including grinding), and no shoving enemy grids out from Zone 0.
  • No loitering in NPC safe zones. If you are not there for trade or using the facilities then leave.
  • No use of any exploits, i.e. using physicsless blocks on weapons, clang weapons etc, piston guns, rotor guns, supergridding, item duping, spectator, etc.
  • No flying grids under voxel (inside the planet).
  • No going to space.
  • No obstructing roads with grids or Shields, or offline Safezones. Pull a ways off the road before you log off.
  • No damaging or drilling on roads.
  • No intentionally attacking players grids residing in Z0 near the edge within firing range of Z1.
  • No "Sorter Sucker" attaching a sorter block to an enemy grid to siphon out their resources. You must hack the cargo if you want its contents.
  • No using Shields or Safezones at KOTHs.
  • Player faction tags may not be longer than 3 characters.
  • No using other faction Shield Generators for protection.
Grid Rules
  • ALL SHIPS AND STATIONS MUST HAVE A BEACON! (see cleanup rules above).
  • No dumping ice. Use Stone or Ice Duster options in the drills instead.
  • No bypassing of zone restrictions (timers, PBs, sensor with rotating arm, etc). Violating grids will be deleted, repeat offenders will be banned.
  • Reduce conveyor loops to the maximum extent possible
  • No ‘Space Elevator’ type grids connecting ground to 0g. Also see Grid Rules on length.
  • No building lower than 50m below the surface, blocks below this will be converted to SPRT.
  • No underground wind or solar farms.
  • No setting grids to neutral to exploit turret defaults and avoid return fire.
  • No use of wheels or suspension for ramming or kinetic based offensive weapons. Use of wheels in defensive and cosmetic applications is ok.
  • No strip mining long shallow trenches over large distances.
  • No building on roads.
  • No grids longer than 1km. Long grids can cause performance bugs and issues.
  • Bases and stations Must be anchored to voxel (no floating in the air).
  • Ships and rovers are ok to park/convert a few meters in the air to reduce physics interaction on voxels.
  • No subgridding to get around 1 MnM per grid limit.
  • “Grid” includes subgrids (aka construct).
Script Rules
  • Performance limit of 0.3 MS per player for scripts combined. PBs over this limit will take damage.
  • No ship status scripts like AutoLCD. We have a mod for that. On LCDs, select “ES Info LCD” script, then adjust Custom Data flags. Does not include subgrids.
  • No Inventory manager scripts like ISY and TIM, we have an inventory sorting mod for that.
  • No projection to assembler scripts, M&M does that.
  • No Solar tracking scripts, we have doubled solar output to offset the reduction in power.
  • No Auto-door scripts, airlock scripts, or door sensors, we have auto-close door mod for that.
  • No Radar or mapping scripts, we have a block and mod for that.
  • Only run scripts once when needed; dont loop outside of pvp.

Rules: Faction, Grid, & Zone Limits
Grid Classes per Faction
Factions have a limited number of permanent grids. This is done through a limit on the number of beacons. Larger factions are able to have more grids, but with diminishing returns. See the table below for the amount of grids by class per number of faction members. This is automatically managed via mod.

Beacons per Faction by Member count
1 mbr
2-3 mbrs
4-6 mbrs
7-10 mbrs
11+ mbrs
SG Light Spec Core Beacon
SG Medium Spec Core Beacon
LG Light Spec Core Beacon
LG Medium Spec Core Beacon
LG Heavy Spec Core Beacon
LG Fortress Beacon
LG Pipeline Hub Beacon
LG Shield Core Beacon

Grid Classes
Specific blocks are limited by Utility Points (UPs) and Mobility Points (MPs). Each grid class gets different amounts of points. Remember, the Spec Core Beacon dictates the grid class.

Grid Size
Max Blocks
Utility Points
Mobility Points
Interior Turrets
Small Grid
Small Grid
Large Grid
Large Grid
Large Grid
Large Grid
Large Grid
Large Grid
* Pipeline and Shield Cores does not allow weapons or most other limited blocks.
** Fortress Beacon has a 50% damage reduction.

Limited Blocks
Limited Item
Hard Item Limit
Potential Max Cost
Limit per
10 MPs
200 MPs
1 MPs
200 MPs
1 UPs
20 UPs
Ship Drills
2 UPs
20 UPs
Ship Welders**
2 UPs
20 UPs
Ship Grinders
1 UPs
20 UPs
2 UPs
20 UPs
2 UPs
20 UPs
Small/Large Production
1/2 UPs
20/40 UPs
Weapon Tech*
1 UP
100 UPs
Relic Slots
10 UPs
20 UPs
10 UPs
10 UPs
Shield Generator***
0 UPs
0 UPs
12 UPs
12 UPs
Drill Blocker***
0 UPs
0 UPs
* Tech varies by block
** Fortress has 2 Upgrade Slots
*** Static Grid Only
**** Upgrade Blocks cost 1 Relic Slot

Beacons Continued
  • Beacons have a custom mod that controls limits, and helps players and factions track how many beacons they have, and their GPS locations if the beacon is lost.
  • Factions will receive chat notifications if a beacon has been destroyed/removed.
  • Actions like /un♥♥♥♥it, /pasteconvert, and !hangar will trigger a false destroyed notification.
  • See the Commands section of the guide to use the beacon tracker.
Zone Restricted Blocks
The below blocks are only permitted to operate within their listed zone
Zone 0:
  • Basic Production
  • Basic Static Drill (No Ship Drills)
  • Shield Generators
Zone 1:
  • Basic Production
  • All Static Drills
  • All Ship Drills
  • Weapons
Zone 2 & 3:
  • Basic Production
  • Large Production
  • All Static Drills
  • All Ship Drills
  • Production Upgrade Modules
  • Weapons
Script & Automation AI Piloted Grids
  • Drones are ships with a beacon, but controlled through scripts or automation AI.
  • Players are limited to controlling no more than 6 drones each.
Player Made Missiles:
  • Missiles do not have beacons (or guns), but may have warheads.
  • Missiles are limited to 6 launchers or Silos per parent grid.
Rules: Log-off, Cleanup, & Recovery
Offline Faction Safezone (FSZ)
Factions receive an automatic Offline Faction Safezone for all faction large grids over 30 blocks after the last faction member has logged off.
  • Must be in a faction to receive FSZ features. If you are solo, you need to create a faction.
  • FSZs only enable 60 seconds after the last faction member has logged off, and disable for all grids when the first member logs back on.
  • FSZs will not activate on grids with neutral or enemy grids within 1000m radius!
  • FSZs will not activate near Territory blocks.
  • Use /checkzones to make sure all of your grids are eligible for a FSZ safezone.
  • Use [nozone] in the grid name to prevent your grid getting an offline safezone.
Logoff Information
  • All large grids convert to station on last faction member logout (including restarts).
  • All Program Blocks (PBs), and spotlights turn off on last faction member logout.
  • Grids that are too close to voxel (2.5m) may not convert to ship again. Use drills to add clearance from voxels.
  • Players must maintain their Active status by logging in at least every 14 days.
  • Inactive player grids will be auto-stored in the Quantum Hangar Plugin after 14 days (see commands to retrieve stored grids).
  • Refineries, Assemblers, PBs, Projectors, and Timers turn off at restart.
  • AFK timer is 30 mins. Anyone using bots or macros to hoard slots will be banned.
Cleanup Information
  • YOU NEED A BEACON on all permanent grids, this is YOUR responsibility.
  • Cleanup runs every 1 hour. Any grid without a beacon will be deleted.
  • Debris sweep runs every 30 mins.
  • Cleanup has never been wrong.
  • Beacons are functional when placed, but should be welded up for durability.
  • Respawn ships auto-delete when you spawn a new one.
  • Grids are backed up via Grid Backup plugin for extreme emergencies. Each is handled case-by-case.
  • Grid splits of 1 or 2 blocks are instantly deleted and will not be refunded, no matter the value. Be careful grinding off valuable tech blocks.
  • Scrap metal from destroyed blocks is instantly deleted to reduce server load from floating objects
  • Floating objects are automatically deleted due to server max floating object limit.
  • Ore is automatically collected when hand drilling through a torch plugin.
  • NPC wrecks auto-delete their beacons. If you want to claim it, you need to install your own beacon.
  • Stuff ejected from ejectors or connectors is instantly deleted. Don’t use to transfer cargo.
  • Abandoned KLASSPODS will be deleted periodically, and will not save in auto-hangar.
Grid or Item recovery Information
Recovery is handled case-by-case, and sufficient evidence (i.e. videos, screenshots, chat logs) must be provided with recovery requests as well as details about the requested grid (grid name, owner name or SteamId, time and date of loss, etc.).
Grids or items will only be restored to a player under the following situations:
  • Significant loss caused by other players or factions violating rules (e.g. griefing, PVP in non-PVP areas, game exploits)
  • Significant loss due to game or mod bugs (e.g. grid disappeared from !fixship or nexus transfer, or grid floated into space)
Recovery will not be offered for situations such as:
  • Damage or loss from random ground impact during regular driving or flying.
  • Damage or loss from jumps and crash landings.
  • Loss from grids or items deleted by cleanup.
  • Damage or loss caused by unwanted PVP or PVE in Zones 1-3.
  • Damage or loss from rando grinded my wreck down in Zone 1.
  • Damage or loss from inter- or intra-faction disputes.
  • Damage or loss from character or backpack being deleted.
  • Damage or loss from theft of grid or items in Zones 1-3 (PVP).
  • Damage or loss from lag or connection issues.
  • Damage or loss due to weapons malfunctions.
  • Damage or loss of any grid with default names like "Large Grid 0182".
  • Loss from NPC being cleaned or despawned before you finished with it.
  • Loss from NPC encounter malfunctioning (e.g. not spawning reward loot).
  • Loss from grid being deleted while connected to a retreating Gaalsien Salvager on server restart.
  • Damage or loss due to other well known bugs with known workarounds (e.g. Gaalsien Salvager bug above).
This list is non-exhaustive.

If admin decides to recover for above situations, it is purely out of kindness, and should not be expected in the future.

Some situations cannot be 100% recovered. Admins will use best judgement to provide equivalent compensation when recovery is authorized but 100% recovery is not possible (e.g. backup does not exist, or latest grid backup does not have all items lost in inventory).
To submit a recovery request
Visit the "# ! support-request" channel in the GV Discord, and follow the instructions.

Guide: Getting Started
New players begin their adventure in the Kharak Large Affordable Survivable Spawn Pod (KLASSPOD) and drop into Zone 0 (Z0). Z0 is a safe-ish area for players to build a starter base, and get their toes wet by visiting Zone 1 (Z1) for scrapping small wrecks. After you spawn, you can either head towards Crossroads to visit the NPC stores, or you can scrap your first wreck.

Join or Create a Faction
The very first thing you should do is to be in a faction. Factions receive offline safezone protection for all of their large grids (over 50 blocks). If you are too close to enemies or neutrals then you will not receive an offline safezone when you log off. The safezones appear when the last member of the faction logs off of the server. See the In-Game Commands section for a list of offline safezone commands.

Scrapping Your First Wreck
Most players make their living on Kharak by scrapping wrecks. Your KASSPOD is pre-equipped with ship grinders, so when you spawn head towards Z1 (20 km away from Crossroads Signal). Be aware that basic hand grinders cannot hack, so you need to use your ship's grinders, or buy/assemble a better hand grinder. If travelling by road you'll see signs indicating Z1. Your KASSPOD is also equipped with a map to help you orient where you are in the zones. Zone 1 and higher are PVP areas, so if you see players and don't feel safe, head back to Z0. It can't hurt to ask for help, most players are nice to new factions.

You must be physically in Z1 to find a small wreck. You shouldn't have to wait long until you see a notification for a Small Signal. Small derelicts spawn within 4km, and have a short range signal so it is usually unnoticed by other players. Head towards it and assess your discovery.

Derelicts have 4 main parts:
  • Loot cargos
  • Beacon and Remote Control
  • Bounty
  • Weapons and Defenses (medium and large)
Loot Cargos
Loot cargos are cargo containers filled with resources, and usually (but not always!) tagged with [Loot] in the cargo's name. You can either hack the loot cargos by hand, or you can consume the entire derelict with your ship's grinders. Grinders will pick up items from ground cargo containers assuming your grid has the inventory space. Some derelicts spawn partially below ground, so you'll need to use a drill to access all of the loot. You can use a Cargo Scanner block to scan a grid to help you get straight to its loot. Sit in a seat and run the scanner for 1 minute and it will highlight blocks of interest.

Cargo Scanner Colors:
  • Blue - Cargo
  • Yellow - Production
  • Red - Weapons

Beacon and Remote Control
Derelicts have a Beacon showing its signal size, and prevent the derelict from being deleted by cleanup. Their beacons will self-disable over time so wrecks will not stay around forever. If you want to disable the beacon to hide the signal, you should place a temporary beacon on the grid to prevent it getting deleted on server cleanup. Make sure you remove the beacon when you are done because beacons are limited. Beacons also double as Ship Cores (see Spec Cores section), so when you disable the beacon, any limited blocks will be automatically ground down to non-functional and you will lose those that potential salvage. AI remotes and Beacons are paired so if one is disabled the other will automatically disable as well.

Beacons (aka Ship Cores) are the soul of the grid, if a beacon is removed, the grid will be deleted upon the scheduled cleanup. If you disable a wreck's beacon, put a temporary one on the wreck, then be sure to remove it when you are done. Beacons require just 1 computer, and no power to be functional.
Derelicts and many other NPCs have bounties. Disabling the beacon or remote control on an NPC will pay out an immediate bounty, and the bigger the NPC, the higher the reward. If you need quick cash, disabling a nearby derelict is a great option.
Weapons and Defenses
Medium and Large derelicts (Zone 2 and Zone 3) will have active weapons. The Gaalsien faction is also scavenging for resources, so will send raiding parties to kill you and take all of the loot for themselves. These weapons can be very valuable so the faster you can fend off Gaalsien forces and disable the wreck, the more your prize stays intact.

Attacking Gaalsien Salvagers
Gaalsien salvagers can be found picking bits of scrap out of the deserts. They are mostly harmless but will usually run in the sight of danger. They are an excellent source of components and resources if you can manage to catch one. They take skill and patience to tackle, and may use their grinder on anything that tries to block their path.

Your First Base
After you have scrapped a few wrecks, you're going to need a place to call home, store salvage, and build bigger rovers. Head back to Z0 and fight a safe spot with some flat space to build and park stuff.

Place down a Shield Beacon Core first. Beacons only require 1 computer, and 0 power. That is all you need for the grid to avoid cleanup. Next place the Shield Generator along with a small power source like a wind turbine. Shield Gens don't require Zone Chips, are cheap to build, and require almost no power. In Z0 will act like a traditional Safezone; immune to attacks and sieges. The Shield Generator should not be connected to your main base to avoid inadvertent shutdown in the event you need to run a command like !fixship or /un♥♥♥♥it on your base. This will keep you safe from accidental damage and griefers.

Next, on a separate grid, begin building your base starting with a Beacon Core of your choice. Higher tier cores have higher limits, but you are not able to build as many. The Beacon Core will prevent your grid from being deleted by the server automatic cleanup system. Only basic assemblers and refineries work in Z0, so as you advance you'll need to spend more and more time in higher zones. You can always keep a backup base in Z0 in case of a disaster or a big PVP loss.

Weapons and Tech
Weapons and other advanced blocks require [Tech] in their construction. Basic weapons like gatling guns and autocannons require [Tech] Bolt Carrier, these can be found in small wrecks, and purchased at Rusty's Trade Station in Z0 Crossroads. Be warned, Tech grinds to [Scrap] Tech, which can only be refined by the COALITION, but it is a free service. See the CUs, RUs, Tech & Scrap section for more details. You can also assemble Bolt Carriers and gatling ammo in the basic assembler. Rare and high powered guns require Resource Units to produce their ammunition found in medium and large derelicts.

Buy Starter Baserunner
Early on it is highly recommended to upgrade to the Starter Baserunner. This is sold at the COALITION Base in Crossroads. See the Ship Sales section for more details. The Starter Baserunner has significantly more cargo space, upgraded tools, a long range radar, and a gatling turret.

Visit NPC Trade Stations
Rusty's Trade Station in Z0 should be one of your first stops. You can sell off unwanted items and tech, and purchase ingots to make components you are having a hard time finding in wrecks. You can also find upgraded tools in the vending machines at trade stations around Kharak. There are 4 main trade stations, and each one specializes in different tech, components, or ammo.
Guide: In-Game Commands 1/2
Grid Commands
  • /convert - (while in cockpit) converts the grid into either ship or station, even at low speed. This now works for small grids and subgrids including wheels
  • /convertpaste - Cuts and pastes the grid you are looking at into a ship.
  • /convertpaste.force - Similar to above but without safeties. Only use when a ship is near a voxel but refuses to convert. You are responsible for any clang that ensues.
  • /rename "newgridname" - Renames a grid that your faction owns
  • !entities refresh - Fixes desynced and bugged grids, usually. If it does not, try:
  • /un♥♥♥♥it - If relogging and other measures do not fix a bugged grid, this usually will. Look at the grid so your chest faces it, type the command, follow the prompt. Fixes most bugs.
  • /keen! - non profanity version of /un♥♥♥♥it
  • /rewardhelp - returns a list of chat commands for the Rewards Mod
  • !grids list - to view a list of grids of which you are a majority owner, and get their coordinates if you cannot locate them.
Beacon Limit Commands
  • /beaconlimit - checks your faction beacon counts. You can also obtain a GPS location of your beacons if you are unable to locate them.
  • /beaconlimit # - shows you a GPS for the beacon of the selected index #
Safe Zone Commands
  • /ownership - Tells you the owner of the grid in front of you. Useful for seeing who owns a safezone.
  • /checkzones - to make sure all of your grids in your instance are eligible for FSZ safezone before logging.
  • /forceremovezone - removes faction safezones if they get bugged and stuck on.
PVP/PVE Bounty Rewards and Leaderboards
THIS IS SEPARATE FROM DAILY VOTING REWARDS. Gain SC bounty by destroying enemy blocks. SC is instantly paid into your faction account. Ingot and component payouts are disabled.
  • /rewardhelp - returns a list of chat commands for the user.
  • /leaderboard - brings up the top 5 PvP faction points.
  • /leaderboardpve - brings up the top 5 PvE faction points.
  • /hideleaderboard - hides the top 5 faction points leaderboard.
  • /rewardlog - shows a battle log for your faction.
  • /rewardrank - will return a chat command showing your current ranking with your current points.
  • /resetLog - only faction leaders/owners can use, will clear your faction's battle log.
  • Add [RewardLeaderboard] or [RewardLeaderboardPvE] into an LCD's name to display PVP and PVE rewards on your grid for others to see.
Other Commands:
  • !sevote - To vote (daily) for the server on
  • !reward - to receive daily rewards after you've voted
  • !motd - To re-open the MOTD. Or use the med bay screen.
  • !rules - To open the link to this guide
  • !vote Restart - to vote for a server restart (case-sensitive)
  • !zones - to view the zone distances in-game
  • Shift + R - (non-chat) Place faction visible GPS waypoint (does not work well on planet surface).
  • /pipeline toggle - toggles the pipeline mod detection cone visibility.
Faction Hangar Commands
*** Faction leaders can execute commands on any faction grid while members can only execute commands on their own grids in the faction
  • /fh help - get a list of commands in-game
  • /ph list - Displays a list of grids and their index currently in your private hangar.
  • /ph store - Displays a list of possible grids you can store to private hangar in range.
  • /ph store GRIDNAME - Attempts to store the desired grid to your private hangar.
  • /ph load [index#] - Attempts to load the desired grid at index from private hangar.
  • /ph load [index#].true - Attempts to load the desired grid at index to its original location.
  • /ph load [index#].true.force - Attempts to load the desired grid at index but forces spawning at original location (no collision checks).
  • /ph transfer [index#] - Transfers the indexed grid from personal to your faction hangar.
  • /ph remove [index#] - Attempts to delete the desired grid at index from private hangar.
  • /fh list - Displays a list of grids and their index currently in your faction hangar.
  • /fh store - Displays a list of possible grids you can store to your faction hangar in range.
  • /fh store GRIDNAME - Attempts to store the desired grid to your faction hangar.
  • /fh load [index#] - Attempts to load the desired grid at index from faction hangar.
  • /fh load [index#].true - Attempts to load the desired grid at index to its original location.
  • /fh load [index#].true.force - Attempts to load the desired grid at index but forces spawning at original location (no collision checks).
  • /fh transfer [index#] - Transfers the indexed grid from faction to your personal hangar.
  • /fh remove [index#] - Attempts to delete the desired grid at index from faction hangar.
  • /fh togglesphere - Toggles the visble debugging sphere that shows the 'spawnable' areas.
  • /fh togglegps - Toggles the GPS markers for the 'spawnable' areas.
Faction Allies - Buddy Up
  • Step 1: Faction A runs the command /buddyup <Faction B tag>
  • Step 2: Faction B runs the command /buddyup <Faction A tag> within a 5 minute window to accept. Invites can also only be sent once every 5 minutes.
King of the Hill Commands
  • /koth help - For a list of all command
  • /koth score - To see the current score
WeaponCore Commands
  • /wc changehud - To move the top hud then use action key (numpad 0 by default) plus arrow keys to move. To resize use action key & numpad+/-
  • Click this link to view WC commands[]
Sorting Mod Commands
The sorting mod operates similar to Isy's Inventory Script, but in mod form and runs on the client.
"/" prefix denotes an SE mod
"!" prefix denotes a Torch plugin
Guide: In-Game Commands 2/2
Nexus Commands
  • !nexus ptoggle - Toggles Packet Tracing
  • !nexus getsectors [Boolean AddGps] - Lists all sectors in the current world
  • !nexus getsector [Boolean AddGps] - Gets your current sector
  • !nexus lobby [String cancel] - Sends you to the lobby
  • !nexus players - Lists all online players
  • !nexus players faction - Lists all faction members online
  • !nexus ver - Gets the nexus version
  • !nexus switch <Int32 serverID> - Switch your server to the designated serverID
  • !nexus switchall <Int32 serverID> [Boolean saveLocation] - Transfers all online players to target serverID
  • !nexus identity - Transfers all online players to target serverID
  • !nexus factionchat <UInt64 DiscordUserID> - Gets or sets your faction chat interface
  • !nexus factionchat reset - Disconnects your faction chat from your discord
  • !nexus factionchat breaklink <String FactionTag> - Disconnects your factions discord link
  • !nexus factionchat addwhitelist <String Tag> - Adds the specified faction to the whitelist
  • !nexus factionchat removewhitelist <String Tag> - removes the faction from the whitelist
  • !d link <Int32 link> - Confirm Links your SteamID to your DiscordID
  • !Lobby GetID - Gets the IdentityID of the grid you are looking at
Guide: Spec Cores
Spec Cores Intro
Grid and block limits are now handled by the Spec Cores mod. It functions similarly to PCU, but is more reliable, and more forgiving. It also allows different limits based on grid classes, and dynamic upgrades that change your grid's behavior. You can view your grid's points and limits right in the Spec Core Beacon's terminal.

A Player’s Guide to GVK Spec Cores
1. Pick a Grid Class: Light, Medium, Heavy, or Fortress
  • See the table below to check how many of each class your faction may possess.
  • Each step up in class provides increased Max Blocks, Utility Points (UPs), and Mobility Points (MPs).
  • Vanilla beacons are considered “Light” Core Beacons by default.
2. Put your chosen Grid Class Beacon block on your grid
  • Most Limited Blocks won't work without a Spec Core Beacon.
  • A Spec Core Grid includes all subgrids attached via “mechanical” connection, meaning rotors, hinges, and pistons. Grids attached via landing gear or connectors will need their own Spec Core.
  • You can only use one Spec Core per grid. More can be placed, but only one “Main” will be active (the first one with upgrades applied).
3. Build your grid
  • MPs are used for Hovers, Thrusters, and Suspension
  • UPs are used for blocks and upgrades. Don’t use all of your UPs on blocks if you want to buy upgrades.
  • UPs consumed by Limited Blocks are returned when you remove those blocks
4. Build your Upgrade blocks (optional)
  • Upgrades are now block-based and no longer in the terminal. Just place or remove your Upgrades just like any other Limited Block up to your UP Limit.
  • Light, Medium, and Heavy Ship Cores can only have 1 Upgrade Block, and Fortress Cores may have 2 (effects do not stack).
Current Upgrade Blocks
  • Mobility Boost (Double thruster force, half thruster power/fuel consumption)
  • Mining Boost (Double drill yield, double O2/H2 Gen speed)
  • Power Boost (double reactor output, halves consumption of some other blocks)
Spec Cores Tips
If the terminal keeps refreshing too fast, you can click Auto-Refresh at the bottom right to stop it from updating.
When building a ship or rover from your home base, it is recommended to put the projector on a connected grid. This prevents mixing multiple Cores on one grid, and avoids problems of violating limits due to the newly constructed grid.

Guide: CUs, RUs, Tech & Scrap
Construction Units (CUs) are the basic ingots for making advanced technologies (Tech). It is made of advanced materials not native to the planet of Kharak, and its origins are unknown.

CUs can be found through scrapping small/medium/large wrecks and trading.

Resource Units (RUs) are an advanced fuel source used in the construction of high end weaponry. It is also not native to Kharak, and is believed to have been originally harvested from the asteroid belts in the Kharak system.

RUs are also found through scrapping medium and large (not small) wrecks and trading.

Advanced blocks and weapons require new "Tech" components that can be found through scrapping small/medium/large wrecks and trading.

  • Hover Engines and Ion Thrusters - [Tech] Grav. Reflector
  • Hydro and Atmo Thrusters - [Tech] Igniter
  • Small Caliber Weapons - [Tech] Bolt Carrier
  • Large Caliber Weapons - [Tech] Gun Cradle
  • Missile weapons - [Tech] Launch Assem.
  • Laser Weapons - [Tech] Particle Emit.
  • PBs, AI Blocks, and some weapons - [Tech] Data Core
NPC TECH GRINDS TO SCRAP TECH! You'll need to travel to one of the Scrap Refineries listed below to refine it into CUs, then you can assemble it into any tech you need. Player tech does not grind into scrap.

Scrap Tech
Only the COALITION has the ability to refine Tech Scrap back into a usable CU ingot. The good news is they are doing this free of charge, and you get 100% returned.
To convert your Scrap Tech, visit:
  • In COALITION BASE in Crossroads in Zone 0
  • Near Mastodon in Zone 2
  • In Skyport in Zone 2
  • Near Sevastopol in Zone 3
  • Travelling Coalition Traders
GPS:Sevastapol:2990.66:30484.89:34060.65:#FF75C9F1: GPS:Mastodon:33475.48:5361.51:20848.44:#FF75C9F1: GPS:Coalition Base:61784:28043.1:38552.08:#FF75C9F1:

Guide: Grid Signatures & Speed Limits
Beacon Signatures
GVK has a custom mod that automatically changes the range of your grid's beacon based on 5 factors:
  1. Weapon Tech
  2. Grid Mass (excluding cargo)
  3. Grid volumetric size
  4. Speed
  5. Weather

At 0m/s, your grid will be at 500m range and increases linearly up to 50m/s your grid will be at its max range, represented by the (####) suffix at the end of the signal name. There is also a cooldown so it takes about a minute for your signal to go back down to minimum when you stop moving. Beacons are now functional as soon as you place them, so no more need to worry about partially built beacons and power. You cannot manually change the range of the beacon.

Most inclement weather reduces your signals max range, but there are a few weathers that will increase your range too (heat wave, radiation storm).

This mod also automatically appends your grid's faction prefix to the grid's name.

Connected ships (excluding stations) with a summed total of 20k blocks or more will be marked as TopGrid. This GPS will be visible to all players, and updates every 30 minutes.

Speed Limits
GVK also has a custom mod for linear and angular velocity limits. Originally based on Gauge's Relative Top Speed mod, GVK's uses a logarithmic decay algorithm that naturally gives an extra speed boost to very lightweight grids, while not punishing extra heavy grids too much more than the next.

This mod also features a rotational speed limit that is based on the linear speed limit above, and is further reduced as the grid approaches its max linear speed. See the graphs below to help you estimate your grid's speed limits. Gyro override's RPM will be effectively capped by this limit, and adding more gyros will not increase the limit either.

Guide: Faction Hangar
We have switched to Kamikaze's new Faction Hangar mod. This mod provides players with a private hangar, and factions with a shared hangar, plus more flexible withdraw options. When loading a grid it lets you place the grid where you want (in a sphere) similar to pasting a grid in Creative Mode.

Player Hangar /ph
Players receive 5 personal slots that is not accessible to other players.

Faction Hangar /fh
Factions receive 25 slots of shared hangar space. Faction Leaders can save and withdraw any grid from the faction hangar, but regular members can only save and withdraw grids in which they have a majority ownership.

Saving Grids to Hangar
Grids saving to hangar have a 60 second warm up before the grid is stored. This is to prevent players from unfairly evading fights or loss of grids.
  • /ph store - Displays a list of possible grids you can store to private hangar in range.
  • /ph store GRIDNAME - Attempts to store the desired grid to your private hangar.
  • /fh store - Displays a list of possible grids you can store to your faction hangar in range.
  • /fh store GRIDNAME - Attempts to store the desired grid to your faction hangar.

Loading Grids from Hangar
You can withdraw your grid in its original location and within 500m of the original location for 0 cost. You can also withdraw your grid within 15km of Crossroads at 0 cost. If you wish to use the hangar to transport your grid across the planet, it will incur an SC cost proportional to the size of the grid and distance of the transfer.
  • /ph list - Displays a list of grids and their index currently in your private hangar.
  • /ph load [index#] - Attempts to load the desired grid at index from private hangar.
  • /ph load [index#].true - Attempts to load the desired grid at index to its original location.
  • /ph load [index#].true.force - Attempts to load the desired grid at index but forces spawning at original location (no collision checks).
  • /fh list - Displays a list of grids and their index currently in your faction hangar.
  • /fh load [index#] - Attempts to load the desired grid at index from faction hangar.
  • /fh load [index#].true - Attempts to load the desired grid at index to its original location.
  • /fh load [index#].true.force - Attempts to load the desired grid at index but forces spawning at original location (no collision checks).

Transferring Grids between Personal/Faction Slots
You can transfer grids to and from the player hangar and the faction hangar if you own a majority of the grid in the faction hangar.
  • /ph transfer [index#] - Transfers the indexed grid from personal to your faction hangar.
  • /fh transfer [index#] - Transfers the indexed grid from faction to your personal hangar.
Deleting Grids from Hangar
You can delete grids from the hangar without needing to withdraw the grid. WARNING: THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE OR REVERSED BY ADMINS.
  • /ph remove [index#] - Attempts to delete the desired grid at index from private hangar.
  • /fh remove [index#] - Attempts to delete the desired grid at index from faction hangar.
Auto Hangar
All Faction grids (or player grids if not in a faction) will only be automatically stored into hangar on the 8th day after the most recent faction member has logged off. This is a huge improvement over Quantum Hangar because you no longer need to worry about grid ownership and inactive faction mates.

Other Options
You can escape pasting a grid in by pressing 0 or another item on the hotbar. Backspace and Esc don't work.
  • /fh togglesphere - Toggles the visble debugging sphere that shows the 'spawnable' areas.
  • /fh togglegps - Toggles the GPS markers for the 'spawnable' areas.
Guide: Shield Generators
This section is still under construction

This ain't your granny's DarkStar Defense Shields mod!

A new mod developed by Kamikaze brings a simplified siege mechanic to player buildable Safezone Generators now called Shield Generators. This enables enemy factions to siege and disable your Shield Generator in higher Zones (Z1-Z3). Shield Generators built in Z0 are NOT siegable and will always be safe from attacks (Like a normal Safezone). Factions may have 2 Shield Generators's: one for a starter/backup base in Z0, and one for a forward operating base in Zones 1-3. Offline Faction Safezones are still provided and unaffected by this feature.

Siege Basics
Attackers must build a Siege Drive and bring it within 3km of the SZG they wish to siege. Defenders must be online before attakers can siege. The Siege Drive terminal will show the list of eligible nearby SZGs to siege. Select the desired one, make sure the Siege Drive is charged, and click the Siege button.

Sieging will drain the shield strength from 100% (or its current charge %) down to 0%, and when it reaches 0% the Shield Generator will become disabled. Defenders will need to fight off attackers by killing the attacking Sieging Drive, indicated by red laser. Once the generator is no longer under siege, it will resume charging back to 100%. If attackers are quick they can continue sieging without losing too much progress, but they will have to pay additional Siege Chips to reinitiate a siege.

Shield Generators
Shield Generators must be a station, or they will grind to non-functional. They must have a Shield Gen Beacon on the grid to avoid cleanup. They do not consume Zone Chips, and require extremely low power. At the moment they are not self-powered so you need to add a small power source to keep it running. You cannot use Shield Generators in KOTH areas.

Siege Drives
Siege Drives contain the interface for sieging enemy Shield Generators. They must be fully charged to initiate a siege.

Siege Chips
Siege Chips (previously Zone Chip, aka Tokens) can be assembled or purchased from Trade Stations. You need to have the required Siege Chip (also named Tokens in the terminal) in any cargo on the grid with the Siege Drive. It will automatically subtract the needed Siege Chips upon siege initiation.

Discord Alerts
You can sign up for the Kharak Siege Notifications role for Discord alerts on all Siege activity. Unfortunately it is not currently possible to sign up for alerts for ONLY your faction.

Configuration Specifics
  • Max Siege Distance: 3000m
  • Siege Cost at 100% strength: 100 Siege Chips
  • Siege duration from 100% strength: 1 hour
  • Charge time from 0% to 100% strength: 1 hour
  • Enemy checks (includes Neutral/Allied): 1000m
  • Shield Generator Radius: 250m spherical
  • Max Power at Max Radius: 1W
  • Shield Generator Startup Time: 30 seconds
  • Startup initial charge: 25%
Guide: PVE, Missions, & KOTH
There is no shortage of enemy and friendly encounters. Gaalsien forces have everything; Sandskimmers, Baserunners, Assault ships, Cruisers, Honorguard, Bombers, Carriers, Outposts, Fortresses, and more. You'll find friendly coalition forces often engaging in combat with Gaalsien, and sometimes requesting assistance from players.

Fighting Gaalsien
Gaalsien forces are no joke, but their advanced technologies make them an attractive target to players. Gaalsien will send raiding parties to derelicts that players will need to deal with. They specialize in hover technology, and employ every type of weapon available. Lasers and 155mm Cannons are often the preferred method for dispatching Gaalsien craft. Baserunners and Cruisers are incredibly durable and difficult to take down.

Be careful with grinding downed Gaalsien ships. They will self destruct once disabled causing damage to itself and grids in close proximity. Dismantle downed Gaalsien vehicles with extreme caution. The best way to tell is if the ship still has a broadcasting ship core (beacon). If this is disabled, then it most likely will be safe to approach. Always go for the beacon first on downed vehicles and avoid grinding the remote control because that is the block that explodes.

Distress Signals
COALITION forces may request support from nearby players. If you wish to help, you'll need to help them fight off attacking Gaalsien raiders. If you are successful, you'll be rewarded with a loot cargo drop for your support. Some items like Special Cargo will need to be sold at Trade Stations to redeem its full value.

Escort Missions
COALITION forces are spread thing and need player support escorting their Cargo Cruisers for supply runs to the different Trade Stations. Just approach the Cargo Cruiser and it will follow its route while you stay within range. Currently there is an easier route for Crossroads to Mastodon, and a difficult route from Crossroads to Sevastopol. The route is long and dangerous, and many Gaalsien raiders will attempt to stop the transport and steal its loot. Its your job to follow through to the end and protect the transport. Once it arrives to its destination, you'll be rewarded with at loot cargo drop (or two).

Large Derelicts and KOTH
Every Large Derelict includes a KOTH. Players have the option to keep the derelict enabled and maximize their time reaping KOTH rewards, or they can disable the derelict quickly to reduce their exposure time to other players.

COALITION also send trade cruisers along these routes. When players approach they will pause their route so you can board and exchange goods. They also offer mobile [Scrap] Tech refining so you don't need to travel to COALITION Base in Z0 or Mastodon Station in Z3.

Ancient Massive Derelicts
Kharak is littered with ancient wreckage from an unknown advanced civilization. These MASSIVE wreckages tower over the local landscape, and hold information on advanced technologies. When a new site is discovered factions race to set up an Encampment to extract the site of its resources and information. They appear sporadically around Zones 2 and 3. Factions must build and defend their encampment for multiple days to get the most out of each wreckage. has a permanent King of the Hill (KOTH) in Encampment mode. This means any faction with a static grid within range gets points and rewards. Grids will not have an Offline Faction Safezone, so they need to be well fortified.

***The Faction with the most points from Encampment at the end of the season will be declared the Season Victor***

  • Do not enter inside, underneath, or dig around the mega structures.
  • Do build capture grids underground, they must be on the surface and able to be attacked. 1 layer intersecting voxel is fine.
  • Factions must build a Static Large Grid of at least 100 blocks to capture.
  • More grids may be used for defense, but will not increase capture speed or points
  • Ancient wrecks usually last about 2 days, then a new one will appear elsewhere at random.
  • Do not block/cover/build around the KOTH to prevent access to other players.
  • All factions cap points while they have valid grids.
  • Shield Generators and drills will not work in the KOTH area.
  • MnM projectors on STATIC grids will not work in the KOTH area. This is to prevent building capture grids underground that would be immune to damage.
Guide: Trade Stations
There are 4 main trade stations on Kharak, each of them buy and sell a different selection of items.

GPS:Sevastapol:2990.66:30484.89:34060.65:#FF75C9F1: GPS:Skyport:40585.81:59619.14:46601.96:#FF75C9F1: GPS:Mastodon:33475.48:5361.51:20848.44:#FF75C9F1: GPS:Rusty's:61686.17:27088.08:38160.96:#FF75C9F1:

Coalition Base and Mastodon both have vehicles for sale.
GPS:Coalition Base:61784:28043.1:38552.08:#FF75C9F1:

Vehicles for Sale

The Starter Baserunner can be purchased at the COALITION Base in Crossroads (Zone 0). It is far superior over the standard KLASSPOD, equipped with everything you need to get scrapping and start a base.

The Starter Baserunner, Combat Baserunner, Support Cruiser, and Battlecruiser can be purchased from the Vehicle Store at Sevastapol Trade Station in Zone 3.
Guide: Tips and Helpful Info
Character Suit/Jetpack
  • Character suits have very poor thrust, and consume a lot of H2
  • The spawn grinder (Basic Angle Grinder) is not able to hack enemies (including wrecks).
  • You cannot spawn in space
  • The Auto-fill Bottles mod has been added to make refilling much easier
  • Players spawn without H2, and low O2. Be sure to obtain ice from an NPC or ice deposit to sustain life in the desert.
  • Jetpacks don't work in space.
Good to Know
  • Resource scarcity has been tuned to encourage scrapping/salvaging, PVP, and trading.
  • Most turrets and weapons need tech that is salvaged from NPC grids.
  • PBs, and Weapons with an AI range of 2km or higher require 1 Data Core component.
  • Uranium can only be looted.
  • All voxels reset every Sunday at 2300 EST
  • All underground bases will be filled in on voxel reset.
  • Use the Drill Blocker to stop hand drill intruders. It must be static, and does not affect ship drills.
  • Server restarts every 6 hours; 6/12/6/12, EST time zone.
  • Grid Defender prevents collision damage to Large/Small grids over 50/100 blocks respectively, and under 50m/s.
  • Subgrids also need to be over 50/100 blocks as well to receive collision protection.
  • Be prepared to live with some jank and bugginess, SE and WeaponCore have their issues.
  • You can use the Ship Value Estimator spreadsheet[] to estimate the base value of your grid using the NPC store prices.
Vanilla and Modded items (TypeId/SubtypeId) for Sorting Tags
  • AmmoMagazine/NATO_25x184mm - [Gatling] 25mm KE x30
  • AmmoMagazine/NATO_5p56x45mm - [Interior/Sidearm] 5.56mm KE x30
  • AmmoMagazine/AutocannonClip - [Autocannon] 30mm API x6
  • AmmoMagazine/LargeCalibreAmmo - [Cannon] 155mm AP
  • AmmoMagazine/MediumCalibreAmmo - [Flak] 100mm PROX
  • AmmoMagazine/LargeRailgunAmmo - [MAC] 200mm DU
  • AmmoMagazine/SmallRailgunAmmo - [Railgun] 50mm FeW
  • AmmoMagazine/Missile200mm - [Rocket] Hydra HE
  • AmmoMagazine/Missiles_Missile - [Missile] Archer HE
  • AmmoMagazine/Missiles_Torpedo - [Torpedo] Crusader EMP
  • AmmoMagazine/Missiles_Siege - [SRBM] Longsword MIRV
  • AmmoMagazine/Ballistics_HeavyCannon - [Heavy Cannon] 480mm APHE
  • AmmoMagazine/Missiles_HeavyMissile - [MLRS] Tuukka HE
  • AmmoMagazine/Lasers_Plasma - [Plasma] Plasma Bomb
  • AmmoMagazine/Others_Drone_Falcon - [Drone] Falcon Autocannon
  • AmmoMagazine/ElitePistolMagazine - [Sidearm] 9mm KE x10
  • AmmoMagazine/UltimateAutomaticRifleGun_Mag_30rd - [Sidearm] 7.62mm FMJ x20
  • Component/GVK_Hover_Tech - Grav. Reflector
  • Component/GVK_Thrust_Tech - Igniter
  • Component/GVK_SmallCaliber_Tech - Bolt Carrier
  • Component/GVK_LargeCaliber_Tech - Gun Cradle
  • Component/GVK_Missile_Tech - Launch Assem.
  • Component/GVK_Laser_Tech - Particle Emit.
  • Component/GVK_Data_Core - Data Core
  • Ingot/GVK_CUs - Construction Units
  • Ingot/GVK_RUs - Resource Units
  • Component/GVK_SpecialPackage1 - Special Package
  • Component/GVK_TurboEncabulator - Turbo Encabulator
Weaponcore Useful Tips
View helpful tips like setting up custom turret controllers, and adjusting the WC HUD so it doesn't overlap with the compass here
Weaponcore Radar HUD too cluttered?
Follow these steps to help clean up your WC HUD:

Daily Voting Rewards
Show your support, and get free rewards by voting! Once per day you can vote which boosts the server's visibility to other SE players. You will receive in-game 20U, and a 1,000,000 credits, with a small chance for a very valuable special package. Make sure your inventory has space! Vote here:, or use in-game commands !votelink or !sevote or !boost to cast your vote, then !reward to obtain your reward.
Guide: Public Service Announcements
— 04/05/2022 11:10 AM
Pressing the Load Repair Projection button on the Manufacturing Projector sometimes causes an attached SZ generator to just stop working.

— 04/25/2022 9:07 PM
enemies can attach conveyor sorters to your network to siphon out all of your inventory. Thats the risk you run if you have long exposed conveyors. I highly recommend using the pipelines mod instead since the hubs will get a safezone (if larger than 30 blocks) and the pipeline runs don't take damage and cant be hacked (its also better for performance).

— 08/14/2023 8:44 PM
if you run into strange behaviors with turrets/weapons just being dumb and/or doing no damage, a good old fashioned !un♥♥♥♥it will probably fix it. Sadly this is one of those things I can't fix in the weapon code. Sometimes things get desynced.

— 12/17/2023 12:55 PM
MnM has a bug that wipes hotbars in cockpits, event controllers, timer blocks, sensors, air vents, etc. Welding those items from the projection by hand avoids this problem, so for now the workaround is to grind and reweld those blocks from the projection by hand.