Dota 2
86 évaluations
Disable Chat Wheel Sounds v. 2.6
De Nihil
Are you tired of these wacky soundeffects everyone spam with chatwheel or taunts 24\7? Do you also feel they are redundant and annoying? If so, you can now get rid of most of them. There is also a version with removed sprays.

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Main information
This guide will allow you to remove most annoying sounds from the game, specifically - chat wheel sounds, hero wheel sounds, taunt sounds. Doing so is completely legit and won't result in a ban because such unintrusive modding is allowed.
There are two versions: with removed chat wheel sounds and taunt music and with additionally removed sprays.
If you want to do such things yourself - here is an archive with all the modding assets i have collected and used. LINK[]
Necessary steps
1) First of all, you need the main mod file, which at the moment comes in two editions:
  • without chat wheel sounds and taunt music - LINK[]
  • without sprays, chat wheel sounds and taunt music - LINK[].
  • and unstable version without cosmetics, sprays, chat wheel sounds and taunt music - LINK[]. - Cosmetics released after 04.2021 aren't included because original mod with cosmetics wasn't updated since. I haven't tested this version, just combined my mod with the cosmetics mod of other author.
The file contains almost nothing, and that nothing will be loaded into the game instead of the annoying content. Save the file and proceed to the next step.

2) Now you need to open your dota2 file folder. To do it, select dota2 in library and press Browse local files. Then proceed to\dota 2 beta\game\ folder. You will see there such folders as "dota", "dota_russian", "dota_koreana", etc. Now we need to create our own folder - its name shall be "dota_MOD".

3) After the folder is created, move the downloaded vpk file into it and rename it into pak01_dir, so it became pak01_dir.vpk

4) Final part - switching to the mod. To do it, open dota2 launch options in library and paste there the following: -language MOD

It is over now, you can finally enjoy the silence. You will most likely encounter a message in your dota2 settings demanding you to restart your client, but you can safely ignore it, as i do. To test the mod, go into the chat wheel settings, press the sounds in them and try listening to these sounds. If they aren't playing - everything is good.

If you will encounter any problems - please let me know. If you will encounter annoying sounds i have yet to remove, please let me know of them, as i really want to purify my dota client from this filth once and for all. After the new sounds will be added into the game i will need to update the mod, replacing them. I may release a version with, for example, hero lines wheel sounds still remaining, if some will need it.

Cosmetics version updates are based on free release from NoHatsPreacher[]. I had to restore arcana models as they were bugged and had no animations at all. There are probably other items that have incorrect or missing animations, so feel free to nofity me of them.
Cosmetics mod that i used is no longer freely distributed, so everything added in Dota2 since 04/2021 is ignored by it.
How to use the mod with languages other than english:
If you want your Dota2's language to be something other that english you need to do the following:

1) Locate the folder in dota 2 beta that contains your language files (for me its \dota 2 beta\game\dota_russian)

2) Rename the mod file into pak02_dir.vpk (because pak01_dir.vpk already exists in our language folder, they are loaded in the order pak01-pak02-pak03-pakXX)

3) Place renamed pak02_dir.vpk into the language folder.

4) Make sure your language in dota2 is set to the language whose folder you used (you can do it in dota2 settings, or probably use -language chinese or -language russian, i guess. NO NEED TO USE -LANGUAGE MOD)

If you did it correctly, it should work.
I usually update the mod based on your feedback, so if you think it needs an update - fell free to notify me in comments.
Here are the changelogs of the mod, so you could tell if it requires an update.
29.08.2024 - v. 2.6 - Removed season 11 sounds (whatever they are) and ti24 chat wheel sounds
08.05.2024 - v. 2.5 - Removed crownfall queen chat wheel sounds and 3 taunts, dawnbreaker wheel sounds
29.10.2023 - v. 2.4 - Removed additional chatwheel sounds
08.10.2023 - v. 2.3 - Removed new TI23 chatwheel sounds
20.08.2023 - v. 2.2 - Removed gaben chat wheel sounds
15.06.2023 - v. 2.1 - Removed victory prediction voicelines, season 8 and 9 pro circuit chat wheel sounds and sprays.
07.03.2023 - v. 2.0 - Removed (i guess) Muerta chatwheel, new season 7 pro circuit chat wheel sounds and sprays.
04.10.2022 - v. 1.9 - Removed 7 new truesight chatwheel sounds.
30.09.2022 - v. 1.8 - Removed new season 6 pro circuit chat wheel sounds. Also removed forgotten undying voiceline.
12.09.2022 - v. 1.7 - Removed several new taunts, battlepass tip sounds.
05.09.2022 - v. 1.6 - Removed new battlepass sounds and sprays, void spirit lines, pango voiceline.
18.06.2022 - v. 1.5 - Readded semioutdated cosmetics version.
15.06.2022 - v. 1.5 - Removed new season 5 pro circuit chat wheel sounds.
05.04.2022 - v. 1.4 - Removed hoodwink global chatwheel sounds.
04.04.2022 - v. 1.3 - Removed new season 4 pro circuit chat wheel sounds. Also removed no-cosmetics version as i am too lazy to work on it.
09.01.2022 - v. 1.2 - Added version with most cosmetics removed. Thanks to NoHatsPreacher[].
08.01.2022 - v. 1.2 - Added version with removed sprays. Changed installation process.
02.01.2022 - v. 1.1 - Initial release, removes chat wheel sounds and taunt music.
Earlier version of this mod was created by AveYo[], however it wasn't updated for long enough, so i've done it myself. Link to the original mod - HERE[]
Cosmetics version is based on free release from the NoHatsPreacher[], as i have no clue how to do such thing in reasonable time span.
133 commentaires
Nihil  [créateur] 28 aout à 14h17 
@Evgeny Akabenko, сорри, я окончательно желание что-то с дотой делать потерял, так что новый функционал добавлять не буду :(
Я же тот ещё дилетант - просто распаковываю архив и заменяю звуки в нём на пустые файлы. Менять интерфейс для меня - незнакомая тема, я не испытываю никакого желания этим заниматься...
Nihil  [créateur] 28 aout à 14h14 
@Qoo Обновил те звуки, что смог найти. Насмешки не трогал, т.к. на глаза новые не попались. Если названия их мне скинут - в следующем патче вырежу
Nihil  [créateur] 28 aout à 14h12 
Mod semi-updated - i removed the chat wheel sounds, but i don't know about the other stuff you want me to deal with, specifically taunts, so i would like you to tell me the names of those taunts (yes, i'm too lazy to manually check every hero for unremoved sounds :( )

Also i would like to ask: does anyone use spray removal version? Should i update it?
Qoo 28 aout à 13h27 
Жду обновы, бро!
Pimpin Pippin 23 aout à 7h02 
A huge Dota update came out with a new compendium.
There is likely going to be a lot of voice likes judging by the Valve patch notes.
If you have the chance please save us :)
Thank you!
Evgeny Akabenko 3 aout à 15h32 
@Nihil я бы затестил убирание типов. Добавл тебя в друзья
Nihil  [créateur] 25 juin à 14h47 
@Zebracon1, товарищ Зёбра, если не ошибаюсь - то звуки типов мод вроде бы удаляет. Насчёт уведомлений не знаю - не играл год примерно, всё забыл.

Предлагаю следующее: я собираю мод, который по идее будет это удалять, и даю его тебе на тестирование. Тебе будет нужно проверить, работает это вообще или нет, после чего сообщить о результатах. Сам я на такие жертвы, как несколько каток, не готов, прям тошнит от доты уже, даже спустя пару лет...
Nihil  [créateur] 25 juin à 14h31 
Can you please tell me which sounds are annoying now? I don't play d2 anymore, but as i can see all chat wheel sounds are muted so that part is covered... Can't figure out what would you like to be deleted as well :)
Zebracon1 24 juin à 23h28 
Дружище, а есть возможность убрать уведомления, когда меня типают? Эти проверки на ментальную прочность от токсичных бандерлогов уже просто вусмерть надоели.
Pimpin Pippin 18 juin à 16h16 
No rush, dota is just a game.
Thank you for all your work.
And good luck with your exams!