Imperator: Rome

Imperator: Rome

2,686 ratings
Imperator: Invictus
File Size
1.194 GB
Jun 30, 2021 @ 9:03am
Jul 19 @ 10:35am
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Imperator: Invictus

In 1 collection by Snowlet
Submods for Invictus - Use with caution
7 items
Imperator: Invictus is a grand modpack and community update to Imperator: Rome, also found on Nexusmods here[].
(Achievement compatible on 2.0.4, works on Ironman and MacOS now)

To continue old saves, use the version from:
We also have a wiki:

Major mod features: V1.8.0.2 - Midas
  • A vastly improved AI based upon Glavius' work
  • Tons of new Mission trees (list is below)
  • Map expansions in North-Africa, East-Africa, European Steppes, Burma and more
  • Reworked map setup in: Arabia, Iberia, the Balkans, Germania , Sardinia, Ukraine, the Steppes and East-Africa with several new nation tags
  • Added many new impassable mountain ranges in North-Africa, Iberia and India
  • Added new navigable rivers, Lake Tritonis/Bazensis (Tunisia) and the Marib Dam (Yemen) physically to the map
  • Added several wonders (with 3d models) including the Second Temple, the Marib Dam, Athenian Acropolis and the Ziggurat of Ur
  • Dynamic food production and consumption system with varied Seasons and increased importance
  • A total rebalance/rework of all Buildings
  • A total rebalance of Military Units (including cultural names)
  • A total rebalance of Wonders
  • A total rebalance of Laws
  • Added the Spearmen unit type
  • Added 8 new tradegoods: Cedar, Sugar, Myrrh, Cinnabar, Lapis, Jade, Fruit and Silphium
  • Historical Galatian invasion decisions and events (mission tree is under development)
  • Historical but dynamic Mauryan collapse
  • Historical but dynamic Parthian invasion
  • Optional Gamerules for the Reworked Diadochi CB, Dynastic Names for the Diadochi, the seasonal food and more
  • A dynamic character Background art system
  • 200+ new generic events
  • Dozens of new Schemes, Ambitions and Character interactions
  • Spartan Diarchy reflecting Sparta’s historical government form of 2 Kings.
  • Tons of new custom art for Deities, Cities, Wonders and more
  • Flavour events for Kemetics/Germanics/Illyrians and more (100+)
  • Larger revolts for when other provinces are close to rebelling
  • Added tons of Deities to forgotten religions (150+) and plenty of new religions
  • Added tons of Treasures spread around the World
  • Dynamic tech spread for Tribes
  • Decisions to build up rare tradegoods
  • 7 new disasters: floods, landslides, droughts, (sand)storms, avalanches and locusts
  • Buffed early-game tribes for increased survivability and military importance
  • Many new Military traditions and reworked military tradition requirements
  • New heritages spread around the world (100+)
  • Improved Wonder Building
  • Tons of balance changes to make the game better, including important character stats, bloodline traits and general modifiers
  • A lot of new cultural inventions (60+)
  • More historical AI behaviour, including Epirote invasion of Italy
  • Reimplemented the old Slave Revolt mechanic
  • 4 languages to play in: English, German, French and Spanish
  • And many other various pieces of content/flavour

Mission trees:
  • 6 new Mission trees for Cyrenaica
  • 4 new Mission trees for Thebes
  • 3 new Mission trees for Macedon
  • 2 new mission trees for Aksumites, Etruria Gymnaesians, Heraclea Pontica, Kios, Rhodes, Maurya, Patauion, Samnium, Sardinians, Suebians, Tasm, Ingvaeonics into Saxonia, Istvaeonics into Francia and the Tamil Kings (Chola, Chera and Pandya)
  • 1 new large Mission tree for Albania, Albion, Atropatene, Bharatvarsha, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Judea, Kalinga, Kush, Lanka, Mauretania/Massaesylia, Nabatea, Nabhapakti, Paurava, Persis, Samaria, Scythia, Sogdia, Tartessians, Tibet, Treveria, Vasconia, Veneto, Yamnat and Zhangzhung
  • 1 new regional mission tree for Aremoricans, Argos, Arseka, Bastarnae/Sciria, Bohemia, Caledonia, Carthage, Cisalpine Gaul, Colchis, Cretans, Dumnonia, Eburonia, Fezzani, Fugandulu, Getae, Gordyene, Gothonics, Hibernians, Paphlagonia, Iberia, Icenia, Korkyra, Messapia, Odrysia, Qataba, Rhaetia Roman invasions of Britain/Rhaetia/Illyria, Saba, Siculia, Tylos, Umbria, Vandals and Yaudheya
  • Generic mission trees for Illyrian pirates, Punic subjects, regular subjects and Greek Black Sea republics
  • Generic mission tree for Bharat
  • 7 Mission trees for Bactria into Indo-greek Kingdom

Invictus is Latin for unconquered, undefeated; our English word 'invincible' takes its root here.

Given the unfortunate news concerning the game status, we thought it best to combat an attitude of defeat with a fighting spirit.

This mod is our effort to prevent this great game from going gently into that dark night. Thus we are embarking upon a grand effort by the modding community (based around the Imperator mod COOP) to develop community-driven DLC and keep the game alive.

It is not our intent to completely overhaul the game mechanics, as we want people to be able to play the mod and understand everything while having only played Vanilla.

Discord: (Active community, receives weekly teasers and announcements)
Official twitter:
Follow our dev diaries on the PDX forums:

In terms of suggestions, our goal is that anyone familiar with only vanilla Imperator should be able to pick up the mod and play without trouble, all features must be either historical or reasonably plausible and fun.

As this is a community project, we will listen to and work in the interest of the Imperator: Rome community and we look forward to hearing from you!

Check the linked steam collection to see all compatible mods and the exact order they should be loaded in, the mods are interchangeable.

If you find any bugs, you should contact us in the Bugs channel on our Discord, or place a message in the Bugs steam discussion, please do not use comments for Bug reports.

Credits to the Invictus team and everyone who helped us in no particular order.
Snowlet, Jphiloponus, Mike Bittersteel, Dementive, Erik Erik, Hannibal_theCannibal, Izn, OmegaCorps, Palando, Parcipal, Paulus, Sealionforever, Thymos, Torugu, Tudhaliya, Aerozona, Diskianterezh, gmb360, Idonea, IhateTrains, Olivenkranz, Shocky27, Stallone, Typhion, Zorgoball, rickinator9, Acult, TheMadRegent, derekmark, MikeW, Two-Coops
Aquizar, CrazyZombie, Fildez, Nerdman3000, RetconCrisis, Kailas, crownsteler
Apollon, Frank, Juanen, Julianus, Lemon, Machiavello, Pilar, Spikos, Vityviktor
Agamidae, Arkerios, Ben4Peters, DaFoogle, Diego I de Persia, Dustin, Hexon, Kalen, MattTheLegoman, Nebular, Pardo, Presidentstorm, .ianfleming, Shinymewtwo99
Prometheus, Licarious, AtomicFission, Sobisonator, IsaacCat, NPK
Augustus_Caesar, bla, Brasidas, DDJR, FBI Agent, Jake_P, Jandoski, Lil_squindie, llamafanatic, Memer Nener, Pydras, Sav, Somebody, Trewajg, Tuko Tuko, Eel, Mateusz, Salt
Chehrazad, Derek, Felix Amiculus, Herodotus, INKRSN, Manny, QuietRustler, Sethos, Trarco

Special thanks to:
CK3 Apotheosis - For allowing us to use their Coat of Arms
Conqueror/BlackExcellence/Julianos - For allowing the use of their models.
Agamidae - for helping the whole modding community as COOP lead.
Aquizar - for allowing us to use his high-quality profesional artwork.
MattTheLegoman - for doing amazing work on the Terrain.
Terrapass - for sharing how to make font appear above trees.
Londoninium - for fixing COA textured emblems.
Verneylive - for allowing the use of his background art.
Popular Discussions View All (39)
Jul 19 @ 5:11pm
PINNED: Report Bugs
Jun 21, 2023 @ 11:16am
Cyrenaica's Mills & Mines
Jun 4, 2023 @ 9:22am
Armenia's bug
YOUR FATHER!!!! Jul 24 @ 6:06am 
@Mush, so it looks like some bug. It will be illogical to complete both. Probably, we will see some fixes anytime soon. They are doing them quite quickly and often.
Mush Jul 23 @ 4:56pm 
@YOUR FATHER!!!! I assume its a bug, you can only pick one of the two paths, one being traditionalism and saying fully celtic, the other to 'modernise' with hellenic, italic or punic influence.

'unify the traditions' is the finisher for the celtic tree, and 'dawn of a new era' is the finisher for the modernised tree; from what the mission tree implies you require both to be done to achieve the continuation under 'golden age', which isnt doable because they are mutually exclusive.
Antipatros Chu Jul 21 @ 7:20am 
I am not sure if it is the one that causes crashes, but after the most recent update, I ran across a crash that cannot be fixed by reloading and I only installed three Invictus submods in the collection above.
Stonewallis Jul 21 @ 5:41am 
Playing as Reudignia, something is screwy for me regarding the mission "The Vast North Sea". The task "Setting sail" gives no claims unless a save is made and reloaded after closing out of Imperator.
TheNowGamer Jul 18 @ 7:11am 
Still running into bug where modifiers were removed when annexing civil war
Memory Jul 16 @ 4:32pm 
Will any Finnic tags be added?
YOUR FATHER!!!! Jul 16 @ 3:26am 
@Mush its bug? Or its need to be in specific order to complete?
Mush Jul 15 @ 6:08am 
I used mission.completetask albion_main_mission_10_1 to get past it, for the moment
Mush Jul 14 @ 11:42am 
I have an issue with the new Albion mission tree, where it wont let me complete the 'golden age' mission after doing the reform tree 'dawn of a new era' because the 'unify the traditions' mission hasn't been completed.

I can't finish this tree, its locked out from picking Greek reforms, but also means i cant complete the final 'manifest destiny' mission to complete and close the tree.
YOUR FATHER!!!! Jul 10 @ 5:14pm 
@Snowlet Thanks for the fast reply. I'm new to the game, having joined after the last patch, and because of your mod,