Arma 3
130 ratings
StarShip Troopers - Invasion
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Coop
Scenario Type: Infantry
Scenario Map: OtherMap
Meta: Dependency
Tags: Tag Review
File Size
31.266 MB
Sep 23, 2020 @ 10:26am
Sep 23, 2020 @ 3:02pm
5 Change Notes ( view )

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StarShip Troopers - Invasion

StarShip Troopers - Invasion
Players: 1 - 6 (Do not enable AI in the playerslots!) - Best played with Friends
Type: Sci-Fi/Action/Horror
Difficulty: Hard/Nightmare
No Automatic Save system
Feel free to save manually.
For the people using ACE: Yes it works with ACE.

Set your ARMA 3 MUSIC & SOUND on, Rather 100% for best results.
Playtime :60 to 90 min

day or night?
At the start of the mission there is a laptop on the ground. Here you can change the time by skipping 5 hours per click. So you can pick the time you wanna pick the fight!

If night:
I highly recommend playing this mission without nightvision; or if you want to use nightvision, make it only through the scope of your weapon. This is to make sure the ambience will hit the right tone.

This mission includes:
  • special sound effects!
  • Iconic sounds and music used!
  • Old School level design (handmade)
  • Custom music

This is the sequel to the first Starship Troopers mission. In the previous instalment, you got the horrible news that an asteroid hit Buenos Aires. If that wasn't bad enough, the bugs also launched an assault on the planet you're currently on. Of course Terran Command couldn't let this act of war go without response and send a massive force to the K-Sector. However, due to the massive bug force controlling the area, a lot of transports were shot down before they could reach the sector, including yours. You and your squad are currently stranded in an unknown location with one task at hand... call evac.

Do you miss the old Starship trooper game? Do you love the movie or are you just a bug exterminator?
Then this is the perfect mission for you!

Get the original Starship trooper gear and go toe-to-toe with the big insectoids that haunted your childhood!
And remember kids, a good bug is a dead bug!

As the humans expanded their territory across the galaxy, they accidentally encountered Arachnids in some remote and distant part of it. This led to the war between humans and Arachnids. The first contact was as disastrous as all the next, as the arachnids reacted to human intrusion with aggresion and swiftly slaughtered the survey team.

Humans originally mistakenly believed the Arachnids to be simple, albeit dangerous, animals and mindless creatures and sent another first contact group to investigate them. This again ended in disaster as the bugs attacked them and the survivors were cut off for several days. As the battle progressed, it became clear that the bugs weren't simple animals and were far more advanced than they thought, having a caste system, with each type of bug filling a specific role.

However, some humans still considered them to be a less advanced civilization. After a lengthy standout, a few human survivors barely escaped with their lives. Now humans realised that the bugs were waiting for them and would search them out. They tried to contain them and cordoned off and quarantined the part of space where they believed the Arachnids dwelt.

Despite this, colonies and bases were created on Arachnid planets to keep them in check. However, they were unable to defend themselves from bug attack. Not a long time after, bugs began their advance on humans. They began to attack and destroy all human establishments, starting with small remote posts, and continuing to the bigger ones, such as Port Joe Smith, leading to massacres.

Humans began to capture the Arachnids to study them. Smaller and simpler Arachnids, such as Arkellians and Phaetons, were studied and dissected in biology lessons in schools. When Buenos Aires School students dissected Arkellians during such a lesson, the teacher stated that the Arachnids are superior to humans in many ways, have millions of years of evolution behind them and are, in the case of survival capability, the perfect species. She also mentions that they have the ability to colonize planets "by hurling their spores into space" and possess a social structure which fits their mental capabilities.

At some point, the Arachnids launched a Meteor Attack on Buenos Aires, completely destroying the city. In response, humans launched an attack on planet Klendathu from where the bugs launched the meteor.
Special thanks
Grammar check : Kodabar
Also make sure your Music and Sound effects are turned on! ( both on 100% for best experience)
Warning for streamers, some music is copyrighted, sorry.

Do not enable AI in the playerslots!

I've made a donate link, because I want to make more arma missions.
Sadly I do not have the time/resources to do so.
If people donate, I can put more time in making arma missions.
You would be really helping me out. I've also always wanted to become a game designer. With your support I hope to make this dream come through. However first things first.

SVaughan Dec 2, 2022 @ 5:07pm 
@Atomic Maniac
Yes. there is no way to play this anymore, because SST does not exist anymore.
Atomic maniac Dec 2, 2022 @ 4:59pm 
so there is no way to play this mod?
TaggyGamer Dec 2, 2022 @ 3:23pm 
oh so I cant get the guns anymore? :C
SVaughan Dec 1, 2022 @ 6:12pm 
It was removed for violating a copyright law. The mod dev stole assets without the asset owners permission.
TaggyGamer Dec 1, 2022 @ 6:09pm 
can someone direct me to the SST mod because i cant find it
SVaughan Nov 23, 2022 @ 9:39pm 
Imagine not reading my comment from August.
Blind Spot 117 Nov 23, 2022 @ 9:36pm 
cant seem to get this to work now same vehicle file issue Atomic maniac has, fun mission hope the author finds a possible fix soon :)
Atomic maniac Nov 21, 2022 @ 3:56am 
@Theparamedic the mod dose not seem to work its telling me there's a error with a vehicle file that supposedly dose not exist any more.:steamsad:
SVaughan Aug 26, 2022 @ 7:54pm 
The mission might not be compatible with the mods it uses now. Zombies & Demons was replaced by another mod of the same name. OPTRE is being constantly updated to fit the current Arma version and might not work with older files. The map itself may not be updated anymore (hence the street errors), and it's obvious this mission isn't being worked on anymore given it was last updated in 2020.
SVaughan Aug 26, 2022 @ 7:51pm 
Had you checked the mission description, you'd have seen that it says to NOT enable AI in the player slots.