Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

1,977 ratings
LBPR - Additional Features - v2.1.4
Buildings: Buildings
File Size
645.229 MB
Jul 19, 2018 @ 1:41am
Oct 20, 2024 @ 5:35pm
50 Change Notes ( view )

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LBPR - Additional Features - v2.1.4

In 2 collections by Multigun
Multigun Collection
17 items
Better Builders Bureau Server - Season 2
45 items


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Mod Updating Guidelines

If you are having trouble updating the mod, we have documentation on our discord to help assist you with common troubleshooting steps.

If you are using a Xbox Game Pass or Epic Games version of Conan Exiles and wish to download mods from Steam, visit this forum link with directions on how you can do that. If this is too challenging for you, please join our discord and we will provide you with a Google Drive download link for all Multigun mods.

How to Download Mods From Steam[]

Important Info

Mod id: 1444947329


Please direct questions, comments, concerns, feedback, and bug reports to our Discord. All documentation is also only found on Discord.

The Discord is also home to a dedicated group of veteran volunteer builders who love to help others (The Build Guild). We also have a building tips channel containing dozens of tips, show and tell, and finally a channel specifically for showcasing your finished builds! If you want a place to talk about building and decorating with other passionate players, or a place to get help with your designs, the Better Builders Bureau is the place to be! Hit the button below to join.


Description of Mod

LBPR - Additional Features (LBPR-AF for short) is built for and optimized for LBPR and is considered an add-on. However, the vast majority of features in the mod can be run without LBPR if needed. It is not intended or designed for PvP and leans heavily into decorative and building.

This mod adds a variety of new features including an incredibly powerful dyeable system for placeables (created by Xevyr). Here are the mod highlights.

  • A powerful dyeable system that allows nearly any placeable to be dyed in a large gambit of colors. That includes normal placeables (beds, chairs, tents, etc), light sources (torches, candles, etc), water wells, and even decals!

  • New Tavern Building Set

  • Tons of alternative snappable placeables. If you are somebody who likes to have things placed in exact ways, these placeables will help a lot with that.

  • Adjustable Elevator Speed for all Elevators + 2 New Larger Elevators (4x4)

  • New longer drawbridges

  • Window Hatches

  • Tons of new placeables to play decorate with

  • Several placeables can be resized (labeled as Swap in the crafting Menu's). Most let you adjust their size there size uniformly (1x1, 2x2, etc) but also variedly (1x2, 2x4, etc) .

LBPR - Additional Features Guide

For a full list of all the features of this mod, along with instructions on how to use the dye system, swap system, elevators, paintings, common known issues, and troubleshooting steps, please visit the discord for documentation.

(Guide is under construction due to recent mod overhauls)

Less Building Placement Restrictions Load Order

Here is a list of my mods related to Less Building Placement Restrictions (LBPR), as well as best spots to place other mods, and what their load order should look like.
  • Any mod that modifies or creates new buildings, placeables, pets, or thralls. (Pythagoras, LBPR - AF, etc)
  • Unlock Plus
  • LBPR

Update Policy
  • I will update my mods on my terms and my terms alone. If you don't like my update schedule, don't use the mods.

  • Mismatch errors are not the fault of mod creators. If you need help understanding this concept, visit the discord.

Multi's Other Mod's Can be Found by Clicking Here!

Hades Other Mod's Can be Found by Clicking Here!

Testerle's Other Mod's Can be Found by Clicking Here!

Xevyr's Other Mod's Can be Found by Clicking Here!