Space Engineers

Space Engineers

704 ratings
Relative Top Speed
Type: Mod
File Size
107.029 KB
Apr 12, 2018 @ 4:01pm
Apr 13, 2023 @ 8:12pm
85 Change Notes ( view )

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Relative Top Speed

- User defined speed limits
- Control the speed of individual ships based on mass and acceleration
- Change configuration on the fly (no need to restart)
- Multiplayer ready

Imagine you are in a fighter chasing down an enemy ship. You are closing the gap but just before you get in range they hit 100m/s. Then there's this awkward feeling of hopelessness as you both drift into oblivion. By introducing Cruise speed, a soft speed limit based on mass, and Boost, bonus potential speed based on ship acceleration, this mod defines simple, intuitive, ship classes.

The Nit and Grit
Speed Limit: This is the speed limit implemented in Space Engineers (set to 140m/s by default)

Cruise Speed: This is the maximum speed that the current grid can maintain without continuous acceleration. Cruise speed is determined purely off of grid mass and is calculated on a slight curve giving better results the lighter the ship is.

Boost: beyond cruise speed a resistance force is applied to the grid. A grids boost speed can be calculated like this.
Max Boost = Cruise speed + [acceleration / resistance multiplier]

Ignore Grids Without Thrust: setting this to true will stop all resistance forces on grids that have no thrusters on them. This is to allow gravity cannons and such to still be effective.

Chat Commands
/rts help - lists commands
/rts config - shows maximum and minimum values for grids
/rts hud - displays useful numbers when in cockpit (use this when building)

Default Settings
- Speed Limit: 140 - Ignore Grids Without Thrust: true - Ignore Grids Without Cockpit: false Large Grid - Min Cruise: 60 - Mid Cruise: 80 - Max Cruise: 110 - Mass at Min Cruise: 8M - Mass at Mid Cruise: 5M - Mass at Max Cruise: 200,000 - Resistance Multiplier: 1.5 Small Grid - Min Cruise: 90 - Mid Cruise: 95 - Max Cruise: 115 - Mass at Min Cruise: 400,000 - Mass at Mid Cruise: 300,000 - Mass at Max Cruise: 10,000 - Resistance Multiplier: 1.0


There is an API for any modders looking to get speed information about ships. To access it just unzip this mod and copy the RtsApi.cs file into your project.

To configure general default settings for all worlds go to:

To configure world settings go to:

If you need help with setting up your config post your current config and your desired outcome and ill help get you on track.

What you need to think about when configuring the mod. What is the overall speed limit i want? 100m/s 250m/s? What is the most massive ship i expect to see on server? 500k? 8M? 20M?... What is the minimum speed i want my heaviest ships to move? 60m/s? 100m/s 150m/s? How light do i want to force people to build to get max cruise? 200k? 1M? How much head room do i want to leave for boosting? (MaxCruise=WorldSpeedLimit - headroom) Do i want to favor lighter or heavier grids? If not set the mid values to the value between min and max. Finally tune the resistance multiplier to get boost value you want.

Speed Mod, Speed Limit, High Speed, High Velocity, Higher Velocity, Faster Speed, Fast Speed, Faster Velocity, Go Fast, More Go Go Juice, Go Go Gadget
Popular Discussions View All (8)
Jan 2 @ 5:06pm
Config Help
Nov 3, 2024 @ 9:41am
[UNDOCUMENTED FEATURE] Mod only works correctly with single-grid constructs
Oct 29, 2024 @ 12:14pm
speed settings :D
FacteriaPhage Jan 30 @ 5:50pm 
@Terro Yup. As stated in the first reply, "Torch/Instance/Save/(GameSave)/Storage/1259618037_rts/RelativeTopSpeed.cfg were both editted, without the edits actually taking place in game on the server."
Terro Jan 28 @ 8:57am 
@FacteriaPhage I think someone said to NOT change the SE main config file but the config file specific to your save. Did you do that?
FacteriaPhage Jan 22 @ 11:13pm 
I see several reports here and in the Config Help about this mod being broken (as in, changing the config files don't apply any in game changes).

Yet, I know multiple servers that continue to use RTS with changes applied, so there must be a workaround. Someone want to point me in the right direction?

Yes, config files Torch/Instance/Storage/1259618037_rts/RelativeTopSpeed.cfg and Torch/Instance/Save/(GameSave)/Storage/1259618037_rts/RelativeTopSpeed.cfg were both editted, without the edits actually taking place in game on the server.
CABLES Jan 13 @ 7:00pm 
trying to make a calculator spreadsheet for a pvp server i play on -- what formula does this mod use to calculate cruise speed? i've tried taking a look at the script itself, but i'm no programmer and i'm having trouble parsing the code. would really appreciate it if you could write it out as an on-paper expression for people without CS experience like myself.
Ashes Vargrand Jan 8 @ 4:26pm 
how can i set the speed limit of the FlightMovementBlock block?
Mizar Dec 31, 2024 @ 10:24am 
Common mistake with this mod is to edit the config in the main Space Engineers folder, you need to edit the config file in the save folder for the saved game you want to change the settings for.

Go to AppData/Roaming/SpaceEngineers/Saves/(bunch of digits for your steamid)/(name of saved games, aka Star System...)/Storage/1359618037.sbm_RTS.

Edit "RelativeTopSpeed.cfg" in text editor, NotePad, etc. For a simple change I just double the speeds.
Goose Dec 31, 2024 @ 2:57am 
so i dont really know dick about shit. Is this the sort of mod that i can just install and go and my ships can go faster than in vanilla or does it require a phd and ages of tweaking first?
Bordeldhe Dec 13, 2024 @ 4:40am 
@Darian Stephens
I figured as much. I had found Configurable Parameters and the mod I recommended really does work because in the parameters it was set to 500m/h for small grids and 300 m/h for large. I increased it to 1kph because travelling in space just takes way too much time.
Darian Stephens Dec 13, 2024 @ 4:25am 
That mod's just a speed limit increaser, those are a dime a dozen.
This is different, with a soft speed limit (Increasing resistance as you go faster, requiring your thrusters to push harder against it).

If you don't want that, then yeah just use any mod which adjusts the speed limit to whatever you want, though I'd recommend something like Configurable Parameters.
Bordeldhe Dec 13, 2024 @ 2:06am 
Broken, can't save config, it will reset settings once you load into the game and won't apply any changes at all.

Tried in %AppData%/Roaming/SpaceEngineers/Storage but also in %AppData%/Roaming/SpaceEngineers/Saves, the config in Storage doesn't change, but the one in Saves constantly changes back to its original settings, especially when I do /rts load in the game, should be able to change settings in /rts config to be honest, and load should actually apply those settings.