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Pick Up And Haul
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23 janv. 2018 à 6h31
15 avr. à 12h05
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Pick Up And Haul

Dans 1 collection faite par Mehni
The many mods of Mehni
17 objets
"Greatest hauling mod ever" - Chicken Plucker

Colonists will gather stuff in their inventory, then haul it all to a stockpile.

This hauling mod will greatly increase hauling efficiency, because pawns can now carry more than one gun or t-shirt. Those smart and intelligent colonists can use their inventory! You gotta see it to believe it.

If possible, colonists that can haul will haul stuff to their inventory, pick up one more item to haul to a stockpile and then unload their inventory. Colonists that have traveled far to haul something, will look further to haul other items to haul. This distance is dynamic, thanks to AlexTD.

Colonists will unload themselves:
- At semi-regular intervals, if their inventory contains multiple items.
- When their inventory has reached a certain mass limit.
- When they haul something else to a stockpile.
- When they're idle.

You can tell colonists to pick up an item and keep it in their inventory. They will remember what they have and keep it on their person. This is very practical for field doctoring, or for animal trainers taming herds of animals.

Want field-doctoring to be even better? Use Smart Medicine by Uuugggg and doctors will automatically use the meds in their inventory.

- Only player-owned humanlikes can use their inventory to haul. Rule of thumb: If you can order it to equip a gun or wear a pair of pants, it'll use their inventory to haul for you. No guests, animals pretending to be robots, dogs, prisoners, or whatever else.

- The unloading isn't 100% perfect, but it's pretty darn close.

Compatibility notes:
- Works great with AllowTool's Haul Urgently.
- Fully compatible with Combat Extended

I cannot pick up a corpse it's too heavy!
- You need a storage stockpile configured to accept corpses. Make a dumping zone.

Credits and thanks:
- erdelf[ko-fi.com] - this mod would not be possible without him
- AlexTD for many direct code contributions.
- Zorba, Why_is_that and Dingo for code and advice
- Chicken Plucker, for the preview image
- Brrainz, for the amazing Harmony library
- (Spdskatr) return false;
- mlie, for keeping it warm
- My patient testers. You know who you are.

Come join us on discord. https://discord.gg/RimWorld

- Spanish (courtesy of mora145 and 53N4)
- Russian (courtesy of HanabishiRecca)
- Korean (courtesy of Defo and Pu Rn Ha Ni)
- Chinese (courtesy of 烨灬 and shiuanyue)
- PortugueseBrazilian (courtesy of Bambinoff/Edu)
- Italian (courtesy of kenciccio)
- German (courtesy of Prism)
- French (courtesy of qux)

Balance notes:
On the one hand this takes away a frustration of mine, but I can't deny that it won't make the game at least somewhat easier. You can bring back some of that challenge again with my other mods like Sun Tzu Raider Tactics or Climate Cycle ++.

Ludeon: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=35832
GitHub: https://github.com/Mehni/PickUpAndHaul/releases
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1279012058

If you like this mod, please considering buying me a coffee.
Discussions populaires Tout voir (38)
10 sept. à 10h54
ÉPINGLÉ : Bug reports
26 juin à 15h15
Not compatible with 1.5?
13 sept. à 3h38
Occasional Error Message
2 262 commentaires
Dietze 18 sept. à 12h11 
Is there any way to adjust the radius of the items the pawns are supposed to haul? I play with CE and a few other things and once pawns got a bit of Bulk and weight available I easily get into situations where one of my scientists that was supposed to simply pick up a few books and put them into the right shelves again, starts to haul all the nearby chunks from the ongoing mining operations next door, eventhough those chunks are easily more than 20 squares away and then proceeds to haul them across the map -.-"
3 Kobolds in a Trenchcoat 15 sept. à 15h00 
seems like my pawns stopped carrying meals in their inventory, anyone else encountered this behaviour?
minersdreams 10 sept. à 10h54 
I can not seem to get my builders to fill there inventory to build they refuse to i;m only using harmony, this and build from inventory and its not working
Ullthar 10 sept. à 4h28 
The standing around bug of mad skills is because of the daily xp cap for that specific skill. If you increase the daily cap in the mod settings you should be fine.
Computica 9 sept. à 5h27 
I found out the standing bug or 10 Jobs ticks happens only when there is a storage area that pawns can't reach while using adaptive storage.
Computica 8 sept. à 2h31 
@Ki Shuya If you find any more mods that cause incompatibilities please post them.
DeadlineStorm 7 sept. à 10h26 
how to disable "pick up" in right click context menu? ce adds it too and having both is infuriating
Ki Shuya 4 sept. à 22h28 
For anyone else having the "Standing" Bug, If you have Mad Skills or Madder Skills. It's an incompatibility with multiple Mods, not just this one. The Author of Madder Skills is looking to implement a fix, but nothing as of yet. Simply disable it.
Ki Shuya 4 sept. à 5h28 
No matter what I do, soon as I enable this mod. If my Pawns start to build something, they go into a "Standing" State and if they go into Combat, the game slows to a crawl and does not recover even after combat. This has got me perplexed to no end.
crashfly 2 sept. à 16h45 
@SILOKEL - it works for all items that can be carried. however, you have to have the storage space to haul to. in other words, if you do not have storage defined for the item or it got full then you will not get the option to haul it.