Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

76 ratings
Ivan The Great, an AOE2 campaign
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27.819 MB
Nov 25, 2017 @ 2:43pm
Dec 3, 2017 @ 6:02am
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Ivan The Great, an AOE2 campaign

A custom 3-scenario campaign, focussing on the major battles in the life of Grand Prince Ivan III of Muscovy(1440-1505), who is generally considered by historians to be the most crucial precipitant of the Tsardom of Russia. Battle Novgorodians, Tatar Mongols, and Lithuanians in this original campaign with:

-- Diverse mission objectives.
-- (Very amateur!) Voiced pre-game cutscenes
-- Hundreds of in-game triggers
-- A fair difficulty curve; starts simple, gets more challenging
-- Two huge, sprawling maps
-- Over 4 hours' playtime.

This campaign is of intermediate difficulty; anyone who can beat Random Map AI on Moderate is guaranteed a fair playthrough. If you're having problems hearing the cutscenes, ensure the Music slider in Options is turned all the way up.

The Forgotten expansion is required.

Also available on AOK Heaven:

Any bugs or feedback to report, leave them below.

If anyone would like to attempt a translation, feel free. All I ask is that you provide due credit and a link to this file in your mod's description.

Check out my next campaign:
tankmcnamara Apr 23, 2022 @ 4:49am 
I only see one campaign (shelon), not three.
Спортивное Пиво Sep 15, 2019 @ 3:05pm 
alp3rtunga1 Aug 6, 2019 @ 5:27pm 
Scenario 2 is awful lack of resources and time period short...
F.W.Mietzsche Jun 22, 2019 @ 12:44pm 
Nice. Scenario 2 is definitely the highlight, totally on par with the rich ambiance in Digvijaya from the indian campaign.
ayanokouji May 14, 2019 @ 8:04am 
Hello.I have a idea that complement some campaigns on steam.
I love your campaign,but It' a pity that it has only 3 scenarios.
I plan to make 1 or 2 scenarios for this campaign.
After all,Ivan has many story on history.
I plan to make a scenario that Sofia escape from Turkey's invasion and marry Ivan.
Another scenario tell the story of conquering Tver.
I am a beginner of making campaign.I will start the work next time.Maybe i will give up halfway (hahahaha).
However,if i do it,i expect you to review it.Thank you!
ayanokouji Apr 19, 2019 @ 10:40pm 
It' a pity that it has only 3 scenarios.
If it has more than 3 scenarios,it will like official campaign.
So i advise you to make 4 scenarios the next time.
Horapallas Sep 11, 2018 @ 3:27pm 
Very nice campaign! This is really the kind I would like to see officially added in the Definitive Edition! Also, I think I am going to make a slavic campaign as well, on the battle of Lake Peipous (another Eisentein film, which is why I am mentionning).
Brick Slayer Jul 31, 2018 @ 9:06am 
Nice campaign right there. The only sad thing is that it's only 3 scenarios :steamsad:
жирный кабан Jun 30, 2018 @ 3:46pm 
I always wanted to play a good slavic campaign. :wololo:
Punished Winnie the Pooh Jun 15, 2018 @ 6:30pm 
Just finished the first scenario. I am in love with what you've made here. There is a quality to this campaign so far that reminds me of the classic Ensemble Studios campaigns, from the cutscene you had at the beginning, the minimalist design on the map and the fun side objective you had to do which rewards the player immensely. If the next two are anything like it, I'll be left wanting even more!