Arma 3
835 ratings
BoxLoader - Vehicle in Vehicle loading
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45.795 MB
Nov 12, 2017 @ 7:50am
Feb 4, 2021 @ 8:50am
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BoxLoader - Vehicle in Vehicle loading

In 1 collection by vurtual
Vurtual's Logistics Mods
9 items
BoxLoader is a mod based around Arma 3's Vehicle in Vehicle loading, adding actions to support loading of ammoboxes and containers into vehicles with Vehicle in Vehicle transportation space. Boxloader works with both vanilla and mod vehicles that are properly configured with VIV transport capability, such as some vehicles from RHS or CUP. Boxloader uses Arma's built in Vehicle in Vehicle functionality, which supports loading of most ammoboxes and physics objects.

The mod is partially modular in nature, and is divided into several PBOs:

boxloader.pbo: Adds cargo loading/unloading actions to the player, as well as the base framework for the other modules.

boxloader_cargo.pbo: Adds a handful of cargo objects in sizes not already present in arma, including large pallets of ammo, fuel tanks, repair parts, etc.

boxloader_fort.pbo: adds fortifications using a construction system, they can be transported with VIV, then built on-site using enabled "construction vehicles".

boxloader_pallet.pbo: adds empty pallets that can be loaded with cargo, and loaded into other vehicles. See note below.

boxloader_retrofit.pbo: Adds cargo support vanilla vehicles, as well as some mods, via "retrofits"; invisible custom objects that act as the actual VIV carrier, attached to the vehicle in question. See note below.

boxloader_tractor.pbo: a rudimentary port of the arma 2 tractor, with a low-poly bucket(construction vehicle) or forklift attachment. Useful for loading/unloading and building fortifications, if you have nothing else to do it with.

IMPORTANT NOTE: "stacking" attachTo can cause unintended effects, an object attached to an object attached to an object will not behave properly, this includes the Vehicle in Vehicle system, and it's a behavior of the game engine.

Retrofit vehicles rely on an attached invisible helper object, so any cargo loaded will be "stacked". Cargo loaded into pallets loaded into vehicles will also result in "stacking". Vehicles with native Arma 3 Vehicle in Vehicle support have their cargo attached directly to them, unless a pallet is used as an intermediary.

"Stacked" cargo will jitter back and forth when moving at speed. The AI gets confused when transporting stacked cargo. Aircraft transporting stacked cargo can explode. The "hide cargo" action will make the cargo invisible, preventing it from misbehaving. Both the "hide cargo" action and the retrofit system can be disabled in Boxloader's CBA options if desired.

Compatibility mod to make boxloader_cargo objects use ACE rearm/refuel/etc

My collection of vehicle mods designed around Boxloader.

Popular Discussions View All (3)
Feb 3, 2024 @ 6:05am
Quick list of supported vehicles and mods
Apr 21, 2024 @ 11:59am
PINNED: Boxloader quick start guide
Feb 21, 2024 @ 10:52am
Possibility to put turrets (EX mk6 mortar)
Wilma Howie Taft Gaming
SeelieKnight Feb 4 @ 12:49pm 
Not getting actions on any of the "retrofitted" vehicles. Is there some extra step required to set them up?
d.omeron Dec 31, 2024 @ 12:12am 
Hi Vurtual, what's up?
I use your ViV mod a lot, but some times stuck with bigger vehicles that don't fit on regular trucks, like tanks and heavy APCs. can you add a tank carrier, full trailer or such, please please? :-)
mattia Oct 17, 2024 @ 9:33am 
Did someone tried this mod after the arma and cba update? I think some vehicles may be broken, HEMMT and trucks works fine, tough pickup and small vehicles I can't seem to make it work
HarambesFistVictim Sep 1, 2024 @ 2:14pm 
Does this mod need to be added in mission file to use? Or can I just install and go?
[EC] HAWK Aug 2, 2024 @ 12:40am 
Use ams system - maybe will be better it include cargo system similar to this an also fuel refuel stuff
Nico45 Jul 2, 2024 @ 10:21am 
Hello, I'm stuck in the understanding of how to use the palets system even with the quick start guide advice. I only found the already loaded palets with some objects and I can't interact with them except loading and unloading. Maybe I,m just dumb and I missed a part but I would really appreciate any help. thanks.
TheGameFever May 25, 2024 @ 5:41pm 
Bro how can i add new vehicles to load to vanilla hemmt ? For example i have an vehicle mod i want to load that vehicle to hemmt. I sended friend request.
LoSantos_YT[PUMA$] Apr 8, 2024 @ 7:05pm 
I have been tinkering with the mod, but I have not been able to make the top loading issue work. If you could give me a little help I would appreciate it, because I would like to do something like this for some vans.
Tranquil Apr 1, 2024 @ 10:02am 
Don't know if I will get an answer, but gonna try anyway: if a packed tent is set up and then ruined, it collapses onto the ground. Is there any way to clear the ground and get rid of it?
DAVE99ITA Mar 22, 2024 @ 1:16pm 
sorry to bother but i have a question since i had a problem. i tried to use the mod with ifa vehicles (ww2) but nothing worked, none of the vehicles allowed "load". while trying with vanilla vehicles or even the single ww2 aircraft "ju 52" the mod worked, what could be the problem?