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Senaste recensioner av The Milkshake Marxist

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2,006.4 timmar totalt (2,006.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This game is good again now that they've fixed the outstanding issue (the bots.)
I'm disappointed it took them 4 years to do it, but glad they did it.
The game's alright apart from the significant lack of community updates (short for scream fortress and smissmas, which are the two best content drops of the year)
I reccomend picking it up.
Upplagd 3 juni. Senast ändrad 1 september.
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672.0 timmar totalt (57.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I love the game, for the most part its really good but I have some minor criticisms.
In this game it is possible to stealth kill volatiles, that's good! It was entirely impossible to stealth kill volatiles in the last game. However, once I stealth kill a volatile it's like a hydra- another spawns to take its place.
This is close to perfect, but if they didn't spawn in response to the other volatile dying it'd be great, as that way it wouldn't feel pointless.
If being able to stealth kill volatiles is a glitch DO NOT REMOVE IT. It's perfect, and adds the ability to roam the world with occasional skill checks.

100%'d the game about 50 hours ago.
The game's got decent depth.

I did about the hardest thing you can do in the game, which is fighting the final boss on NG+ nightmare, the final phase of the boss fight was repetitive and unforgiving. Since it was NG+ his healthbar was extended as was his level, and nightmare difficulty further increased his health and damage.
The fight revolved around me climbing geometry, ground pounding him, and running away before he could hit me.
Despite two years of progression this game is still considerably buggy and unbalanced.

I'd still reccomend it but not for conventional reasons nor conventional play. I'd only really reccomend it if you wanted to experience dying light 2.

Just a footnote: the stealth in this game could be drastically improved, I like the concept of stealth in this game but on higher difficulties or NG+ where headshots from crossbows or regular shots from superweapons like the scorpio don't instantly kill enemies the stealth approach becomes inviable.
In practice this means you have to turn down the difficulty to get consistent stealth kills with ranged weapons (when on NG+).
I don't like that for reasons which should be obvious.

The firearms update and nightmare update added needed lifeblood to this game but it cannot end there, we need more patches, bugfixes, balance updates and fine tuning.

I still love this game and wish nothing but the best possible developments for it, ♥♥♥♥ anyone who blindly hates it.
Upplagd 17 februari. Senast ändrad 29 maj.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
98.0 timmar totalt (31.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Let me start out by saying this. I've played through Postal 2, Apocalypse Weekend, and Paradise Lost. Postal 2 was a thoroughly entertaining shooter which actually did the "infinite ways to fix a problem" approach to game design justice. Apocalypse weekend was a good add on for postal 2, although it partially deprived the player of neccessary resources, like health. It also introduced boss fights to postal 2. Paradise lost was the best of the three, adding onto the glory of postal 2 with more bosses, enemies, secrets, and item drops. The main issue I had with Paradise lost was them getting Milo Yiannopoulos (super weird gay ♥♥♥♥ guy) to voice act, and that wasn't even gameplay related.
I give this recap of the previous games to offer you this comparison: Postal 4 is a watered down version of Paradise lost.
The vending machines, health system, gunplay, and enemies feel depressed in comparison to their paradise lost counterparts. Do not get this game if you want something resembling DLC for paradise lost, it is a far-cry from paradise lost.
I gave up my playthrough after the dam mission due to how it kept crashing, the gunplay infuriated me, and the health constraints were noticed.
I legitimately believe a fair portion of the issues mentioned here would be fixed if postal 4 had the same game engine, rules, and artstyle of paradise lost and postal 2, although I'm not reccomending this as a viable solution that should be enacted.
The animations of how the enemies shoot you feel off, I think you should take notes from previous postal entries. The dismemberments from the machete feel laughably inconsistant regardless of where you aim. The flame weapons feel weaker in this game, despite probably being equally or thereabouts as strong as in postal 2.
I hate to devolve into feels over reals but this gameplay just feels off to me, I know the developers put hard labor into this but I just don't like the finished product. I don't care about the glitches since they're often funny and will be fixed in due time. I'm more displeased with the direction that this game is headed in comparison to its predecessors, since I know the developers can do much better.
You guys can make modern masterpieces. Please turn this into a masterpiece.

I believe that postal 4 is a partially painted canvas which can be turned into a masterpiece. Just like that canvas, it is incomplete and needs serious work.
Upplagd 22 november 2022.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
465.9 timmar totalt (109.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I regret nothing.
Upplagd 28 juni 2022.
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0.0 timmar totalt
I'll start this off strong, if you're playing the game for gameplay rather than achievements, skip this one. Agent Silent Death's DLC was leagues better than this, storywise and gameplay wise. The story and characters aren't only 2-dimensional, but they're also insanely boring. I felt absolutely nothing throughout the entire campaign in regards to the story, except second-hand embarrassment. At best it's a poor satire on 80's action movies, and at worst it's outright annoying. This is the hardest DLC to have a playthrough on the "Mein Leben" difficulty, but it really hasn't earned the title purely because of how combat in it flows. If you're looking into buying this product, I highly suggest watching a Youtube playthrough of it and then reconsidering after the fact.
Upplagd 14 juni 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
801.2 timmar totalt (177.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Faithful sequel to the New order, I have things I prefer and dislike about it. The removal of the ability to strip enemies of their armor post-humously has impacted my gameplay in a positive way, and forced me to get better at headshots and aiming, but it is also extremely annoying to deal with. In the new order combat really lagged with unrelated out-of combat tasks, but the stealth in the new colossus is also rather irritating at times. You can see a similar lagging when it comes to stealth, whenever a body is discovered it will take up to two minutes for units to stop searching for you, and in some sections (like Agent silent death DLC) they never stop searching. I still think the game has a lot of potential, and while being a step down from the genius of the old blood, it still has a place in my library as a very competant first person shooter.
Upplagd 10 juni 2022.
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372.2 timmar totalt (68.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
You should get this game, you can run through various levels killing the bad guys from ww2 who actually won this time. You get to use laser weapons and I like laser weapons they go pew pew
Upplagd 12 februari 2022.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2,219.9 timmar totalt (55.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I've been waiting for this game for 4 years, and it doesn't dissappoint me.
The occasional issue of a bug is understandable, but irritating. The amount of things to do in the arena mode, and campaign boggle my tiny grey mind. I sincerely look forward to testing out every violence fueled possibility in the future.
Great job lads!
Upplagd 3 oktober 2021.
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