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22 Hours played
Let me get this straight, Hi-Fi Rush is by no means a flawless masterpiece, but it's a really good game. It's probably one of the best rhythm action games out there. It's basically No Straight Roads, but much better. I personally find it hilarious that this was made by the same studio that made the Evil Within series, but then again Capcom and Konami made games like Viewtiful Joe and Parodius. With that out of the way, let's look at the pros and cons of this game- the things that this game does right and some annoyances that I had with this game.

- Really good and satisfying gameplay
- Likable characters and bosses
- Great soundtrack
- Fluid animated cutscenes
- Charming artsyle
- Good story
- Cool upgrade system and the ability to sell your upgrades like your attacks which I thought was interesting
- Decent replayability
- Doesn't require a monster setup to play
- Good price tag, $30 is fitting for a game like this; AAA industry take notes

- Denuvo
- Frame rate drops here and there
- Combat can be a bit repetitive at times
- Platforming is a little basic
- QTEs can be annoying

Although the game is no flawless masterpiece like I said earlier, Hi-Fi Rush still a really good game, great even, and I really recommend it if you want an action game that's quite unconventional or enjoy rhythm games. This game kind of regains my hope for the gaming industry, and with its success despite it being shadow dropped, Hi-Fi Rush goes to show you that you can have a great game and not have realistic graphics or huge hype/marketing behind it. Also, this game reminds me of the kind of games, the cel-shaded ones, that you would find on the Dreamcast, PS2, and Xbox, and there's nothing with that.
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