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3 people found this review helpful
21.6 hrs on record
From playing, I can say the game is fun, but it has a lot of issues although they arent the hardest thing in the world to fix.

There are 2 big problems that I personally have with this game.

1: Special infected feel more like DPS checks than actual special infected with counterplay.
Take Left 4 Dead as a good example of how specials work, there is a musical warning when they spawn, they always make distinct audio when attacking, and look far different from other infected.
They aren't too spongy either, so its completely up to the players skill in determining where and when an attack is coming from and acting accordingly.
But in Back 4 Blood, basically all Special infected feel more like a DPS check than anything else, there is no warning when they spawn, and most of them don't really have counterplay other than tank some damage and hope they die before you do and that's especially true with this games version of a spitter.
Its also good to note that there are a few infected that look borderline the same but do completely different things especially to new players, with these being the 2 tallboy variants

That also goes nicely into the second problem
2: A lot of damage in this game is completely unavoidable.
With the few examples i will use the Hockers and the Retches.

First of all, there is zero reason the Hockers projectile should deal damage over time, because A: its nearly impossible to dodge 53 fast moving spitballs, and B: It requires a teammate to not shoot the webbing, but go into the line of fire of other infected to MELEE you. (Because that makes sense)
Next up with the Retches, well its just a worse version of the Hocker since there is actually no way to dodge it.
You can run out of the way, you can jump out of the way, you can go behind a wall but it will ALWAYS hit you and is completely unavoidable.
And this issue is also exaggerated by the fact that they are all super spongy.
Now look, i don't mind BOSS enemies being spongy, but the specials should not feel literally just like DPS checks, thats not really fun, and im not even going to bother mentioning the $60 price tag because we all know the problem with that.

As much as i would love to say "Yes go buy it its super fun" because i honestly still enjoy the game with its pretty in depth deck building and whatnot, until these issues are fixed i cant say its worth $60, until then its a No.
(Also please let us remove attachments without having to find a worse or alternate one that makes zero sense
thank you)

Edit: Fixed some typos.
Posted November 8, 2021. Last edited November 9, 2021.
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66.2 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Seeing as a lot of my previous issues I've had with the game have been fixed, I can confidently change my review from negative to positive. However there are some other gripes I have, but they are not enough to condone a negative review anymore.

A: The tutorial is missing a few things that should be told to the player very early, such as being able to remove glass from windows.
B: Some actions still lack animations (Such as sleeping/resting, which I know you don't even need to see in single player, but as someone who plays multiplayer pretty much exclusively it can bug me a bit.
C: Some resources are a bit too common, but this can be tweaked in server settings if you are the operator.
D: You can spawn far too close to zombies, I've had cases where I load in and am already in the process of being attacked, this is an easy fix by just removing zombies from a certain radius of the player when they spawn in.
Actually, I had 1 case in particular where I spawned within striking range of zombies 16 times before I got a spawn that I could actually start playing the game in. Needless to say, that REALLY needs to be fixed, but this also seems to be a side effect of turning up the zombie spawn rates, so as long as you don't do that I assume it should be fine.

With the negative out of the way, there's a few things id like to say are good about the game (With my low time playing this obviously is not everything)

A: The trait system is wonderful, although I wish a few traits could be gained/removed during play such as phobias (Yes i'm aware this is possible with a mod, and i'm aware that phobias aren't as effective against you later in the game due to how panic reduction increases rate the longer you are alive, but this does not work in multiplayer)

B: The attention to detail in the game is great, such as how if you have a spoon in your inventory while eating canned food, the animation changes, or how you can tie your hair into a ponytail whenever, or how you need a mirror to cut your hair, or how you can literally hot-wire cars, etc.

There's much more, but I am sure other reviews have that covered.
Posted October 2, 2021. Last edited March 8, 2022.
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214 people found this review helpful
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83.5 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Posted October 2, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
After playing Repentance for quite some time, 95% on Hardmode i can say that this is pretty fun

A lot of people are complaining about rebalancing (Especially of the shop and projectile speed) but i feel like a lot of people are missing the core point, and i want to touch on a few of them in particular
For example 20/20 now comes with a downside of 25% ish damage, which puts it in line with things like Inner Eye and Mutant Spider, as 20/20 is still a DPS increase but instead of being a 100% DPS increase its more or less a 25%-50% ish if you can hit you shots.
Tech X also now isnt just a straight free win because its damage is based on charge (You know, like ever other charge based item in the game pretty much you have to fully charge it to get it to be the best it can be)

And oh boy, let me tell you about hard mode.
Look, i understand people complaining about the shot speed increase, but oh my do most people exaggerate it to a tea.
Look. If I. someone with only a few hundred hours in the game, can learn how to dodge the funny red ball just fine. so can you.
TO BE FAIR i played nearly 600+ hours of flash isaac which had way higher shot speed than rebirth (Wasnt on this account because i played on my brothers, i was very young) but seriously, i feel like this is an issue with most games where people complain not because it was a bad change but because they dont like change at all.
Im going to say this once, and only once so listen well.

Hardmode was a joke.
All Hardmode use to do was make more champions spawn and tweak the item pool a bit (Maybe) but Hardmode use to be a joke as there was next to no difference.
This update made Hardmode live up to its name, as sad as it may be getting a 1000+ Eden streak on Hardmode is actually a challenge now.

Is there issues with this DLC? Yes absolutely, for gods sake Clicker crashes the game when using Forgotten, 1001% is bugged and some people have lost their achievements? (Cant relate)

TLDR No more ggez wins, Hardmode is no longer a joke etc etc.
Posted April 11, 2021.
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214 people found this review helpful
62 people found this review funny
461.4 hrs on record (26.2 hrs at review time)
"Drunken Dwarves visit mysterious planets to collect shiny rocks while shooting bugs and yelling at each other"

For Karl
Posted December 26, 2020. Last edited December 26, 2020.
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19 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record

This killer is extremely unhealthy for the game, and the original release of this chapter came with bugs that made 3-4 killers literally unplayable, this chapter on a gameplay standpoint, is the worst the game has ever seen, however i still must give props to the art team and music composers as they carried the entire game so far

I should elaborate however, the team that makes skins and what not is NOT the same team that makes the balancing patches or bugfixes, so i wouldnt complain saying (OH THEY ARE IGNORING THE GAME AND JUST MAKING SKINS) because they really arent, its just one - two of the teams that are at fault here, mainly the marketing team and the one responsible for quality assurance (Which i dont think they actually have one)
Posted December 12, 2020. Last edited December 12, 2020.
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32.9 hrs on record (17.7 hrs at review time)
Its a neat game, but only if you dont buy it for $45, i played it when it was free a while back and may end up getting it if it goes on sale for >$20 again (Didnt get it recently cause i didnt have the money at the time)
Posted December 3, 2020.
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3.3 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
A fish with teeth played this so yea this seems aight.
Posted October 4, 2020.
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6 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
A pretty neato game, got it for 48 cents and honestly this game should be anywhere from 5-20 dollars, the art despite is deceptively simplistic and shows that you dont need extreme detail to have a cute or pretty game, there are some interesting mechanics like stealth, platforming, power ups and a pig that can double jump and literally sniff out powerup plants
And the music in the game further solidifies the point of good simplicity, its relaxing
Just try not to get chomped on thou.

Haha pig go skrrrrr
Posted September 20, 2020.
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1,627.4 hrs on record (899.1 hrs at review time)
This game can either be very fun, or absolutely terrible.

SBMM kinda makes playing this game for more than a few days a drag thou, I play games to have fun not to have to sweat every game and stress myself out .-.
Posted September 16, 2020. Last edited April 18.
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