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263.9 hrs on record (22.7 hrs at review time)
This game is FANTASTIC!! Anyone who is a fan of squad based coop games needs to play this. HELL even people who are just a fan of shooter games needs to play this. Left for Dead 2 fans, Deep Rock Galactic fans, Helldivers 1 fans, everyone needs to play this. I have had a BLAST the entire time I have played this game. I had alot of fun with Helldivers 1 but never got heavily into it and stopped playing it after a little while. Helldivers 2 turns everything up to 11. More bugs, more bots, bigger explosions, bigger maps, more and better armor. This game blows big AAA games out of the water. The polish and gameplay is awesome and will always have you prepping the pods for the next drop. Before you know it its 4am and your wife is pissed at you because your being way to loud while fighting to LIBERATE THE GALAXY!! If your on the fence about this game then jump off feet first into HELL. Fight for freedom! Fight for managed democracy. Liberate the galaxy of tyranny! Enlist today! BECOME A HELLDIVER!!

Ignore all of the rage reviews about connection issues.
Is there server capacity and connection issues? Yes
However the devs are working very hard with evidence to backup. If anyone downvoting the game because of server issues had a brain and was in the discord they would see the constant announcement updates of the progress the devs are making.
The actual evidence of the progress is there, the game started with a steam server cap of 300k which was then, shortly after release, increased to 350k. It is now 450k but there are so many people trying to play the game that it has capped out again. You can see the evidence on the Steam server population chart for the game. Give it time, trust the devs and read the real reviews that judge the game on its content and actual merrit. Not just crappy reviews because "Reeee i CaNT cONNecT!!" Grow up or get back to Fortnite.
Posted February 12. Last edited February 18.
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1,899.0 hrs on record (1,892.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Used to be great 6 years ago, now its a shell of its former self run my incompetent devs.
Posted February 3.
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43.4 hrs on record (40.5 hrs at review time)
I cannot recommend this game. I have heard from alot of people that they like it but its like a love hate relationship. The highs are super high and feel awesome but the lows are 6ft under the dirt. Unfortunately as well the lows come way more often than the highs do. On top of that it has a massive grind which quickly becomes annoying as you get locked into the Tier 3/4 category for a while and that is the worst Tier of the game. The game is practically begging you to spend money or else grind for eternity.
Posted February 5, 2023. Last edited December 25, 2023.
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58.1 hrs on record (44.6 hrs at review time)
There isnt anything I can say about this game that already hasn't been said, very very few games I play truly make me happy to play every minute and have me wanting more every day. God of War is an amazing single-player game with a simple but wonderfully told story and even more wonderfully written characters. I never experienced a dull moment or was at a point where I wasnt immersed in the story and world of the game. Very few games achieve what God of War has achieved and that is provide addicting and fun gameplay mechanics and perfectly combine them with a well thought out story that you can clearly see was handled with much love and care. If you are a fan of singleplayer games you need to play this one.
Posted September 28, 2022.
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45.1 hrs on record (30.8 hrs at review time)
More of a Pirate game and less of an Assassins Creed game but still great and super fun. If you want a good singleplayer pirate game then I definitely recommend this game.
Posted December 20, 2021.
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17.2 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Im trying really hard to like this because im a long time Halo fan but I just cannot. I will try my best to list the things I like about it and dont like. Keep in mind that although it might be a good game on its own (separately from the Halo license) it is still a Halo game and so will be held to the same high standard that Halo set when it was at its peek. I believe that highest peek to be Halo 3 so it will be the one for reference.

Visually this game is beautiful, I am beyond happy that they have finally decided to ditch the awful visual design of Halo 4 and Halo 5: Guardians and have returned to the more traditional (simple but detailed) design of the original Halo games. The Spartan characters look awesome and the maps and vehicles look great. The guns are futuristic but far more believable and realistic. Although Halo is a SyFi game it has always been rooted in a realistic design to its militaries and their equipment/weapons. Halo Infinite appears to return to that classic design philosophy and does it well. The only issues I have with the visuals is the HUD in game. It is cluttered and stuffed into the bottom corners of the screen and is a bit hard to read in a intense situation. My other issue is.. WHY CAN I NOT SEE MY FEET??? Every Halo since Halo 2 has had visible feet/legs when you look down but for some reason this one does not, inexcusable and unacceptable. Needs to be fixed.

Sound Design-
Unfortunately the visuals is really the only thing that Halo Infinite really has going for it. Although it has returned to the classic visual design of the original Halo games, the same cannot be said for the sound design and most of the music. Although the sound design is crisp and of high quality it lacks the iconic sounds that Halo set in its lifetime. All of the sounds in this game are highly realistic and believable but for me that is part of the problem. It feels like they were so focused on making the sounds realistic that they forgot how iconic and recognizable all of the weapons, vehicles and equipment sounded. Throughout my time playing this game I have had an extremely hard time telling weapons apart in terms of sound. Even the Needler, which has one of the most recognizable sounds of any game weapon, is difficult to distinguish from the other weapons being fired in a firefight. Even in a controlled environment the weapons lack the distinguishing sound that allowed a player to figure out who has what weapon just by hearing it. I played the sound difference for a few friends who are also long time Halo fans and they couldn't even tell what weapon it was until I had to tell them. The same can be said for the vehicles, the Warthog went from its original vehicle sounds to a generic gun-truck sound, from the engine to the horn and the turret on the back. The plasma weapons also all sounded very similar and indistinguishable from one another. That's the best way I can describe the sounds in this game, generic. The weapons, vehicles and environment all sound like they could come from any COD or Battlefield generic shooter game. The AI voices, although a unique choice, gave me a heavy feeling of playing something like Destiny more than Halo. Most of the notifications from the in-game announcer have now been replaced by your Spartan AI companion, for me this was off putting and as stated before made me feel more like I was playing Destiny rather than Halo.

Gameplay -
The gameplay falls behind its predecessors. I honestly am not sure where to start with this one. Everything from the gunplay to the movement and player/vehicle physics seems like it was rushed through with little thought. The guns feel as if they have little impact or power behind them and are more akin to toy weapons. The player movement is floaty and light, Halo has had some floaty gameplay before however as a player I felt very light and as if I had almost no weight to me. The vehicles are the same way, one turn too strong or a grenade can easily flip your Warthog and send you rolling into a wall. For some God forsaken reason they still have to have sprint implemented into the game. I have never been a fan of sprint in Halo but this has to be the worst rendition of it. This version of sprint gives you a barely noticeable speed boost, im sure most of us have seen the comparison videos between normal running and sprint in Halo Infinite. After playing it is definitely obvious that sprint does not give a big speed boost at all, that makes me wonder however. Why even have it in the game then? For me it feels more like they are trying to keep it to appeal to audiences coming from games like COD or Battlefield while also appealing to Halo fans. This ultimately makes sprint almost useless and unnecessary to have in the game. Time to Kill is odd and inconsistent , when attacking enemies they seem to be fairly durable and their shields hold up well. When being attacked however (even by a pistol) the shields seem to fail quickly and health beyond that is almost non-existent. The same can also be said in reverse, where I have sometimes felt fairly tanky while enemies will melt quickly. Many times I have felt more like I was playing COD rather than Halo just because of TTK.

Music -
So far from what I have heard, the music barely shows homage to the original titles. When you load up the game it opens up to a beautiful classic Halo theme and plays through the choir, though after the choir has sung their part of the Halo theme it quickly goes into some new music. This inst necessarily bad on its own, but the music that it transitions to is lack luster. There is not much that the new music contains to separate it from other generic SyFi game/movie/show sound tracks. Coming back to those iconic sounds the original Halo games had, Halo Infinite just drops the ball.

Customization/Battle Pass
I will be lumping these two together because VERY unfortunately 343 has decided to lock ALL of the customization options behind the beyond awful battle pass. Not only is a battle pass a terrible thing to have in Halo but it has to be the worst battle pass I have ever seen. All customization options are locked behind it. Colors? Locked, you now cannot customize your own colors, you have to unlock an armor paint/skin/camo from the battle pass and equip it, you cannot even change the color tint of any piece of armor. Armor? Locked, there is no legitimate in game way to unlock any pieces of armor. It is now all locked in the battle pass, all of the iconic classic armor pieces and new cool armor pieces arent even free, you are forced to pay for the battle pass if you want any of the awesome armor that you customized your previous Spartans with in Halo before. Emblems? Locked, not only are emblems locked behind the battle pass the same as everything else, but now you cant edit them aside from a specific set of color patterns for an emblem. No more picking what emblem you have, no more unique emblem colors, no more custom emblem backrounds, no more cool emblem combos such as Cowboy Chief, Dead Cowboy, Hidden Elite Emblem or any other cool combinations anyone could create. Now they are all preset in design and in color. The battle pass is beyond disgusting and unforgivable and having the Infinite Multiplayer be free to play is nothing more than a pathetic excuse to suck more money out of loyal Halo fans and forcing us to pay for features we already had in previous Halo titles. I would rather pay full price for a Halo game that has everything up front.

I will leave all of this here as I plan to continue playing Halo Infinite, I will return to edit any changes or additions that I might have but for now this is my take on Halo Infinite. As it stands Halo Infinite in my eyes is a 3/10. Long time Halo fans looking for Halo to finally make its comeback, im sorry but 343 has failed once again. I wish they hadnt but for some reason they just cannot grasp what makes Halo unique and fun to play.

Rating - 3/10
Posted November 16, 2021.
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114.9 hrs on record (52.3 hrs at review time)
Absolute 10/10. Super story rich, amazing soundtrack, fast paced, engaging and challenging game play. Although I might be a bit biased because I am a long time Doom fan, that should not detract from the fact that this is truly a wonderful masterpiece of a game.

So, this has been added after both The Ancient Gods Part 1 and Part 2 have been released. This is the first time in almost a decade that I have been nothing but happy with getting DLC for a game. Not only are both DLC packs well worth the money but if you enjoyed Doom: Eternal's main story then you will absolutely love these two DLC. They add so much more value to the overall game and take killing demons up to 11. Highly, highly recommend not only Doom: Eternal but The Ancient Gods DLC as well.
Posted November 26, 2020. Last edited March 29, 2021.
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330.3 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
The most amazing game you will ever play, and its free with more content than both Destiny 1 and 2 combined plus every COD in existnence.
Posted October 30, 2017.
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59.0 hrs on record (16.7 hrs at review time)
Posted November 23, 2016.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries