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41.1 hrs on record (19.7 hrs at review time)
Its a chores simulator where your job is to shoot fish and other aquatic life gathering thousands of them to sell as sushi. Gold from sushi upgrades your gear to get scarier fish.

I put 400 Finding Nemo Dory's in a blender so they taste 2 gold better. The game play footage is fairly accurate.

20 hours in and its very fun. And fairly forgiving if you make mistakes.
Posted March 16.
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63.8 hrs on record
New player here, Got this game on sale for 15$. These are my thoughts going in mostly blind.


The amount of times that I have found a bug and then asked about it in Global chat and the answer is "Yeah that's been a thing for a while" Has happened about 5-6 times. And its a bit insulting at this point.

There are other games where I read the patch notes and notice a bug fix and I think to myself. "Oh I noticed that, I didn't know it was a bug but its nice that its been fixed"

This game feels the opposite of that. There are bugs so old from day one of this games release that are very noticeable and yet they are still there. Bugs that include
-Being unable to chat at all in the in game chats (this is not the 72 hour new player chat block)
-Losing the ability to use any of your weapons in the middle of dungeons, forcing you to exit the game entirely to fix. (this has happened twice my solution was to stop using the weapons that caused those issues)
-Randomly rocketing off ledges due to weird jank involved with i guess movement calculations?
-Item icons being completely broken on certain items. I had a treasure chest icon that healed and and gigantic hammer icon that spit out ice. (this can be ignored it doesn't directly impact gameplay but come on dude why is this even a bug???)
-Sometimes certain harvest-able items spawn underground or on a weird slope or even just on a flat peace of ground and for no reason at all they cannot be harvested.
-Sometimes you can climb a rock, attack a monster or use a skill and get stuck inside the map itself (there is a /unstuck command but i was surprised at how easy it was to get trapped in random areas, Its very very easy)
All of these bugs are apparently common issues that have been in the game for a long time. I am the type of player who doesn't notice minor bugs but these are so obvious its really just disheartening reporting a bug and realizing there is no point. When 10-20 people in global chat can say "yeah that's been there for a while" for any random issue I notice. Its shines such a negative light on the development of this game knowing that if I encounter a bug chances are it wont be touched for a really long time.


It's fine i guess? You equip two weapons they have a light attack and a heavy attack. And Each weapon has 3 skills. For a total of 6 skills. But only one or two of them are worth using usually.
There is more skills on the skill trees but once you find your weapon set chances are you wont ever look at other stuff.
So heres how it goes. You see a monster. You tap a skill that does 135% damage. You tap a second skill that might do 125% but its aoe and has a longer cooldown. You then spam heavy attacks until the enemy is dead.
Sometimes you aggro 3+ mobs and you gotta tap the third skill which is an aoe that does 80% damage but it can hit all the mobs in the area.
It probably gets more advanced once you hit like 100 hours in and finalize your builds a bit more but this has been it for me. But im not sure if ill stick it out long enough to dip my toes into that.

Its fine but you cannot do skills in midair. You have to be grounded to do anything and this is kinda limiting. If I have a hammer that slams down heavily with a big THWUNK. I should be able to jump and bring that bad boy down harder. I should be able to jump off a cliff and seismic slam the damn ground with a gigantic hammer smack.

Its fine and thats pretty much it. Which isn't a good thing. When pvp is such a important part of endgame content and the pvp takes 80+ hours to get to and can be labeled as "just fine" its not a good look.

=Story and Graphics=

The world setting is kinda neat. Enemies/NPCs/Monsters/Animals and the player respawn because literally everyone in the island is immortal. NPCs readily admit to being 500 years old. The people who cant handle the never dying become the monsters you fight, literally insane. And i guess you gotta mkae the world less terrible? I didnt care for the players own personal story stuff so i wont comment on it too much. There is a meme where Master Chief from Halo says "There is a lady in my head who calls me studmuffin" Thats kinda the vibe i got from the story. Enchantress wants you to join her cult and kill stuff with her but you are too chad and resist. Ill probably read a summary of this later and realize how wrong I am.

Game is pretty. But its hard to appreciate the beauty when a goat rams you in the balls for daring to gather herbs within 5 meters of it.

The gameplay doesnt benefit from pretty graphics. You always want to be looking for red dots or running through areas as fast as possible and you really cant take too much time to appreciate the world itself.


Conclusion? I dunno man this game feels weird. Its unique in some ways but so generic in many others. Things feel disjointed. Im not sure if i enjoyed the time ive put into it. I think it was worth checking out but it just isnt for me. Despite it having 20k-ish players the game is spread out among like 20 servers so you might only have 800 people in your game and none of them are doing the content you are doing.

Its a massive world but everyone is so far away. I could make a massive list on how to maybe change this game for the better but it really doesnt matter. If Amazon devs are willing to ignore basic bugs for years they will definitely ignore me and anyone else who has good ideas on how to fix this shell of game.

I had more fun in the free trials of Final Fantasy 14. Elder Scrolls Online, and Path of Exile. None of those games felt dead though.
Posted July 7, 2023.
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18.4 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
3-4 hours of a FULLY VOICE ACTED murder mystery! Ive never played a game that was fully voice acted before and this was a treat. You click a bush and they characters actually say "yeah thats a bush kinda cringe" or whatever their opinions on trivial things are. Super fun desperately clicking every single thing in the game to find a new voice clip.

Tangled Twer is a really fun. Got it on sale for about 4$ and I had an absolutely lovely time. Ive never played on of these murder mystery games before but this one is a step above the rest just because of how rare it is to find fully voice acted stuff outside of the triple A titled movie games.

I only had 3 minor issues

Paintbrush Puzzle. I did not understand the height thing thought it was saying they had to be in order from shortest to tallest, it was a little unclear.
Treasure Map Puzzle. Did not get the whole point of view thing that well wasnt that clear on the box. The map tiles and box portrait didnt portray themselves that well.
The games ending felt rushed. The main enemy just spews their entire evil monologue though that might just be standard character tropes. But to me it just felt anticlimactic. But thats a bit nitpicky and it didnt spoil the games overarching vibe and humor. Definitely worth getting this game it is a really fun time.
Posted May 31, 2023.
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37.0 hrs on record
This game is part platformer where you jump around doing simple minigames to gather resources that all help you make Spirits content enough with their lives to go onto the afterlife.

Its like a colorful happy Limbo of sorts. You learn about the main character and her relations to other spirits.

Really all about coming to terms with life. Will make you tear up a little bit.
Posted May 23, 2023.
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26.4 hrs on record (24.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Mine tiles for 30 hours for ore while listening to pretty music and enjoying the visuals. Sometimes you gotta fight some goobers sometimes they are huge and scary but for the most part its a timesink slog.

The game isnt bad its very polished but for the most part but after a while it wears you down.

The main way to progress through this game is mining for ore and thats mostly it. Enemies dont drop much of importance. Generated structures dont contain anything of major value. All the extra gear and items that take 5-10 hours to gather the pieces of (Rune Song). Whether its from drops or bosses can mostly be ignored in favor of ore armor and weapons.

This game seems to heavily favor groups of friends who like to build stuff rather than players trying to explore and get stronger and make wacky builds. You get ranged damage and melee damage and your flavor of "do i crit or not?"

There are some somewhat unique item sets that do neat things but they are often locked behind many many hours of RNG drops and farming. You need to build afk mob farms and ore farms. A main issue i find is that there is no middle ground. If you love making afk farms or love fighting but would rather do one or the other you must do BOTH.

I dunno its definitely a game meant for multiple people on a server. The solo experience is backbreaking.

Only recommending it because hopefully in the future there are more ways to streamline stuff for lower amounts of players.
Posted March 7, 2023.
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75.0 hrs on record
Bought the full package of the game and all its DLCs and after 70 hours of playing and grinding all the achievements I think I can provide some sort of semblance of a okay-ish review?

The game itself besides what you see from the screenshots and gameplay has a main issue of item bloat. And also recipe bloat. The progression path primarily consists of you going "I want this thing!" And then realizing you cannot do that for another 50 hours because you have to farm up gold tier onions and gold tier hops to get special organs needed for blue points. But you also have to farm up the special materials necessary for gold tier fertilizer and crops. But you also have to grind reputation to get the seeds. But you also have to craft and unlock all major alchemy crafting tables and stations. But you also have to unlock special crafting items needed to build those alchemy crafting tables you unlocked.

Its this huge chasing your tail and falling into another wall because the game doesnt really give you the best advice.

Despite this i still really enjoyed the game. The wild goose chase and nonstop farming and manual labor always felt pleasing because the art-style is pretty and the music is calming.

Thats the game at its core i believe. I would have 30 wiki pages open and notepads writing down step by steps of what is necessary in the moment to progress. And I enjoyed that, not something everyone will like in fact id say this is why people often dump the game 2-10 hours in.

I mentioned item bloat didnt I? Yeah that
90% of all the foods, potions, alchemist ingredients, plants, forage-able food, farmables plants, and church prayers are completely meaningless. This game has 10-15 buffs for combat in the form of potions, prayers and food buffs. All of them were mostly meaningless in the long run. There is no point to having so much combat buffs when you only need the final tier of weapon and armor and a ton of fish stew to blow through the entire dungeon in one run then NEVER fight anything else ever again because the dungeon ends. Its strange.

Fishing had more content than the dungeon and it only had 2 food buffs and thats it. So strange. Buy some rods and baits from the fisher lighthouse man buy the two foods from the tavern and boom you max rank fisherman.

If I ever do a second play-through i think i would have far more fun actually knowing how the game works.

Posted January 29, 2023.
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50.2 hrs on record (46.0 hrs at review time)
The basic premise is SCP:Containment breach but remove all the monsters and keep the haunted office supplies

Hold that thought in your head and add in a demonic invasion in the middle of the SCP site

You gotta deal with both the "Demons" and the haunted office supplies and often times the demon magic infects the office supplies and then you got a rampaging stapler chanting hymns eating people

Good news you have a gun! And your own demon magic!

And thats the gist of it you get to rummage through file cabinets and read up all about the backstory and abilities of the haunted office supplies while fighting off demons. Pretty fun time if you like reading and gun magic.
My only gripe about the game is the boring mostly meaningless skill tree. It reminds me of those games where you get skill points to spend into 6 different stats but only 2 of the stats matter so you have these meaningless "flavor stats" that just make the game look more advanced than it really is. Its not *that* bad you can tell the difference between level 0 and max rank skills. But its mostly just "deal more damage" or "you get more health" there are some neat max rank ability things but they are entirely ignorable.

Pretty fun time altogether. I heard you have to play the game "Alan Wake" to understand one of the DLC bonus contents a bit better. Which is probably true but I wasn't too interested in that.
Posted January 7, 2023. Last edited January 25, 2023.
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76.3 hrs on record (60.1 hrs at review time)
first game of this genre i tried
got it for cheap
got all the achievements

it was okay
Posted November 22, 2022.
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2.4 hrs on record
Felt like way too much idle with very little mining or clicking. I had 900 million dollarydoos and could not actually do anything with them because i had to wait for number to go up. There was very very little interaction with the game. Even for an idle game that you are supposed to leave running and ignore. The parts where i could interact where really bland. Its free sure but there are a few other free idle games that I'd rather waste my time with.
Posted July 27, 2022.
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380.6 hrs on record (40.4 hrs at review time)
If you choose Artillerist around level 40 you unlock a skill that lets you call down a tactical nuke

mushroom cloud and radiation damage bonus

i used it on a lone crow innocently vibing in a pumpkin patch

i think i saw a 16k damage tick on a mob that had 200 health

this gives me great joy
Posted February 15, 2022.
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