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Évaluations récentes de Hit

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
19.0 h en tout (4.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
If you play team objective mode, all the good players will stack on the attacking team and steamroll the defenders, same problem that chiv1 had. The only way of having fun here is keep clicking change team button until someone leaves and you can join the winning team. Don't bother buying it until they add some sort of working team balance system.

Also they have disabled alt+f4 shortcut on this game, so, if you want to quit it, you'll have to go through two menus, two confirmation windows and one loading screen. Brilliant decision developers...

Don't let my hours fool you, I played a lot on the beta and was kinda expecting for this issues to be fixed on the release, that's the only reason I bought it.
Évaluation publiée le 21 décembre 2023.
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45.5 h en tout (0.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Very addictive mixture of factorio (simplified) and diablo.
Évaluation publiée le 16 octobre 2021. Dernière modification le 1 septembre 2023.
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11 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
17 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
2,152.2 h en tout (1,114.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It only took me 1000 hours to get my K/D ratio greater than 1.
Évaluation publiée le 21 décembre 2018.
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5 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
9.3 h en tout (7.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
I bought this by impulse, thinking about refunding it if I didn't like it....

I launched it, fiddle a little bit with the options and joined the main server.

Suddenly I'm on the home island, without knowing much what to do. I wander around a little bit, trying to figure things out until I find a sign that says "tutorial". I follow the sign until I reach some kind of obstacle track with a few containers at the starts. There are also some signs that explains to me how the inventory works. I complete it without much trouble (basically you just need to move forward, jumping over the obstacles with space bar, and shoot a few times) so I go back where I started.

Then I realized that there is another tutorial on the other side of the island for vehicles. Walking there takes some time but I finally reach it. The tutorial is basically grab a truck and drive it on a small circuit, thats all. Also the control model is really really bad, the truck behaves just like a soldier walking, the only difference is that it is faster.

Ok, logged an hour in game and still I haven't start playing. I find the map in a hurry, and I join the first battle I see.

I spawn in a base with no one around. I check the local map and see that the front lines seem to be on the other side of the map, so I start running there.

Is a big map, and you dont run very fast, so it takes a lot of time to reach there, only to realize that it is empty too. Looks like this map is already conquered so there is nothing to do here.

One and a half hours in game, I go back to the home island, hoping to find another battle where I can actually test the game. I open the battle list, and managed to find the only battle map that looks like is controlled 50% by my faction and 50% by the enemy, that should be what I'm looking for.

I click on "Join Battle", only to see a message "There are 30 players on the queue for this battle, please wait".

I wait a little and the queue moves really really slow. Almost two hours in game logged, damn. When there are 25 players before me on the queue, I decide to go out to walk the dog, finding that I'm on the 4th queue position when I come back.

Two hours in game, I finally get to my first battle. I spawn, surrounded by my teammates, I grab a weapon and follow them to the front lines.

Suddenly we see some shots comming from a treeline and we are all dead.

Thats where one of the main problems with this game arises, when they kill you, you don't spawn again immediately. Instead, you have to wait some variable time, usually around 2 - 3 minutes. That really sucks because you die really easily, so most of your time in game, you will spend it looking at the respawn timer, or just messaging with your smartphone waiting for it to get to zero.

I played a little more to get the hang of the game (way more than two hours logged in game so bye bye refund), and I realized that's it.

If you want to fight, its very easy to die on this game, a lost bullet, a mortar, a machine gun.... You don't last long on the front lines. That's ok, it's the way it should be, if it weren't for the eternal respawn timer. You will probably spend 40% of your time in game waiting to respawn, another 40% walking to the front lines and with luck, 20% actually fighting.

Also, the isometric perspective doesn't let you see very far, so most of the combats will be just looking at bullets enter the edge of the screen towards you, and shooting back on that direction hoping to hit something (there is also no feedback at all on kills, so you'll never know if you hit anything) not very fun either.

There are also tanks, ofc, but I haven't test them yet, because it takes a lot of hours to research and build one. Anyway it looks to me that the gameplay will be much similar to the foot soldiers, only with bigger guns.

The other way of playing this is just gather resources for your team. Basically, you get a hammer, and start left clicking on a scrap pile until you get tendonitis on your mouse hand. Every once in a while you travel to the factory to drop the resources, or maybe someone comes to pick them with a truck, but thats all, leftclick leftclick leftclick leftclick leftclick leftclick leftclick leftclick leftclick leftclick...

And basically, thats all this game has to offer, waiting in queue to join the game, waiting to respawn, waiting to get to the front lines, waiting for the vehicle to research, waiting and waiting and waiting.

If you like to have it as a background while you do something productive, thats ok, but also you can just play a youtube video and save the 20€.

It is too late for me to refund, but I hope you learn from my mistakes and save your money on this.
Évaluation publiée le 21 décembre 2018.
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905 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
203 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
87.3 h en tout (68.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I've survived for way more than a month here.

At this point I have a very well stocked house at mystery lake. I have almost 100kg of meat ready to be eaten, freezed on the snow for conservation. I have a ton of fresh water just sitting there. I've killed bears, moose, wolves. Anything that can be killed I have done it. I probably have more bullets than animals on the surroundings, and then a lot of arrows and a homemade bow too.

I'm a master fisherman, hunter and I can start a fire easily in the middle of the storm. I make my own clothes from animal skins.

It's clear that I've now beaten the game. There is nothing it can throw at me at this point that I'm not prepared for. At least that was what I thought, but I hadn't taken account of my own stupidity...

One day, I was taking a walk to my favourite hunting area, with the hope of catching some deer to make me a new pair of deerskin pants.

I suddenly realized there was a mountaineering rope, hanging down a cliff. "Wow, I haven't seen that before, lets take a look", I thought.

I started what it felt like a long climb just to reach a big ledge at the end of the rope, almost running out of stamina in the process. Looks like I carried too much weight, but anyway I did it.

Looking around me, there wasn't a lot. The rope didn't reach the top of the cliff, it just ended on a big ledge halfway to the top, with only a few branches on its ground.

When I was getting ready to climb back down, disappointed, I saw there was another climbing rope, hanging down from the top of the cliff to the ledge I was in.

"Thats where the big prize should be", so I grab that second rope without hesitation and started climbing up again, but man, I didn't realized it was going to be so hard. When I was on the middle of this second rope, it was clear I was not going to make it. My hands were hurting so bad that I had to go down on a rush, barely making to the ledge before running out of stamina completely.

Well, I'm stupid, I carry too much weight, that's why I couldn't climb it. So I left almost anything I was carrying on the ledge, and got ready for another try.

Now I felt much lighter and I was sure I could make it to the top. But as I was climbing my confidence started to vanish. God it is really a long climb. There is no way I can make this time. I need to go down while I can.

I rushed down to the ledge again, but, when I was getting close to it, my hands slipped and I fell to the snow, twisting my ankle on the process.

Not a big deal, I always carry a lot of painkillers with me so I took a pair of then and was back on track before even knowing it.

At that point I realized how tired I was, climbing is an exhausting activity. My fatigue indicator was on the red and I was falling asleep while standing.

Ah, thats why I couldn't make it to the top. I was so tired from the first climb that climbing the second rope was just too much.

Luckily I always carry my sleping bag with me, you never know, so I decided to take a nap there on the ledge, and then try again for the second climb, this time being well rested so I could make it to the top.

The cold woke me up. I was totally freezing. A storm had descended while I was sleeping and I had contracted hypotermia. I could barely see, or walk.

Oh ♥♥♥♥. Wtf was I thinking? I crawled through the ledge, desperately trying to gather all the branches I could find to start a fire. Although my burry vision made it real hard and I felt like I was going to die any moment, I did it. I started a good fire from sticks, enough to warm me up again, or, at least, prevent me from freezing to death right there.

Wow, that was close. I got back into the sleeping bag, this time near the fire, hoping to rest a little more to warm me up and gather enough strengh for the climb down. At that point, obviously, I had abandoned all hopes to get to the top and I was just thinking on returning to the safety of my house on the lake, so I could recover.

When I woke up, the fire was almost running out, but I had recovered a little condition. There were no more branches on the ledge and the sun was setting on the horizon, so it was now or never, I had to get down or die there.

I dropped almost anything I carried there, on the snow, so I didn't have to carry its weight, including my precious rifle with all it's ammunition, and then grabbed the downward rope with my tingling hands.

Climbing down from the ledge wasn't easy, in fact it was exactly the opposite, but I managed to go down a good deal before slipping again when I was around 3 meters from the ground, twisting my battered ankle one more time.

Well, I left my painkillers along with all my equipment on the ledge, but at least I was on the ground again. I was badly injured and almost dead, but I was on the ground again. Now I only had to cross the lake and get to my house to rest until I'm fully healed, surrounded by food, water and firewood. It's not going to a pleasant walk, but I can make it.

I started crawling towards the riverside when I suddenly heard a loud growl.

Searching through my blurry vision, I saw a dark siluhette getting closer and closer. "Ffs why always me?", I though while I maniacally reached for my rifle, only to realize I left it there on the ledge, along with anything else that could be of help.

I turned around and started running like hell, at least I tried, but it's not an easy task with a twisted ankle and a bad case of hypothermia. A few moments later, 40kg of anger and teeth impacted on my back, knocking me down into the long dark.
Évaluation publiée le 25 juin 2018. Dernière modification le 25 juin 2018.
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24 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
16.8 h en tout (14.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
I can't recommend it at its current state and full price. Right now 20€ are way too much for what it has to offer.

Game feels very plain an easy. You just need to build a tower of stone to place the beds and surround it with walls, putting a maze like structure on the entrance so the zombies have to walk a long way before your archers. Thats all.

Of course you need different kind of workshops to build the items you need but thats all. You just plant square workshops around and wait for them to build the items you need. Resources are also easy to get, wood is everywhere, for food you just need a few farms and you find minerals as soon as you dig a little (they are everywhere too).

Said that, I think all these problems are because game is in early access, and it will improve a lot in the future, just cannot recommend it right now.

They just need to add a better tech tree, make resources harder to find, so it is worthwhile to explore the map (right now there is no reason for it, you have everything you need in a radious of 100m from the start at most.) and add more challenges. Maybe make the zombies break the walls when they have to walk too much, maybe add more dangers like underground monsters that kill your miners, so you need to protect them, things like that.

On the other hand, the game is very promising and developers looks great, they are very active and answering to community. Right now, it is in very early development state so, as I said before, I think there is a great chance that all those problems will be solved in the future and they will make an amazing game.

I look forward to change this review to a positive one.
Évaluation publiée le 10 mars 2018. Dernière modification le 10 mars 2018.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
10.2 h en tout (9.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Game is fine but becomes very repetitive soon. Not worth at full price. If you can get it for ~5€ on a sale, do it.
Évaluation publiée le 15 avril 2017.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
581.4 h en tout (334.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Amazing game 10/10

I feel a little guilty for not supporting the developers by buying some skins or something, but I can't get a job because I'm too busy playing this.
Évaluation publiée le 4 mai 2016.
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7 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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0.5 h en tout
This is not a simulator, flight model is really bad. Not recommended.
Évaluation publiée le 23 janvier 2016.
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22 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
9.3 h en tout
Game is ok but you need Games for Windows Live to play it and is not working. No way to play offline. gg
Évaluation publiée le 3 janvier 2016.
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