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1 person found this review helpful
673.7 hrs on record (646.7 hrs at review time)
while the game is unique and you CAN have some fun in it
the matchmaking system and the gameplay and modes can get stale quickly aswell as unplayable, the matchmaking will put you against players that are levels 5x yours, sometimes you can be a literal noob lvl 0 on hero and global lvl and yet the game will STILL put you against players that are lvl 200, 500, 600, or god forbid you'll run up againt the lvl 2000 bedroom dwellers using every possible tactic in the book to wipe the floor with your face

the only fun i got out of this game was by playing against bots, even if they can read your attacks at times, it's not as unplayable and a sweat fest as PvP mode

do yourself a favor, and keep moving and DONT try this game, it might be unique, but the matchmaking, balance, micro transactions locking away heroes cause ubisoft and the lack of more populated gamemodes and horrendous matchmaking system makes this the most unfun, toxic and salty filled experience youll ever have in your life
Posted June 4. Last edited June 5.
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39.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
you will see A LOT and i do meanA.WHOLE.FREAKING.LOT of weird stuff in the game, nothing really F-ed up, but here's what u can expect
lots and lots of anime models (either loli ones or big booba ones or semi-naked ones)
more normal looking models
meme models
and models that will make you deaf or blind or jumpscare you thanks to the creator loving to be a pain on everyone in the room

or you can find all of the above either causing caos or having a conversation
or, the most common, starring at the mirror
is it a fun game? yea sure u can have fun,. it is a social game after all
but i highly reccomend getting a VR setup and a body tracker (if u want to) so you can more expressive in it, playing on PC is...very limited
Posted April 16.
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240.2 hrs on record (101.4 hrs at review time)
pretty good and fun
just dont bother with the colllectables because what they give u can be overshadowed by the weapons u get through the story
if u want REALLY strong and powerful stuff, just get the DLCs
the collectables rewards:
a mortar - is overshadowed by any rocket launcher, and once u unlock the M488 (A.K.A the atomic rocket launcher) u really wont be using anything else, not to mention, the mortar cannot be used while moving or in the air, forcing you to be STILL and on the ground, otherwise, it wont be fired
the stuka plane - a plane that can fly fast and has machine guns on the wings, also overshadowed by any jets u unlock, aswell as helicopters
the revolvers and akimbo shotguns - the ONLY usefull one is the revolver for their damage, and even then, u get them just by finishing the game
infinite fast travels - while it can seem very usefull at the start of the game, all u need to do is a few plane challenges to get 3 fast travels, and just liberate outposts for free flares, doing side missions will also allow u to have free areas that give u flares and stuff

if u are looking for REAL unlocks, buy the DLCs
which, ik it is Pay to Win, but the fun is also guaranted
Sky fortress - New areas for you to conquer, your wingsuit can now use a boost and be used to get out of water without having to call for a boat, oh also your wingsuit can fire bullets AND rockets
mecha island - a powerful af mecha that can destroy anything, aswell as abuse the force of phisics to just push and destroy anything (i would say this is the least cool DLC, but trust me, the unlock is better than the collectables)
Black Hand dlc - unlock a boat that is fast af, has 2 miniguns that can delete anything, AND a rocket launcher in it that can lock into multiple targets. and on top of that, you get a weapon that can SUMMON A LIGHTNING...yea u essentially become thor lol
Posted January 23.
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308.6 hrs on record (85.8 hrs at review time)
while the game is good and fun as hell at the start
i feel like it's massivly overrated
while yes, you can have fun and enjoy certain moments, terrain generations, specific missions and weapons and classes
once you get to your promotion, you, essentially, win the game
because what now? grind for more minerals and money? and what if this also start to get stale?

im not saying that the game NEEDS to be a endless fun that u can pump 1K hours in it, but there is something lacking in it to actually make you WANT to keep going after acquiring the weapons and upgrades.
a lot of people try to say ''oh just do deep dives then'' which doesnt really help because that essentially just means ''do this 3 missions in a row that have variable difficulty, going as far as haz 6/7 that are the highest :D and can be pretty frustrating if u dont follow the META''

and while you may have heard that the game's community is good and all, it is just a massive toxic positivity, of people that think that the game is a absolute masterpiece and all (it's not, it's good, but not perfect)
and negating actuall criticism and necessary negativity by calling the person a ''leaf lover''

and if you are thinking about playing this on solo, do be warned, the game's balance is not centered around this, so if u dont have friends or if u are a introvert, playing alone will be a pain in the nuts to go through on high difficulties

once again, the game ISNT bad, it's really good, but the way it's overhyped on memes and videos just makes you realise that it really isnt as awesome as people make it out to be.
Posted September 19, 2023. Last edited March 22.
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7 people found this review helpful
4,780.7 hrs on record (3,945.8 hrs at review time)
judging by the amount of hours i wasted of my life in this game, you be safe that this game is deserves a GOTY by how cool and fun it is
not to mention, if u ever get bored of all the vanilla stuff in it, just install some mods on the workshop, trust me, you'll eventually find one that suits you and will make u have more and more fun in this masterpiece of a game
Posted February 17, 2023.
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577.1 hrs on record (346.8 hrs at review time)
c vc estiver comprando para jogar com os amigos, entao va em frente, vale a pena, mas c vc for jogar sozinho, entao recomendo q guarde esse dinheiro pra promoçao ou pra outro jogo amigo
Posted August 29, 2021.
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3,950.1 hrs on record (2,400.2 hrs at review time)
the main problem i have with this game is the amount of DLCs and other contents hidden behind achiviments even after you bought the DLC

having essentially 90% of the game locked behind a paywall over content that sometimes is not even worth getting it is pretty annoying, a lot of heists come with weapons with them aswell
so if you are interessted in the weapon but not in the heist, well, you dont have a choice... (this counts for characters aswell)
with the amount of DLCs this game has, i seriously wish we had some more free content added into it, but considering the massive failure that was the launch of PD3, this free content wont be coming soon...
Posted August 29, 2021. Last edited February 20.
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1 person found this review helpful
250.7 hrs on record (152.5 hrs at review time)
Revolucionou meu gosto por jogos de turno!
Posted July 6, 2020.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries