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Ulasan terkini oleh MaximusTheMad

Menampilkan1-10 dari 10 kiriman
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Tercatat 195.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 145.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I can quit anytime I want, I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM!!!

In all seriousness this game is absolutely spectacular, a roguelite that stands above other roguelites. For such a simple idea it lasts an insanely long time between the different decks and challenges you can undertake. The soundtrack consists of just variations of a single song, and yet even after more than 100 hours you'll never get bored of hearing it. Only warning is, like others have pointed out, it will ♥♥♥♥ you in so much you'll lose track of time. You will get addicted to going for 'just one more run', not you might, you will

An easy GOTY contender, even if the year is only a couple months in. People will be talking about this game for a long time
Diposting pada 29 Maret.
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Tercatat 4.4 jam
This is admittedly a rather short experience and people may find the gameplay barebones...but honestly the ending hit me where it mattered most and I enjoyed the overall experience.
Diposting pada 5 Juli 2022.
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Tercatat 11.3 jam
I would have to say I give this a solid...eh.

It's okay, there's interesting elements and the cases are somewhat interesting. It also does feel like it ends rather abruptly. Overall I definitely would say it's not worth $50, but if you want a decent adventure that'll hold your attention for 11 hours(granted some of that is loading screens), then give it a shot.
Diposting pada 15 Juni 2020.
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Tercatat 75.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 68.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
If you are a huge fan of games like Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, Rune Factory and the like then this is a game right up your alley. It's not without it's problems, but none of them are truly dealbreaking

+ A wide cast of interesting NPCs
+ Plenty of quests from Main Quests about big builds for the community to side quests given to you by other characters to commission work for money
+ Lots of things to do like Crafting, Fishing, Farming, Mine Exploring, Dungeon Crawling, Festivals and more
+ Absolutely Beautiful World to explore, run around and ride mounts in

- No swimming, if you get too near a body of water you'll get warped back
- Rather iffy voice acting for some of the characters(Notably Petra who seems to only have one tone of meh)
- Only way to save is to go to sleep for the day. Not bad in theory but the game is prone to crashing during longer play sessions(>3-4 hours) so can be a bit annoying

Potential things I'd love to see the Devs add going forward:

  • Quicksave System, I don't mind if I have to exit the game after using it but having the ability to save when something comes up and it's too far away to start a new day yet would be appreciated.

  • More Tameable Creatures. It's nice to be able to tame Llama's to ride but it would be really nice if there was even more options like some of the creatures later in the game just to get a bit more mileage out of the Trap Box. Maybe not as mounts but tameable pets would be neat.

  • The chance to visit some of the other Free Cities. Pretty big ask considering how big the current world is but with the lore that has been built up and the fact that some characters are from cities other than Portia, it'd be pretty cool to get the chance to visit some of the ones in the world.
Diposting pada 20 Januari 2020.
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Tercatat 2.0 jam
One of my favorite games from the PS2, and I finally have it on Steam! Admittedly I have a few problems with some of the design choices. The sheer amount of content in this game, not to mention how fun it is to build my own coasters, race tracks, mini golf courses, and all sorts of other elements and the fact that I can play and ride them myself is downright amazing amounts of fun.

Couple minor notes:

  • Use a controller if you have one, the interface was practically built for a controller in mind
  • How do the low poly models for the people look better than the full 3D ones?

    Other than that, I have no problem recommending this game, whether full price or at sale price.
Diposting pada 24 November 2017.
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Tercatat 215.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 194.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
A game that will have you playing into the early hours in the morning, forgetting friends, family, food, and basic needs. Trust me, it will grab you and never let go so you better cancel your plans for the rest of the day.

Pros(w/Gods and Kings and Brave New World):
  • Wide variety of ways to win
  • Wide variety of leaders to play as, with wide variations between each of them
  • Wide variety(I need to stop using that) of customization in how your game plays. You can choose which victory types are allowed, choose what era to start in, choose climate, and many others
  • Plenty of interesting scenarios to play....

  • But I don't personally play them very often (although I wish Empire of the Steamy Skies(a steampunk scenario) could be a full game mode as it goes by too quickly)
  • Can be a hardware hog, leading to a bit of lag especially late game when displaying huge cities and simulating tons of battles at once
  • Sleep? Food? What are these things?

    All jokes aside, it is a fantastic game that is still tons of fun no matter how many times I've played it. Even with the sequel out right now, this game still holds up. If you enjoy turn based strategy in any capacity, pick up the complete bundle and have an amazing time.
Diposting pada 24 November 2016.
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Tercatat 0.7 jam
Dungeon Hearts is kind of like a Final Fantasy battle combined with Match-3 games like Bejeweled and Rhythm games like Retro/Grade.

+Rhythm, Match-3, and RPG-like gameplay
+Characters abilities that can change the tide of a battle
+Interesting Level-up mechanic

-High Difficulty even on the lowest setting
-Feels like a mobile port designed for a touch screen
-Occasional cheap difficulty spikes

Overall, I'd say it's a good game to buy if it's on sale, but the high difficulty even on Easy mode will turn most Casual gamers off
Diposting pada 19 Agustus 2014.
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Tercatat 4.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 3.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini

-Friendly and fun Community
-Healthy Modding Scene (You can play UNO, Candyland, Cards Against Humanity and all sorts of different games)
-Fast and Easy Matchmaking (you can join any server in a matter of seconds)
-Graphics on models
-Table-Flipping (because why not)


-Single Player is a joke (No AI to play against should you not want to play online)
-Connection Issues, Glitches, and Bugs
-Backgrounds are lacking (I'd like to see a point when flipping the table doesn't cause it to fall into oblivion)
-No Rule Books (If I don't know how to play Parchisi or Backgammon, I'd like a manual to explain the rules a bit)

Is this game worth it's purchase price? I would have to say....kind of. It's definitely a fun time even if you don't have friends to play it with. The community is friendly and fun, the amount of custom games are insane, most of the models and game pieces look amazing, and matchmaking is fast and painless with password systems if you just want to play with friends. However what with the Single-Player being a little lacking I can't honestly say that it's for everyone.

But if that doesn't matter to you, I say pick it up and you definitely will not be disappointed.
Diposting pada 26 April 2014.
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Tercatat 0.1 jam
This is not a "game" per se, it's more like an interactive stress relief device. It's like the video game equivalent of yoga, some may call it boring and some may say it's relaxing. I am one of the latter as this is good for stress relief after a bad day at work.

The visuals, though 8-bit, somehow look absolutely stunning. The music is quite good, though some of the sound effects are annoying but don't detract from the experience.

Two negatives come with this:
1. Like I said, people may find it boring since it isn't particularly action-packed
2. The price point is quite steep.

If you want a good game to relax to, pick this up when it goes on sale. Just don't expect too much gameplay
Diposting pada 7 Januari 2014.
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Tercatat 11.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 5.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Perhaps the best Star Wars game ever.
Diposting pada 12 Mei 2013.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 10 kiriman