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20.4 óra a nyilvántartásban (9.9 óra az értékeléskor)
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide is an first person survival horror with... rats?
The player can set on missions with other players to play along as five characters, each with their own specialties. This game can be seen as heavily influenced by Valve's Left 4 Dead games, as the players have two weapon slots, one melee, and one ranged, along side one utility item, one, grenade item, and one healing item, totalling out to five carriable items.

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide would be identical to the Left 4 Dead series, but there is loot and progression in this one. At the end of each mission, if successful, the players may roll for loot, using die, and having a chance at white, green, and blue rarity items; with white being the lowest and blue being the highest. Unlike Left 4 Dead, the player also has a level to keep up with, like a normal account level. The higher the level, the more features may be unlocked in the inn.

Like Left 4 Dead, this game has special types of rats, as in the Left 4 Dead series. There are a few: the Rat Ogre, portraying the tank in Left 4 Dead, the Pack Master portraying the Smoker, the Assassin Rat, portraying the Hunter, and last but not least, the Ratling Gunner, portraying... well... it's a gunner, so I wouldn't know.

There may not be much to this game in the long run, as it does get repetitive, but it does offer a lot of fun times if played with friends.

- 7 / 10
Közzétéve: 2016. január 14.
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118.3 óra a nyilvántartásban (93.6 óra az értékeléskor)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the latest installment of a long running franchise. It starts out with the one and only Big Boss, escaping from a hospital, only to find one ally and the rest of the world hunting you down, the instant of your awakening.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a stunningly beautiful open-world game with freedoms to let you play how you want to play it. There are no "Restart Checkpoint" buttons if you screw up or get caught, because of its open world. There are numerous ways to go about mission strategies. You want to take over a base filled with guards, armored vehicles and carriers? No problem, just use your handy iDroid to call in a missile strike! Maybe you want to infiltrate an outpost the "Big Boss" way. It will definitely provide ample challenges along the way.

I did thoroughly enjoy the game with its amazing open map designs to the barren sands of Afghanistan, to the wet jungle climates of Africa. However I did come to find that the game has a repetitive tendencies, as I play the game longer.

The game has two episodes, spanning upon fifty chapters. At first, this sounds compelling and makes it seem that the game has a longer life than it actually does. In the second episode, the game repeats missions from the first episode, but this time, with more difficult challenges, handicaps, and generally makes the game harder with the usual variables of enemies having higher health, spotting the player quicker, or offering the canceled reflex mode with no option to turn it on.

You have three companions in the game-- four, if you count the attack chopper. The player can eventually choose between Quiet, the phenomenally skilled sniper, D-Dog, your dog which is eventually raised and trained to sniff out mines and distract guards, while you take your shots and pick them off, and last but not least, the D-Walker. Which can be used as an assault weapon. It is a Metal Gear assembled just for you, fit for the battlefield.

The player also has a new feature that is unique from the game's predecessors: Mother Base. The player will acquire upgrades and facilities as Mother Base grows. You will have more upgrades to choose from, expanding your arsenal, increasing staff, and deploying them into the battlefield when ready.

Regardless of its tiny flaws, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is worthy of a buy, and redeems itself as a well crafted game of its franchise.

- 9 / 10
Közzétéve: 2016. január 14. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2016. január 14.
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105.0 óra a nyilvántartásban (70.0 óra az értékeléskor)
Darksiders II is a sequel to the well known franchise, Darksiders. You play as one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; Death, as he tries to find his brother, War in the mess that has happened over the span of the two games' events. Darksiders is a clean open-world game that redeems itself in the smooth gameplay. The combat flows nicely as you chain combos between your light and heavy weapons. You find outfits and new armor throughout the game; some of which feels so rewarding when you get them from boss fights, or even difficult monsters
The story is unique and fills the world with a lot of lore and exploration of its levels. The level design is decent and there aren't too many frustrating puzzles and terrain to traverse. The puzzles are actually kind of fun, as some of them might be a little challenging-- more than others. There are a wide variety of enemies that do have different mechanics and the way they fight; for instance, grabbing you in a hold, or different attack patterns, forcing you to think and change tactics on the spot. Boss fights might be a little anti-climactic or even a little too easy.
There are various combo combinations as you can switch between light and heavy attacks with your two different weapons in combat, spontaneously, finding new ways to beat up your opponents. The combat system makes the game very satisfying! There is even a survival mode for you to test your ability and endurance against the seemingly endless waves of different enemies, or to even try out new combos!
Közzétéve: 2015. október 12.
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6 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
753.8 óra a nyilvántartásban (535.5 óra az értékeléskor)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a massive open world RPG that sets itself in a gritty, yet beautiful world influenced by Slavic and Norse mythology. I mean it's got 'Wild Hunt' in it's name. That says everything!

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you play as returning protagonist, Geralt of Rivia. A witcher who now seeks to move on in his life and continues his saga, going back home to Kaer Morhen. Settling in and finding peace wasn't the hard part. Facing a group of icy horsemen called the Wild Hunt willing to end his life while pursuing the emperor's runaway daughter is.

I don't even know where to start. The seamless and continuous world of Novigrad's cities, to the dangerous countrysides of Velen; also known as 'No Man's Land'. The seemingly endless number of quests to do, chasing down Witcher contracts and killing griffons, Ghouls, and other beasts that await your bloody death. Not to mention the amount of things to discover and explore when you're just roaming around on your horse, which I've found doing more than fast travelling, as this fantastical realm is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.

Choices. It's a word that some games define it very well, like BioWare's Mass Effect and Dragon Age IPs. You get to choose what your character does, where they go, and so forth. Every choices makes a different in the world that affects someone. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has implemented this in an extraordinary way. Think about what would happen if you saved the lives of bandits in their camp, originally to have you killed. Will they continue raiding other nearby villages? Or will they be inevitably caught in their demise, killed by a feral beast that lurks around their camp? Every single one of your decisions affects something in this world. Whatever happens on the road is as you see, and it's not even scripted.

I ride on my horse from the rural hills of Velen, and into the city of Novigrad, finding monster nests, caves, thieves, wolves, and not to forget the men and women in distress when they're being attacked. These are just things along the way to a story quest that I follow, but end up getting lost in the world, wanting to explore it and choosing to help those in need. I don't even continue on to the story quest-- roaming a bit more of the areas around me, and occupying myself with the side quests.

The combat has been changed and it's almost completely different from the previous Witcher games in the series in terms of smoothness and fluidity. When I evade or roll out of my enemy's attacks, it all just flows. For your fights and encounters to go the way you want them to, you must time your parries and attacks correctly. Every time you execute an attack, the enemy may go into a flurry of attacks and stagger you, gaining the upper hand in the fight. Nevertheless, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a masterpiece.

- 10 / 10
Közzétéve: 2015. május 23. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2017. július 3.
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9.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (8.8 óra az értékeléskor)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is an Action & Adventure Puzzle game created by Crystal Dynamic. It's the first Tomb Raider (or Tomb Raider based game, if some of you may call it) to feature a multiplayer mode, allowing for you and up to three other players to tag along in this wild adventure.
Starting off with the gameplay, I must say that the movement controls and combat is smooth and robust. There aren't very many nuanced things in this game, as far as the story goes. You get an assortment of weapons throughout the games and the extra points, gems and rewards are present, waiting for you to jump in on the appealing and unexpected challenge right in front of you.
Regarding the price point of Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, I personally, would not pay more than $10.00 for the game, as it seems to be a mini game. Although Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light doesn't really have any new nuanced adventures, it is a good time killer.

- 6 / 10
Közzétéve: 2015. május 17.
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10.4 óra a nyilvántartásban (10.3 óra az értékeléskor)
Nether is a survival horror game to be played with your friends.... or maybe alone?
Tag along with friends, or against foes in this survival horror that requires a lot of awareness and alertness in order to you and your crew to stay alive. It's got a hunger and thirst mechanic, as far as monsters lurking around in the world and no one to trust. Who will be friend, and who will be foe?
Let me start off with gameplay. It is terribly built. The movements and combat is not fluid or smooth in any way at all. Hit boxes are glitchy, and there are other plenty of bugs in the game, such as launching the game itself and crashing. The menu is even slow to load. And there are of course, your fellow douche-bag players online who camp in safe-zones and wait for you to run out and shoot you.

- 4 / 10
Közzétéve: 2015. május 14.
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1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
3.8 óra a nyilvántartásban (2.0 óra az értékeléskor)
Magicka is a unique third person adventure RPG. It doesn't have a thick story plot, but it wouldn't need it anyways, as the spells and seemingly endless combinations of spells never fails to wow me.
It's got some great humor and a lot of references that break the fourth wall. Choose to be wizard or templar. Travel the forests and the rest of whatever lays await for you to kill.... or to be killed by whomever. Combine different elements to make magical, yet deadly effects. But be careful-- you can kill yourself. I've found myself humorously mashing the different buttons to see which elements made what. And It's kind of funny to see myself flying across the screen and dying shortly after from combining fire, biohazard ( because that's actually an element, right? ) and some other deadly elements into a huge AoE blast. Magicka is, albeit frustrating, but fun to play.

- 7 / 10
Közzétéve: 2015. május 14.
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10.8 óra a nyilvántartásban (5.5 óra az értékeléskor)
Bulletstorm is an awesome fast-paced action FPS where you just simply kick ass!
Play as space bounty hunter Grayson Hunt with your fellow shipmates that soon meet their doom, tagging along with one survivor, Ishi, and later an ass-kicker of a girl Trish.
This game takes place on a planet with a very Mad Max / Borderlands-like atmosphere. You've got crazy psychos with a huge arsenal trying to mow you down with their rifles, machine guns, and rocket launchers, not to mentioned a douche-bag antagonist that was once your commander. I love how fast the game is, while keeping up with it's stylized point system. The cooler your kill-shots, the higher the score and better rewards! There is also a great multiplayer addition to the game that enhances teamwork experiences.
Bludgeon, torture, swap, burn, vaporize, and humiliate! If this game had it's own dictionary, these words would be in them! Shoot and kill your way through fun hours of humor and bad-assity (if that's not a word, then it is now)
Közzétéve: 2015. május 14.
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12.6 óra a nyilvántartásban (12.5 óra az értékeléskor)
Bioshock Infinite is the third to a so-far trilogy of Bioshock. You take the roll as Booker DeWitt in post World War events in the floating city of Columbia.
You start out exploring the world in the colored and bright Columbia greeting random strangers and falling into a mishap of events shortly thereafter. You're a wanted man, and at the same time, a revolutionary icon developed by the city far below. And just like the previous two games, this one has not disappointed me in too many areas. As a well story-driven game, there wouldn't be very many mechanics to the game but the environments and atmosphere is wildly immersive and at times, quite dark. As the game's plot was good and somewhat adequately filled, there was some DLC that released later on called Burial at Sea, which does help fill some plot holes, from even the first game, Bioshock.
Regarding the awesome story that goes on into Bioshock Infinite, I do not like the plot twists. It takes on very unnerving events and confuses you. The game had 3 difficulties (as far as I remember) of which the hardest was challenging enough. Your powers are still filled with awesomeness and you can still upgrade them to your liking. Gameplay is very smooth and fluid. I give this a buy.

- 8.5 / 10
Közzétéve: 2015. május 14.
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1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
199.4 óra a nyilvántartásban (201.6 óra az értékeléskor)
Tomb Raider is a long awaited (and for me, unexpected, but awesome surprise) reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise that started back in the early 1990s. I've played the earlier ones on the Playstation2 and I loved them. Just a simple game with no system, little mechanics but still fun to play-- having definitely being one of the best platforming games ever.
Take on the role of Lara Croft in this new adventure, and gritty origin story of the treasure hunter we've known for the time into a shipwrecked island. At first, you're captured and not for long, you know that you are not alone on this island. Explore and hunt through the damp forests to the wide open landscapes. This nuanced game adds to Lara's iconic character and gives you a little bit of a different side to her.

I love this game. It's taken almost a completely different turn compared to the previous ones-- the ones developed by Crystal Dynamic anyways. It's the first Tomb Raider to have an M rating on it, but most importantly, it shows a different side of Lara Croft. She wasn't always the fearless Tomb Raider and I've always wanted to know how she became this iconic video game character. Tomb Raider (2013) has answered my burning curiosities. The suspense is driving and the island has such an attractive, yet unsettling atmosphere at most times telling you to 'get the hell outta here'. Combat can be quite frantic as you're ill-equipped against the island's inhabitants known as the Solarii. You have to fight your way off of this horrific-filled-past island while finding your friends and fighting off people who are willing to cut your face off!
Although the story was great, I thought that the multiplayer part of the game was unnecessary.

- 8.5 / 10
Közzétéve: 2015. május 14.
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