New Zealand
Things that bother you never bother me,
I feel happy and fine,
living in the sunlight,
loving in the moonlgiht,
having a wonderful time!

Kill 'em and grill 'em. []


He's got a greasy face. []
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Omid hanging off a highway.
Review Showcase
Easily the best CRPG I've ever played. Age of Decadence features an expansive world with a complete set of lore that loops around and, if you explore enough, explains everything you can experience in the world, and why characters behave in certain ways.

The lore in Age of Decadence isn't just surface-deep like most rpgs; it's a complete history, the events of which directly lead into and create the situation in which you play. Digging up this past, exploring ancient ruins, and dealing with important figures that represent historic factions, are all themes that will take up a large part of your time playing Age of Decadence, and all of it is very enjoyable.

The setting of Age of Decadence is in a different world with a culture similar to that of the ancient roman empire. You'll hear of gods and demons, seemingly no longer present, and a war that was so severe that the story fits into the 'post-apocalypse' genre. The setting takes inspiration from stories like Stargate SG-1 and Roadside picnic; technology and artifacts so far beyond the comprehension of the average person that they believe them to be magic.

Is the game difficult? Absolutely. Can you steamroll through every enemy in the game? If you make a build centered on combat, its absolutely possible. However, there are other facets to the game as well; scheming, tricking, trading, exploring ruins (which includes dealing with traps, deciphering old texts, repairing old machines). The only real warning I can give about this game is this; The 'thieves guild' quest line is about assassination, the 'assassin's guild' quest line is just about mass slaughter. People often jump into those quest lines expecting them to be about stealth or speech, and for the most part, they're really not.

To sum up my review, I have to say that I highly recommend this game. It's easily one of the best games I've ever played, and I can't help but keep coming back for more.
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39 hrs on record
last played on May 17
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last played on May 17
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last played on May 16
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