Nathan   Pennsylvania, United States
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Review Showcase
59 Hours played
I don't think I can stress enough how underappreciated this game is. The fact that it's not as popular as games like Binding of Isaac or Cave Story is honestly tragic (And I say that as someone who loves those games).

Basically, if you like Kirby and/or Megaman, you're going to love this game. The enemy powers you steal combine beautifully, the explosions are big and shiny, the combat has a wonderful level of depth to it, there's always new twists and innovations from one level to the next, and the game makes all sorts of wonderful nods to that which it takes inspiration from. The banter between Savant and Boki can be a *little* corny at times, but there's also a bunch of hilarity mixed in. The music is pretty good, and every track has dynamic changes for various things like low health or possessing certain powerups. All the attack combinations are individually coded, so many have unique effects that might not be immediately obvious based on the components.

And then there's the bosses. Much like the aforementioned games Copy Kitty takes inspiration from, it has honed boss battles to an art form. They're so good, and each boss is better than the last in so many ways. Boss fights are tricky, but fair, and the attacks are beautifully mathematical. And the game goes out of its way to make defeating the bosses extremely satisfying. By the end of the game, I knew that if there was something I was hoping a boss would do, the developers would already be one step ahead. To give a player that level of faith, and to not disappoint, is absolutely legendary.

And let me be clear about something here: The content in this game is CRAZY! Not only is there Boki's campaign, there's also one for Savant, plus a hard mode for each with new dialogue, Endless Mode, Boss Rush, an encyclopedia of not just monsters, but also everything else in the damn game, a freaking LEVEL EDITOR, composer commentary, artwork gallery, and more!

Seriously, there's even a free demo with a pretty good length to it. There's really no reason to not at least try it. You would be missing out otherwise. Try it, try it, try it!