michael oxlong
who want back$hots
Featured Artwork Showcase
this goes so hard
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pic of my gf *sorry for bad camera quality*
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10.4 hrs on record
last played on May 26
68 hrs on record
last played on May 26
butterscotch Apr 15 @ 7:14pm 
thanks wap
chris Apr 15 @ 7:13pm 
nice inv
knotsniffur Apr 3 @ 1:37pm 
I used to be racist, but when I met them irl I quickly became friends with them and I exposed myself to their culture. smoking a lot of weed, playing basketball, listening and making beats and rap music, breakdancing etc. soon my black friends would invite me to their thanksgiving dinner and ♥♥♥♥ they were always there for me. they would call me one of them and that i could use the term because i was a real.
knotsniffur Mar 25 @ 5:43pm 
the sperm travels to the woman's brain as they become one
butterscotch Feb 23 @ 3:59pm 
Thanks princess of Sweden