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Reseñas recientes de Ocean Prince

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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
6.3 h registradas (5.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
the game is not long by any means, and there are multiple endings depending on your rate of completion.

It is also extremely cute and very charming. Characters, writing and dialog are all extremely punchy and consistently funny.

Publicada el 24 de junio de 2022.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
45.6 h registradas (40.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A rouge-like tower defense moba.
Fun but can be repeditive at times.
A good amount of Free-lc adds some variety.
The paid dlc isn't neccessary, and doesnt add a large amount of content, but still makes the game interesting.

good game.
Publicada el 25 de enero de 2016.
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A 5 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
4 personas encontraron divertida esta reseña
72.9 h registradas (25.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
The greatest test of faith and patience.
you can miss every hit.
you can get crit every hit.
the definition of perfect RNG.

not for defeatists or the easily upset.
Publicada el 25 de enero de 2016.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
2.9 h registradas
very basic, and casual. good for new players to the MOBA experience but terrible for people looking for a new MOBA to play.

the game is very friendly towards new players, and super forgiving.
however, its too forgiving, where the game actually feels like it babies the players.

i say this as a player that frequents other mobas like DOTA, LoL and a bit of HoS, this game is slighly boring, and the hud and ui seems very distracting and unoptimized, as if they were just trying to be different, not better.

when it comes down to it, i would not reccomend this to more hardcore MOBA players, but if you're a player looking to get in on the MOBA scene, i reccomend this for now, untill you want to move up.
Publicada el 3 de junio de 2015.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
29.9 h registradas (29.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
its fun, but theres a lot to be desired.

the game is very fun and very connected, but the grind can become very tedious at times, which i guess is the point. the lack of missions that progress story forwards is upsetting, and there still a few bugs. Its not a bad game at all, in fact, Firefall is quite good, but it just needs some fine polishing.
Publicada el 3 de junio de 2015.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
161.8 h registradas (44.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
like civilization? buy this game.
like settlers of catan? buy this game.
like fantasy, like elves and dragons and ♥♥♥♥? buy this game.
buy this game? buy this game.

serious review time though.
this game is deep and super complex. the tutorial can feel super overwhelming, and the learning curve to playing can go over new players heads, but when you get past that, the game is extremely fun and i love it.

there is a ton of room to wiggle when you play, and has many aspects from settlers of catan and civ.

the game has a couple pre-set factions with defualt special skills and abilities, but allows people to create their own custom factions with their own abilities, but lacks the ability to create a faction that has a different model or units, which is completley fair for a game like this.

the gameplay is super deep. weather, player-computer or player-player interactions change the pace of the game significantly. with a release of new content that adds more interesting ingame events, and units, the game becomes much more interesting.

overall, if one can get past the fact the game may seem a bit overwhelming, there is an amazing and awesome experience to be had in this game.
Publicada el 17 de mayo de 2015. Última edición: 3 de junio de 2015.
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A 1 persona le pareció útil esta reseña
0.0 h registradas
Publicada el 4 de octubre de 2014.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
58.9 h registradas (33.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
ass'n titties.
whats not to love?

ok, serious review time.
this game is fun. like crazy fun.

its mechanics are super optimized, and very noob friendly in the beginning and has room for the hardcores as well.

comboing feels fun in this game, and isnt super frame tight like other games, leaving room for large combos from pros and room for new players to learn what does and doesnt work.

each character so far is super unique providing a chance for players to pick an play style that fits them.

however, i do not reccomend this to players that are unable to get some form of game pad, or fight stick, or else your online experience will be difficult. But that's besides the point.

in short, this game is extremely fun and i highly reccomend it, as there is new fixes, patches and content being added in the endless beta version. also in the beta version, players can get their hands on content early and test new characters before they're released
Publicada el 25 de junio de 2014. Última edición: 3 de junio de 2015.
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