Ontario, Canada
the world was a better place without me in it

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I really like bugs
Here are some cool bug facts!

I am a pathetic excuse of a human. I've been given so many opportunities to do something, but what have I done? Absolutely nothing. I could've done anything, but I never did a thing, and I squandered all these opportunities that have all fallen on my lap. All of my incompetence is the product of my rotten character. I am fully aware of my incompetence but choose to do nothing about it, someone like me has no place in society and simply does not deserve to live. When I die the only impact I would've made on this world would be a negative one. Because I chose to sit on my ass and refuse to change, the only contribution I can make to society is being a burden. I hate myself.

Wow! Very cool!
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259 hrs on record
last played on May 15
241 hrs on record
last played on May 14
2.8 hrs on record
last played on May 13