Rhabarber Barbar
thanks :ducky:

people realise all the clowns they're giving me i'll spend on giving heart rewards to my friends right?
[‡]=Storky=[‡] May 1 @ 6:11am 
Respect to Stronghold player
Rhabarber Barbar Mar 21 @ 12:26pm 
it isn't like i go out of my way to farm them
Swattii Mar 21 @ 5:24am 
"people realise all the clowns they're giving me i'll spend on giving heart rewards to my friends right?"

29? HA, those are rookie numbers.
franky Mar 19 @ 12:45pm 
saw your comment from a lil while ago requesting more lunacid models, uploaded a bunch to the workshop since then if its relevant to you still :^)
Night FM Jun 26, 2023 @ 6:09pm 
Hi, I've released a version of the module on the NWN Vault. Let me know if it works.
Night FM Jun 23, 2023 @ 11:36am 
So have you had any luck playing the NWN module yet?