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Nylige anmeldelser av clintmich

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201.2 timer totalt (95.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Main campaign took 95 hours. Way more than I was expecting. I was pretty thorough and did most of the side questing. There was some tedious quests, it was very time consuming but fun! A lot of my Steam achievements that unlocked seemed rare among other players. This leads me to believe players aren't finishing this game. It's unfortunate because for me this was an amazing game, with a pretty decent story start to finish.

This was just the D&D experience I was looking for. The one downfall is the graphics are pretty dated. I played most of the game from a far away top down perspective so that helped the eyes quite a bit. Also I modded it as much as possible to get some updated models and textures in there. Also created my own custom textures for a few things that were bugging me.

All in all this was one of the best D&D experiences I've had in a long time. Looking forward to playing the expansions and some community created modules. There's hundreds more hours I could easily put into this game. This is a 10/10 from me despite the dated graphics. So fun! And so ADDICTIVE!
Publisert 11. januar 2022.
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23.1 timer totalt
Great game if you are a South Park fan. Had me laughing out loud quite a bit. My wife was getting annoyed with me. lol. The Nazi zombies were censored, but it's nothing Nexus Mods didn't fix for me.
The mod Uncensored Patch V2[www.nexusmods.com] worked great!
Had some great laughs. "Screw you guys, I'm goin' home!"
Publisert 31. desember 2021.
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15 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
22.6 timer totalt (22.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Nice throwback to my PS2 days. Nostalgia to the max! I loved every moment. Need Dark Alliance 2 and Champions of Norrath now.
Publisert 20. desember 2021.
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45 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
30.0 timer totalt (26.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Ok, this review is from an actual landscaper. I'm an owner/operator for a landscaping company I started in 2008. I have actually operated some of these tractor mowers for real. So here's my take on this.

-This game is basically the most realistic simulated mowing experience you can have in a video game. The way the mowers bog down when going through thick grass is awesome! You have to slow the mower just like in real life!
-Damage is on point too. Running over flowers, yup that happens for real when mowing. Bumping into objects that cause damage to your mower, yup again on point.
-Garbage picks, oh man this is how I start a job for real with my company.
-Employees that call in sick or go on vacation unexpected. This is all stuff a landscaping company deals with all the time.
-Equipment maintenance. Keep your mowers in top condition and cuts will go much smoother. Is this a sim or is it real? Hmmm?

I am very happy with how the game works, but it definitely could use a few improvements. The devs seem to have a roadmap laid out that will bring in string trimmers and backpack blowers. I'm looking forward to these additions as they should bring in a variety of new jobs. Leaf cleanups I hope!
One feature that I hope will be introduced later is possibly being able to drive to the job site. As this is a big part of a landscapers day. Travelling back and forth from job site to the shop would be greatly welcomed.

So in conclusion, if you are a landscaper this game is pretty satisfying. As a casual gamer who's looking for excitement. Prob not so much. This is a simulation of running a lawn cutting business. In real life it can be very repetitive, much like this game.

P.S. Get the SCAG Turf Tiger II mower.
Publisert 23. oktober 2021.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
615.0 timer totalt (52.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Over 50 hours. Great first chapter, but some bugs were annoying. I figure it's expected in EA.
The worst was the cut scene animations. The animations cut from one animation to the next with no blend. It made for very choppy cut scenes.
As for gameplay, some battles seem to lag/hang really bad between turns. Sometimes I had to wait a minute or so before an enemy would finish his turn. I had a couple CTD's over the course of 50+ hours. So I think that's pretty good considering EA.

Overall was an awesome experience!
If you can look past some minor bugs(nothing game breaking as far as I could tell), and you enjoy BG1 & BG2, as well as the Divinity series, this is a no brainer even in EA.

Can't wait for the next part!!

EDIT: (at 110 hrs)
Just did a second play through and the cut scene issues are way better now after the last big update.
Also noticed a big improvement with enemy turns lagging. I can only recommend this even more now.
Starting a 3rd play through!!!
Publisert 11. oktober 2020. Sist endret 2. november 2020.
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21.0 timer totalt (7.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Amazing racing sim. Playing with a HTC Vive and Logitec Driving Force GT wheel. Best VR experience I've ever had! Addicted!
Publisert 27. oktober 2019.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
79.8 timer totalt (79.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Fallout 3 the way it was supposed to be. 10/10
If you enjoy turn based combat like the first couple Fallouts, or the Baldurs Gate series, this is no brainer. Grab this one up and give it a go! Once you get started, it's hard to get away from it. Very addictive!
Publisert 16. mars 2019.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
221.7 timer totalt (206.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Amazing game, sad it had to end. 10/10! Play it!
Publisert 16. desember 2018.
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7 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
23.8 timer totalt
Like everyone else is saying, Just get Mudrunner. Don't waste your $ on this title.
Publisert 28. april 2018.
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36.1 timer totalt (26.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Amazing game! Especially if you have a racing wheel. You can get stuck easily, but just winch out! After a bit of playtime you get to know what to avoid driving through. So getting stuck becomes less and less as you play. And did I mention Racing wheel? Yup its amazing with this game:)
Publisert 28. april 2018.
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