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143.1 hrs on record (87.3 hrs at review time)
As I always start a ArmA review... well it's NOT ArmA.

View it more as a hybrid between Squad and ArmA, it is it's own unique gaming experience and a very polished one, which is a shock considering I've only ever known BI for their clunky ArmA games. It is worth the 40 dollar asking price, and I have not hesitated to buy a copy for a mate and would easily do it again. There is the modding scene ontop of it which gives it it's own life.

The only real draw back is game modes seldom see AI using vehicles (apparently a limitation atm), the devs really need to enable them to drive (although a lot of Reforger is a PVEVP experience or PVP). Secondly the absence of binding joysticks for aircraft is a bit of a bummer, but it is not a game that really requires joysticks. Lastly the lack of an accessible editor is unfortunate, but it seems people are getting around using it so editor missions are do-able.

Regardless I would say at this stage it is worthy of a purchase and has a good community both for Vanilla and Modding, so strike while the iron is hot and get some fun out of it.
Posted October 11. Last edited October 11.
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19.3 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)
Overrated, we live in a time where mediocre games seem like great games because most games are terrible.

The gameplay feels very basic, it reminds me of Ryse Son of Rome, a game that looks visually amazing, but a combat system that pretends to be more than a click of the mouse. The whole parry and dodge system doesn't feel like it works outside of a few enemies, it feels like it is trying to be something like Batman Arkham but was very inconsistent in it's implementation.

The operations mode seems to be getting compared to Helldivers 2 (another mediocre game but impressive for a non-AAA title), but in honesty I would have to give it to Helldivers that in comparison there is far more variations to how a mission plays out or where you can go. The time spent on operations could have been spent making 6 more missions for the campaign. The PVP multiplayer is nothing unique, just a early 2000 deathmatch shooting fest which gets old in a couple of rounds, I would suggest that Warhammer 40K Eternal Crusade had more uniqueness to it.

The cosmetic DLC does not automatically unlock, you have to still grind for it... that speaks for it self. Made more insulting that most game modes restrict how many people can play a certain class, one could argue it is for balance... but in operations it is COOP... so why not let people just play the class they want? And with regard to multiplayer it is just a shooting fest anyway sooo... why restrict people, everything plays the same anyway either someone kills an enemy with a gun or a sword, restricting classes does nothing to make the game any more unique, rather feels like a shallow attempt to make it seem like there is variety when there isn't.

There are moments that makes the game feel epic, and again it's not terrible I just am not buying into the hype, and I am someone who owns more Warhammer 40K Space Marine miniatures than what I care to normally admit. This game could very well be a case of it becomes better with age, but right now it feels very shallow. My review, as most of my reviews are, are more a 5/10 than a 1/10, the Dev's just need to dig deeper. No doubt they hit the visual theme of the universe but gameplay wise it feels lacking.

TLDR do you like games where all you do is hit left mouse button, and WSAD on repeat with no strategy or consequence? If yes, it's for you have fun. If however you looking for something deeper in the gameplay, it isn't there, but you may still enjoy the campaign... all 4 - 6 hours of it.
Posted October 10. Last edited October 10.
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0.0 hrs on record
Items not unlocked instantly, absolute rubbish.
Posted October 4.
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19.2 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
I am still at the early stages of the game, but I think that wow factor has worn off a little where I am not gushing, nor am I salty either. I am disappointed that there is no multiplayer of any kind, I must admit that I impulse bought this, not even thinking twice about if it had an online aspect or not, and I really think the dev's need to reconsider their stance on the matter.

However in the now, the game as a single player experience is enjoyable, I like that it has 'installation missions' of the likes you found in the original Starcraft. In terms of capturing the feel and immersion of the Starship Troopers universe, it is incredible, every little detail, to the extent of making good use of dropships/transports; in general immersive transportation systems is something I always feel is neglected in RTS games, so it is neat to see the game make good use of them.

And that's the nice thing about this game all round, is that it makes good use of the lore, expanding upon it in the right way, but doesn't do what a lot of games based on movies do, which is add things for the sake of gameplay, or worse change the aesthetic to make it appeal to a broader audience or someones wallet. The game at all times, so far, has felt very much part of the films, too bad there are no soap opera actors getting it on in the tents at base though...

The unit composition is good, and the game even on normal can be unforgiving if you make the wrong move, the hive clearing system is neat, although feels a bit buggy, you may send a platoon element in but they go in and out one unit at a time, I am sure the developers are already tracking the issues around that though. I might add that the 'tank' bugs feel a bit buggy (no pun intended, really no) and the engagement with those can feel a bit lacking.

However you can tell the dev's have a lot of love for the lore, and I am keen to see where the game goes, the price is fair for what it is, although if there is an intention of hiking it up then multiplayer really needs to be explored. I am not someone who really judges a game off multiplayer, but I do wonder how much life this game will have in my library beyond the campaign, and typically other singleplayer game types get old fast, but coop, or mp in a game like this, I know would have me and my mates coming back.

I think there is a good negative review posted on the 28th of August, which the dev's should pay attention to, because while I am positive about this game, I do not believe that reviewer is wrong, and this game like all games can go one of two ways, so far it looks positive, but as I said, that is one part of it still being a new experience, another part capturing the universe really well, and finally being a good sci-fi rts experience on first encounter, but as I said this outlook could change as I look back upon the game and it's offering in a years time.
Posted September 26, 2022. Last edited September 26, 2022.
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204.3 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Chucking in a positive review as it seems some of the spoiled brats of the Wargame Red Dragon community are using this as a platform to expel their need for attention and special needs over thin air, p.s for the Global Chat A-10 sucks, F-35 for life xoxo <3.


With that out the way, I see it best to break this down into two streams

1) WARNO VS Red Dragon, seeing a lot of the community will naturally be coming into this and the more unfair reviews have been focused on that.

And then

2) WARNO itself.

NOTE: I should add that a mate picked this up for me and a couple of other mates I will talk about price point at the bottom.

WARNO VS Red Dragon - A meaningless outlook from another nobody like yours truly

It is early days so do not expect the grand scale of Red Dragon, with that said though unlike Red Dragon this game seems more focused on quality over quantity, which while it may look grim for me seeing any Marines, it is a necessary evil as one frustration I found with Red Dragon was an evident dip in quality to create the facade of variety although when you looked close enough a lot of units were just simple re-textures i.e OH-58A's (two blade) using a 58D (for blades) model, or incomplete (DLC's and Naval units looking at you). I think the thing to remember too, this is Early Access! So even more so it seems stripped down, but I would again argue for however different it may feel, it really comes into it's own as a game, it feels like a complete package mechanically; when you look beyond the fact their is only a couple of battle groups to choose from at present. I am very much a Marine or Air Cav/Assault player so I do feel a bit strapped when it comes to building a deck to work for my usual strategy... but I know in time, the Air Cav/Assault aspect will at least come even if Marines likely won't. There has been comments about map sizes, I feel that critique may be unjust as it seems they are comparing 4 v 4 maps to 10 v 10 (which are yet to come), I personally feel the maps are the exact same size for 4 v 4 or below, maps are great, and the take cover in building system has been vastly improved to allow more than one unit in a complex which is great. By extension the zone system has been improved too, a hybrid between War Games zones and Steel Divisions play style, command units can now move without the zone uncapping which gives you a great opportunity to move your command units to safety without the enemy team knowing. You can now also order your first wave of units into position during the deployment phase which allows for some much needed pre-planning micro that can help get your units into good positions safely at the get go, as opposed to the some-what overwhelming micro that can start minutes into a battle in any of the War Games, lastly you can now sell your transport jeeps, trucks, and helis if needed be which was much needed. So on the whole I feel it's met my expectation for quality of life improvements much needed to the War Game series, it still is a War Game even if not by name so some of the quirks such as questionable unit movement, and attack patterns come into play, but that's the price of such a large scale game.

WARNO Itself - An Overview from a nobody.

Naturally with any Eugen RTS of this type, it took a few games for me personally to understand the new armoury features aka Deck building and seeing how units work, I would suggest for new comers start with the default battlegroup, take note of what you are missing after a battle, and then make a copy of it and alter it to work for you. Second to that, one of the really neat features is the 'Companies and Platoons' that you can setup within your deck, initially I wasn't really sure how useful it would be, but after a few battles, and some time to think about compositions it is a feature I personally seeing very useful down the track, this feature is great too as it compliments the aforementioned deployment phase movement planning allowing you to order platoons in mass to locations. Performance wise it runs really well enough for an Early Access... until it CTD's which would be a sin but reminding oneself that it is an Early Access game indicates that with time, it should hopefully be fixed, however beware it can happen, and for me it does take you right out of wanting to play it. I am eager to see how it plays on the 10 v 10 scale and the maps that come with it. However if you are a fan of Red Dragon, or even if you played World In Conflict back in the day then this may be for you.

Price Point - From the person who got it gifted to Him from a mate who gave it to a few of us (you rich f@%k)

You will need to make that decision yourself, I was willing to pay for it at 37 AUD (though I was waiting until my next pay day) and I truly feel it would be worth every dollar-e-doo, at this stage you have to weigh up if getting it in EA at a cheaper rate will long term pay off once more content is in, and if you think that content will satisfy you. I feel the risk will pay off but you can always wait for a sale, I will say a game like this will live on the community it generates in the now, I think there has been a good pool of War Game players waiting for an upgrade so I would say it is time to shift, even if there is a lot of toxicity that comes with that. If you are new to series be aware that in general these games can be quite overwhelming at first so you need to be prepared to learn, lose, lick wounds, take note on where you deck failed, how you can do better, and what you may need to swap out. On the whole though if you like real time, modern war games, this should give you something.

TLDR - From a Verbose Wargame Noob

Yeah nah yeah nah, firstly its early access so cool your jets maverick, give it some time, or think about that before you down vote it, and critically look at Red Dragon before you compare the two. And look its wargame that had some fun with steel division, while married to World In Conflict, of which the steps kids got together 18 years later and made a hybrid. They've gone for quality over quantity and the game is better for it, ALLOW IT.
Posted January 21, 2022. Last edited January 24, 2022.
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23.5 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Understandable frustration with micro-trans, and typical beta branding when it is basically the release candidate. However for a free MP, and a Halo MP. It is one of the best I have played to date, I will also add I fell in love with Halo CE at 7 (2003, I have a cool mother) for the single player, and never had a chance to play online until I was 15, and frankly arcade-FPS multiplayer games are not my strong suit, and although I've had some seat time with the MCC I still felt trash in all the games. HOWEVER infinite's barrier to entry is almost non-existent, really easy to pick up, learn, and play. It provides a feeling of empowerment I typically do not find in FPS multiplayer as a terrible noob, they took everything that subjectively felt right to me in all the games and formulated a multiplayer that feels reaaaallllllyyy goooooooooooooood. Funnily enough the multiplayer flow reminds me of Doom Eternal, a game I had very mixed feelings about in terms of the way it asks you to play, yet I find the strats applied there help here. Making me appreciate that style of play. I would say give it a crack, it's free!
Posted November 27, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
Well it's ArmA 3 but in Vietnam, what more can I possibly say. The game we didn't ask for, but the one we needed. Truly a master class in war crimes on my ancestors.
Posted May 6, 2021.
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56.6 hrs on record (27.5 hrs at review time)
Price point is a bit high, however for sure worth it if on sale, although I bought it at full price 6 months ago, and didn't really touch it a whole lot, was quite shocked by the initial difficulty when playing Western or Eastern Rome, and shelved until I had more time to invest in it, was never sure if it was worth the money.

However having finally come back to it, and to play West Rome proper, I must say it's the best one to do date, and although I would suggest getting it on sale, I had no regrets getting it at full price, I would say it is even better than Three Kingdoms, and Warhammer 2, the latter game I have been playing a lot and really enjoying too. What makes it better is the combat in this game feels really really good, I would say even better than Shogun 2.

You can have battles where you may only have a 10% chance of winning and tactics actually favour the victor, as opposed to other games in the series where even if you are smart morale debuffs are way too effective, in this game they are their but feel fair, fitting of a game where you are instantly put on the back pedal having to defend your land from a number of factions (if playing as Rome). Makes unlikely defences really fun to play, as opposed to just auto resolving and giving up, all be it that still happens once and a while either due to personal negligence of looking after land or just not caring about every single province.

Besides the combat, the feeling and setting is really unique, and for sure feels different, if not scary and lonely at times, but in a good way really keeps you feeling like each turn is another step in your factions survival during a period of change, eradication, and chaos.

I can see myself playing this for quite a while, and doing coop with mates, for sure fun, and a nice continuation of Rome 2.
Posted June 16, 2020.
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22.4 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
Im conflicted, I don't find this one as easy to get into as the first one, my hopes weren't unreasonable, I feel that the Doom Slayer, feels weaker than what he did at the start of 2016.

By that I mean it makes little sense that he is now easily harmed by zombies and low tier enemies, when in 2016 he was mopping the floor with their limbs.

From a story view it makes little sense, 2016 ended with him destroying old shagger the brain spider, and now he struggle to take on the mini me's of lil shagger.

This should have been an escalation of Doom Slayers power, if they wanted to make it harder, then expose the Slayer to Hell Knights, Revs, and Mannies in level 1, give him new enemies to take on in the following levels, bigger, harder.

Getting slapped by zombies and imps sucks, its not a challenge it just feels stupid. Hell even him having issues with Hell Knights and the like makes little sense too. Look you can say it would be hard for new players to get into it, but tbh with the difficulty as it... it will be a grind for anyone who hadn't played 2016 to like this anyway.

Slayers arsenal should be larger not less. There should be bigger, and wilder weapons, the base weapons should be the double barr shotgun, mini gun, and rocket launcher, new and outlandish weapons should have been the new versions of these.

My biggest frustration is with the platforming, it's not fun, it's not inventive, and it only serves to suck away health, life and time. First person games don't really make the best platformers, and I don't believe doom was the IP to go and do that with. COOP would have been a better route.

While I have opted to revise this review, my feelings at the time of originally typing this review, remain the same, which is that I know for a fact even once I get into it (which I did), that my first few hours as is, will not ever bring me back to play the first few levels (which remains true), or really the whole thing again, and that's the issue this game should have started with you feeling instantly empowered, not the opposite. There shouldn't have been a slow burn, this is the Doom F'ing Slayer.

Demons are suppose to fear the slayer, and they did in 2016 or it felt like that's where it was heading, now Doom Slayer even with new toys feels weaker, and it doesn't really make sense, and it doesn't sit well with me. 2016 made you feel empowered it what made the game so damn good, this once makes you feel weak, and more like the Marine in Doom 3, where ammo is less, every encounter you are barely scraping to survive, and you would rather be on the run then in the fight.

Lastly the life system feels redundant, it takes away your health, little by little, while this may sound better than a checkpoint, the irony is that if you do die and reload the check point it puts you in the same spot. So essentially in a lot of cases you are better off reverting to check point and keeping your health as a opposed to losing health on every attempt until you die anyway.

Going back to platforming it feels that the devs knew it was garbage but they were too deep in so they had no choice but to keep it, their quick work around was the lives system as they new it doesn't flow well and will lead to many attempts as a result of a poor mechanic. Not to mention when you do life respawn the platforms don't reset so you have to wait for any dynamic platforms to re-position before continuing which really kills the flow on top of being frustrated already.

I get that a lot of people will enjoy this game, even myself included, but I can't up vote it (if I had a scale right now it would be 6 out of 10), the platforming, and the change in pace really is unfortunate.
Posted March 20, 2020. Last edited March 31, 2021.
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24.6 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
What an absolute gem, honestly so much life put into a game with so much life as it was.
Posted November 19, 2019.
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