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Gaming is an art-form.
It combines story and characters and narrative with image and sounds and music.
It is the only art-form one can interact with and feel a part of.

Gaming is in peril.
Greedy executives and faceless conglomerate mentality are driving this beautiful human achievement into the ground. They are trying to turn gaming into a pay-per-use...utility.

There may be few of us left. And we may go down fighting.
Yet we shall never forget what a true PC game truly is.

For what is to live but to strive. And what is to strive but to never forget.

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Aerondight fully charged and humming for monster blood...
Review Showcase
Over the past 20 years I have played literally thousands of games. And with that experience I have readily concluded that THE WITCHER III IS THE BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED. By far.

It is a game made in RPG heaven!

Once more, you step into the boots of one of the most memorable characters, Geralt of Rivia, an enhanced human monster-slayer for-hire.
The deep story of the previous two games continues as you have now regained your memory, strive to rebuilt your life, recruit fickle alies, face sworn enemies and suffer angel-faced traitors. The complex world of The Witcher is populated by the best and the worst - and every shade in between.
As wheels turn within wheels, your choices matter as they take the story along with them.

One can not praise this game enough but I will tell you this: never had I ever snapped more screenshots in any other game. It is a joy to experience, an experience to savour, and a beauty to behold.

Excellent in-game mechanics, breathtaking images, epic music and a very absorbing story.

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To The Last Man
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NeuroSplicer Jun 26, 2014 @ 3:23am 
For game reviews (and much more!), feel free to visit: :berserker: