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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Flying Rhino

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Wyświetlanie 51-60 z 66 pozycji
Według 2,515 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
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60.0 godz. łącznie (21.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Let me give you a history lesson.
In 1989 Simcity was relased. And it was great.
In 1994 SimCity 2000 was released and it was great.
In 1999 SC3k was released, and it was also, great. (Are you seeing a theme here?)
In 2003, SimCity 4 was released, and it was perfection.

Now... it gets sad.
2007 brought us SimCity Socities, which was a thing.
And in 2013 brought us Sim City. And Im sure you know what its miraid of problems was.

Now finally, 12 years after the last great city building game comes Skylines.

By NOT trying to do all the interconnected and multiplayer garbage that sunk a decade of titles, Collossal Order has hit one out of the park. Runs great on older machines, looks great, and has GREAT mod support.
In all honesty, while writing the introduction I was trying to think of a negative element that came up. Still dont have one.

Buy this game.
Opublikowana: 26 marca 2015. Ostatnio edytowane: 14 czerwca 2015.
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25.5 godz. łącznie (25.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Im a bit of a sucker when it comes to the 'feeling' of game. I can often overlook small issues when presented with a game that has a solid story, and gets the atmosphere right. Sleeping Dogs does that pretty well. Its just got a great vibe both in and out of combat.

Dont buy this one though. Go get "Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition" for a much better playing experance.
Opublikowana: 5 lutego 2015. Ostatnio edytowane: 12 lutego 2015.
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1.2 godz. łącznie
A long time ago I had the good fortune to run tabletop Shadowrun for FASA/Fanpro as part of their tournement team. SR was MY game. I loved the hell out of it. I was happy to back this baby on kickstarter even if I was pretty scared it would turn into that 'other' Shadowrun game for Xbox. I was 100% dead wrong.

This game FEELS right. Aside from the combat (which fair enough, just a clean and simple turn based combat system, and thus nothing to write home about), the world of this game is fantastic. It oozes character, and the story while a fairly solid railroad, is a classic tale straight out of the old 2nd & 3rd edition sourcebooks.

Dont go into it expecting a hugely dynamic world on the scale of Fallout and you will be happy. And if you know the setting, you will constently have little nuggets of awesome thrown at you.
Opublikowana: 29 grudnia 2014.
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15.2 godz. łącznie (11.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Let me preface this with the fact that its a pretty good game. It looks good, and sounds great. It FEELS fantastic, combat is solid and tactile. The visuals are great, and the sound is good. And the story is at least okay. For the money, on sale, its a buy and enjoy.

However, why I have decided after much consideration to give this otherwise good, fun, well made game the thumbs down?

DLC is breaking the back of the game. It has paid DLC for expansions, AND annoying pay-to-win commanders, AND special hats for your tanks that you can only buy.

And now, a $40 expansion that adds... a game mode and some maps? Nope. Your adding an expansion that costs more then the game. All told the DLC could run you well over a hundred bucks.

Updated 7/3/2016: So its been sometime now. And I had to grump at the draconian DLC this title had. And it still is, but its been around long enough that most of that DLC has been on sale to the point where its not quite so bad. But I believe that the normal game play has gotten better. It feels tighter, and the whole game runs slightly better. So I changed my mind. Its buyable now.
Opublikowana: 19 grudnia 2014. Ostatnio edytowane: 3 lipca 2016.
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73.1 godz. łącznie (61.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Currently broken on two fronts. Used Gamespy for MP, and required GFWL to authanticate at launch.

However. Its great fun when/if it runs. Highly recommended.
Opublikowana: 3 grudnia 2014.
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39.4 godz. łącznie (23.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
As far as reviews, SR:4 had to live up to my previous statment of "Zombie Hookers with chainsaws and clown wigs, levels of fun". It was fun. And I really enjoyed it, but something just didnt grab me the same way that the prior games did.
It wasnt the writing, as that was far and away the most FUN part, and I laughed loud enough to bother the dog several times per sitting, plus its cram packed with call-backs all the way to Saints Row 1.
I dont think it was the story, as its so far gone off the deep end, that its almost good again. I dont think it was the combat, as it was challanging and enjoyable even with super powers that should have been totally unbalanced.
All I can think of is that it felt like that spark that made the utter insanity of Saints Row 3 so damm good, had been lost. The raw crazy was still there, but it lost the magic.
Which isnt to say its bad. Its still a fantastic game as long as you can take the fact that ""Zombie Hookers with chainsaws and clown wigs" will make an apperance. All on their own. And you can murder the f*ck out of them with a gun that shoots knives.
Opublikowana: 3 grudnia 2014. Ostatnio edytowane: 12 lutego 2015.
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24.7 godz. łącznie (23.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Sweet! Steam ready RF:G!

On the surface it feels a lot like an uninspired GTA clone. Which considering Red Faction 1 and 2 where FPS's is interesting.
However... once you scratch the surface it can rapidly devolve into an "Orgy of Explosive Mayham!". At this point in time, its worth buying and playing just to be able to plant demo charges and blow parts of buildings up. Its fun, and incredably satisfing. All of the demo tools really have a fantastic feel, and there is little in life more fun then dropping an entire building on top of the bad guys.
Or ramming them with trucks. With demo charges on them. Because explosions. End game its almost a given that you have the Sledgehammer & remote charges on you at all times, not only becase they are so good, but becuase they are so FUN!
Opublikowana: 3 grudnia 2014.
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12.8 godz. łącznie
Its sad. I wanted to like this game SO much. But its still VERY buggy even years after release. The building part is good, but so much of the combat is just bad.

So much promise, but let down by what seems to have been plain old poor code.
Opublikowana: 23 lipca 2014. Ostatnio edytowane: 30 stycznia 2015.
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56.0 godz. łącznie (28.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I dont know why I like this game so much. It's both insanely frustrating and incredibly cathartic.

No high and mighty complex systems to learn, just you, your truck, and miles of horrible mud.

I have to agree however, that it feels a little unfinished yet. Prehaps some more kickstarter money would have been good for this team. However, with the sales they have made on this title, I eagerly await a second, larger more polished game in the future.

Buy this, open a beer, play it on hard. Its suprisingly relaxing.
Opublikowana: 21 lipca 2014. Ostatnio edytowane: 12 lutego 2015.
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5.3 godz. łącznie (1.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Simply by the fact that this is an animated, branded, Ubisoft purchesed, RPG, this game should have been a giant fester pile of poo.

Somehow, and I really think it had everything to do with that fact that Stone & Parker where the driving force behind the game, it ended up being good. It ended up being really quite good.

As someone who isnt exactly a huge fan of the show, but who watched it on and off for the first few years, it FEELS right. It feels like it could have been a movie. Even bigger, longer and less cut?

Not worth the full retail price for the 6-10 hours, but on sale? BUY. Play. Then go watch the tie in episodes from the show.
Opublikowana: 21 lipca 2014.
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Wyświetlanie 51-60 z 66 pozycji