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Reseñas recientes de DannieGemz

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Utterly shallow game, lacking imagination / passion / scale and scope. I won't mince words for me this game was star trek in name only, the essence / or for lack of a better word the substance of star trek is totally missing for the most part. There are the planets ofc but some of them are incorrectly uninhabited or inhabited by the wrong factions. The sound fx are awful especially weapon fx and voice overs.

They had an opportunity to create the dream trek game here and they failed, essentially competing with themselves against stellaris and free mods. Both the stellaris original game + trek mods do a better job for less money.

The price tag here is simply unjustified and its starting to look like what should have been in the base game from the beginning is going to likely be pushed out in drips and drabs as dlc...

Being a trekkie i will probably pick this up again but not until its like a complete (DLC included) edition and would not pay more than £9.99 for this shallow cash grab of a game.
Publicada el 13 de octubre de 2023.
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9.9 h registradas (9.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
So i don't often give reviews simply cos a lot of games around these days are neither worth the effort not the time. That being said this little gem is a true masterpiece, simplistic on the outside but when you get into it there is such a lot to do and i love the creepy fear factor of how the safety of the daylight soon cycles to the dread of the night, i encounter my first what i thought was an npc boat (bare in mind i hate spoilers so i went into this game blind) and what a shock i got when it passed me (not going to say what cos i won't spoil it for you). But yeh the devs have done really well here, the game keeps sucking me in more and more, its casual enough to pick up and play but gripping enough to keep you hooked and coming back for more. Highly recommend this title, you can see the effort has been made and the polish is there, in fact i have had only one small bug which im sure will be fixed in the time ahead, where i get a slight fps pop that lasts just a second.

So do yourself a favour pick this game up the price is worth it, the dev clearly put effort and love into this and get on the sea fishin cos this game will reel you in !!
Publicada el 21 de abril de 2023.
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After re-purchasing the game i have to change to a positive review now, the servers are stable now they have expanded the capacity, stil lsome issues with pvp balance specifically with the war mechanics but overall the game is very enjoyable to me , great crafting system and plenty to do.
Publicada el 7 de octubre de 2021. Última edición: 23 de octubre de 2021.
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The game is devoid of life, i bought this being my first COD purchase since original modern warfare, but sadly the game is dead plus horrible micro transaction store. My advice avoid at all costs. Already put in for a refund.
Publicada el 15 de mayo de 2020.
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So apparently what was promised is not included, what was shown in the previews is barley there and the map is microscopic and to makes things worse even though i only payed 2 mins of his trash i can't even get refunded cos steams refund policy is to include the base games gametime. Avoid this dlc like the plague its without a doubt the worse thing they released ever.
Publicada el 27 de febrero de 2020.
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2,598.6 h registradas (1,428.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Being someone who played this game since the original EA release, i can say this game is certainly worth it. Whilst you may have read the Official servers are toxic and horrible to play on you would be right they are. But this game is a gem in the sense the community can run its own servers with or without mods and set rates for that perfect challenge or if your strapped for time very boosted servers for a quick game.

The game when originally released in EA had its issues and whilst some of these issues still persist today, the majority of the bad ones have been fixed. The game has two game modes PVP + PVE. PVP can be infuriating but rewarding it really is a fight for survival again though avoid official servers as they are not moderated and unless you got people to play with then you will have next to no chance establishing a base.

PVE on the other hand for me is where most fun can be had, weather it be through breeding , building or cave running for loot + end game, compared to how it was back in EA there is certainly a lot more to do in the full release when it comes to pve adventures, on unofficial you can meet new friends , build to your hearts content and have many battles against the games bosses and surviving the tough world which is ark.

With mod support at your finger tips you can have endless possibilities , from new building to new bosses , from new maps to new creatures to tame.

I would say overall try to look past the reviews from those who are try hards on the official pvp servers and give the game a try for yourself, if its not your cup of tea refund is always an option but with 1.4k hours on record i have had more than my moneys worth and still continue to have hours of fun to this day.
Publicada el 8 de enero de 2020.
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Hey folk i refunded this game after just 20 minutes of gameplay if you can call it that. Main reasons is terribly un-optimized takes an age to load even on ssd drive i more than meet the system requirments yet when i do actually get into a game fps is just so low its unplayable and to top it all off servers are dead for now guys i'd avoid this one till more works been done and or till its released.
Publicada el 29 de diciembre de 2018.
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Very poorly optimized game, i had to refund it due to the ageless loading time despite running of a SSD, my rig is a decent build running i-5 - 7500 20 gig ddr 4 ram and a gtx 970 (4g) and theg ame really runs like trash, on top of that as other have stated the short time i managed to get in this game was filled with rubber banding and hackers. Sad to say i can't recommend.
Publicada el 11 de agosto de 2017.
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47.6 h registradas (16.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Total complete rip off , game is nothing like what was pushed in the adverts, lots of things missing, save data has been wiped twice now and there was no way to gain the exact scope of how terrible this game is in the 2 hour refund barrier hence the whole things been set up to pull you in past that mark so they can keep your cash avoid like the plague> Devs have been silent for ages now and steam don't give a monkey's about your money on this title both hello games and steam have worked together to pull off one of the biggest cons of this centuary.....
Publicada el 30 de septiembre de 2016.
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171.9 h registradas (15.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Really realistic in terms of ship asthetics and mechanics, this game is certainly a game of team work and precision it focuses people on working in a team to accomplish goals and whilst this game is still in early dev it is very playable much more so than any early access for al ong time, i can really recommend this game if your into your co-operation pvp and tactical combat at sea. !
Publicada el 17 de febrero de 2016.
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