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18.9 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
I'm pretty sure I got this for a massive discount. I had used other versions of Vegas while it was under Sony, and I don't know entirely if it's something I'm doing or if my demands supersede the abilities of this program (I'm inclined to believe they're not) - but this is a terribly unstable and clunky program. I know there's later editions which I'm assuming are improved, but if there's anything that trying to use this for a simple animated logo screen has taught me - it's probably worth it to invest in a superior program.

The base program has decent ability for cutting together bits of film - but if you're doing any kind of graphical work - this just ain't it. Out of the box it is - limited. Plugins for this program are expensive for what they are, and really are the kinds of things you would expect to be included.

Above all, it is incredibly unstable. Working with transparencies brought runtime exception after runtime exception - to the point where I renamed the "error" catcher just to complete a render. Scrolling the timeline is incredibly CPU intensive, and previews don't give you any kind of idea of your final product - they are incredibly laggy. My computer isn't the newest, but this is an incredibly poor performance.

Beyond everything else the GUI is an absolute eyesore. You cannot change from the off white color scheme. Locations of toolbars etc remain largely unchanged from years ago. While it is familiar to use - it shows a distinct lack of effort, and additionally, lack of features to the program.
Posted August 25, 2022.
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36.5 hrs on record (29.2 hrs at review time)
For a while I had heard that people didn't seem to like this game much, and so for a long time I avoided it. Though I was intrigued by the pretty graphics, and the allure of copious zombie violence. I had waited for a long time for a sale to come through, and at half off I was ready to buy in. ~30 hours in and I can honestly say I would have paid full price for this - I don't know if it will have much in the way of replayability for me, but it's more than worth it.

It's a lot slower paced than I was expecting. When I saw the hordes I thought most of the game would be spent mowing down enemies in a blaze of glory. Much to the contrary, especially at the beginning, stealth is key. Hordes, or even just multiple enemies, will overwhelm you in no time given a lack of proper firepower/planning.

I'm not sure how far along I am, but I do hope that aspect of it changes a bit - while the stealth is decent, the kill animations do get a bit repetitive.

The crafting also leaves something to be desired. There are not all that many craftable items, the ones that you do get, aren't really worth it by the time you can afford them/have enough trust with factions to purchase them.

All that aside it really is a pretty solid zombie killing game.
Posted June 7, 2022.
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17.7 hrs on record
Maybe It's just because I played MP 1&2 when I was a kid so those memories are kind of stuck in my head...but I really don't like this one. I mean, by all rights, it's fine, it plays like Max Payne. But it doesn't FEEL like Max Payne. Why did Rockstar pick up this IP just to make one sequel and then discard it? I'm sure there's some interesting history involved in the question I just asked but alas, to make a long story short...it feels very much like GTA 4/5 as far as combat mechanics are involved. The jokes in the game feel very forced. You can only have 3 weapons at a time, and you can't just sling the rifle on your back or what have you. If you switch weapons it drops the rifle.

Long story short, maybe it's just the nostalgia talking, but as a game, objectively, this is fine. As a Max Payne sequel, it is an abomination and I am insulted. The constant neon flashing in the cutscenes is annoying, they removed the comic book aesthetic for...this. To top it off, the story is awful. Sure, the previous games, not the best. But YOUR WIFE AND CHILD, were murdered in the first, giving you motivation to kill everything. Everything else in between was flavor, in Max Payne 2, you had Mona, and now, you have, I guess, yourself? Your partner? It feels like a failed attempt at character development. It doesn't have to be that deep. And the ending? Well, I won't spoil it. It was fine, but it didn't really suggest a sequel, or leave you wanting one.

Honestly it would have been cooler if Max was way older and they'd leaned more towards Red Dead Revolver...you'd think after all this time Max would learn how to f*ck*ng aim...but bullet time feels shorter than ever. How about instead of using bullet time for almost every fight, you had an ability with a longer build up but with a stronger slowdown effect, maybe even let you tag targets. I'm just saying, it feels like a forced sequel. There were so many directions they could have taken this but it just really feels like the passion for the series wasn't there.

I'm not mad I'm just disappointed, but then again this is nothing new for "new" Rockstar
Posted March 26, 2022.
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257.3 hrs on record (37.2 hrs at review time)
I've had my eye on this game for quite a while now. In fact, I didn't realize that it was 7+ years until I purchased it. So far, I have no regrets. Coming from No Man's Sky being my previous "space VR" go-to, I was blown away by the level of complexity in this game. I've heard comments that it is no Eve Online, another title I have not yet played, but from what I have experienced it strikes a good balance between the two aforementioned titles. There are so many things to do, with very little hand holding in the way. The intro tutorial tells you how to fly your ship, some of the optional tutorials tell you how to blow stuff up (both enemies and them there space potatoes), but beyond that, the choice is yours of how you explore the vast galaxy ahead of you.

The only "negative" comment I have, is that sometimes it feels there is little in the way of actual enjoyable progression. Even your starter ship is capable of mining, and basic combat, provided you have the credits for the modifications. You have to make your own fun in a way, but it gives you plenty of room to do so. For me, at least so far, I love mining. There is something so satisfying about finding rare materials, and trekking across the galaxy with a multi-million dollar haul. I'm sure I will grow tired of it eventually, but even then, there is combat, smuggling, the random NPC encounters, exploration of mysterious and beautiful star systems, and when Odyssey has smoothed out its bugs (which there are many), I will buy that as well. Maybe I'll set up my own planetary bases around areas I frequent. The choice is yours.

Oh, and did I mention VR? Hope you don't get motion sickness.
Posted May 28, 2021.
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126.7 hrs on record (88.0 hrs at review time)
I've only ever played this game in VR, aside from some minor "setup" of mods. I have to say, this is one of my favorite games, ever. It is incredibly immersive, and the survival and building aspects are well balanced. This game will scare you, it will amaze you, and it will tell it's story in a way that most just cannot. I rarely play through games twice, but I am currently on my second playthrough, and knowing what I know now has made things easier (and a little less scary). I cannot recommend this game enough, however, if you do play in VR, mods are almost essential, as the native support is...less than desirable.
Posted May 19, 2021.
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74.4 hrs on record (42.7 hrs at review time)
I bought this game when it came out on PS4 long ago. At the time, it was terrible. Now, I play on PC in VR, and I could not ask for anything more in the game. I would still like to see creatures be more active, and some of the VR functions are a little clunky, but it's a great survival game with a good story and TONS of content. If you were ever in doubt, now is the time to buy, it just keeps getting better in my opinion.
Posted August 13, 2020.
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9.8 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
So to start, I absolutely LOVE this game so far. It is one of my favorite VR games, it's very easy to jump into, and surprisingly doesn't give me a lot of nausea like I thought it might. I grew up playing the original Descent with my Dad, I'd sit on his lap, he would steer using the keyboard and I would shoot using a joystick. One of my fondest gaming memories ever. I haven't played much since then, but apparently there's been quite a few iterations since then. But I hadn't had much interest until I saw this was in VR. Plays perfectly with keyboard & mouse...now for the downside, and I'm only a few levels in so bear with me. I originally started in hotshot, and I did pretty good to start. Third level in, and there's too many enemies at once in a tight corridor in my opinion. It seems like they tried to make it "more exciting" but at some points it was just ridiculous. Fun, but 20 enemies all at once firing in all directions? Forget it. I'll continue to play, but for those of you just starting out, the difficulty goes from 0 to 1000 real quick. Received through humble bundle.
Posted June 28, 2020.
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0.9 hrs on record
Was ok, glad I only payed $12 for it cuz I wasn't super impressed or anything. Maybe I just don't know how to unlock or play the new stuff but I didn't really see anything much that was new and I got bored with it before I decided to waste any more time on it. Knowing what I know now I would have just passed on this and played accounting again, it's just kind of "ok".
Posted June 19, 2020.
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0.0 hrs on record
Are you guys going to finish this? It's cool but kind of just a tech demo.
Posted June 16, 2020.
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110.4 hrs on record (108.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted June 14, 2020. Last edited September 19, 2021.
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