Jakob   Austria
the serpent king is s-tier waifu material :snake_csk:
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What's the purpose of life?
crypt of the serpent king
Review Showcase
Ever since the world started to exist and humanity began to evolve, people have been asking themselves one question: "Why? Why do we exist? What purpose do we serve? Are we just a form of amusement to a higher being? Are we here just to one day vanish into nothingness? Why? Truly, why do we exist?"

With this game, we finally know the answer. Every person born up until December 17th 2016 only existed so that humanity may potentially create something resembling a higher life form. With this game we have achieved the peak of what we are capable of. Only play this game if you are prepared to experience the best moment of your life because after you are done, your life will only go downhill.

Favorite Guide
Created by - Orange
Why the creation of Crypt of the Serpent King was more important then the Moon Landing and why COTSK should be regarded as humanities greatest achievement