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1 person found this review helpful
4.1 hrs on record
the rabbit from multisverse is scary, he looks like bugs bunny. batman looks like bruce wane, bruce wane looks like superman, superman man looks like tom but not jerry. mory mortre. RICK: WABALUBADBUDUB THIS GAME IS ♥♥♥♥ AND BROKEN MOTRYYY, ITS LIKE MULTIVERSE HAD A GAZORPAZROP BABY AND THREW IT IN A BLUMBUS!!! Mortry: a jeez. But, thats not all, batman looks like steven universe, steven universe looks like mini lad. Mini lad looks like shaagggy, sgaahhhy looks like dream from the dream smp. The dream smp looks like the iron giant, the iron giant looks like tommy innit, tommy innit looks likes jerry but not tom. Rivals of aether looks like a good game, a good game looks like good reviews, bad game look like multiverses, multiverses look like bad review. In conclusisisisision , this game looks like smash but with chracters, unlimited chracters, but no chracters.
Posted May 29.
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61.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The best Star Wars vr game
Posted May 28.
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0.4 hrs on record
Aim Lab, the refuge of the inept and the delusional. Who in their right mind would subject themselves to such a pitiful excuse for training? It's like trying to become a world-class chef by microwaving frozen dinners. Aim Lab is nothing but a digital placebo for the feeble-minded, a virtual crutch for those too lazy or too talentless to improve through actual practice.

The mere sight of someone using Aim Lab is enough to induce vomiting in anyone with even a modicum of self-respect. It's like watching a grown adult wearing floaties in a kiddie pool, desperately clinging to the illusion of competence while drowning in their own incompetence. And the irony! Oh, the irony. Spending hours upon hours in front of a screen, convinced that it will somehow magically transform them into gaming gods, when in reality, it's nothing more than a glorified time-waster for the clueless masses.

But let's not forget the real tragedy here: the wasted potential. Imagine if all those poor souls wasting away in Aim Lab had actually dedicated their time and energy to honing their skills through genuine practice and dedication. Instead of chasing digital phantoms, they could be out there, actually playing the game they want to improve at. Because let's face it, no amount of aim training will ever compare to the real experience of facing off against actual opponents. It's like trying to learn to swim by flailing around in a bathtub instead of jumping into the deep end of the pool.

In conclusion, anyone who uses Aim Lab is nothing more than a pathetic, delusional wannabe, a sad excuse for a gamer who would rather take the easy way out than put in the hard work required to truly excel. So, congratulations, Aim Lab users, you've managed to embarrass yourselves in front of the entire gaming community.
Posted May 24.
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70.6 hrs on record
its like that one time when tony stank said "its a pizza minute"
Posted May 24.
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1.1 hrs on record
Ah, the original Bioshock, a festering cesspool of disappointment and incompetence. Let's start with the gameplay, shall we? It's about as enjoyable as a rectal exam administered by a blindfolded chimpanzee in a dark alley. The controls, oh sweet Lord, the controls! They're more convoluted than a politician's excuse for laundering money. Trying to maneuver through the twisted corridors of Rapture is like trying to guide a drunken elephant through a china shop during an earthquake. And don't even get me started on the combat; it's like trying to punch your way out of a wet paper bag with a limp noodle while blindfolded and handcuffed.

Now, onto the story. Oh, what a steaming pile of pretentious nonsense it is! The so-called "twists" are about as surprising as finding a cockroach in your kitchen. And the narrative? It's like watching paint dry while listening to a cat being strangled by a rusty trombone. The characters are as shallow as a puddle in the Sahara, and the plot holes are bigger than the craters on the moon. It's like the writers got together and said, "Let's see how many clichés we can cram into one game and call it groundbreaking."

And let's not forget about the PC port, a flaming dumpster fire of incompetence and laziness. The controls are about as responsive as a stone statue, and the optimization is so poor that even a potato could run circles around it while laughing hysterically. It's like they took a masterpiece and smeared it with the feces of a diseased rat, then lit it on fire and threw it off a cliff.

In conclusion, Bioshock is a prime example of everything wrong with modern gaming. It's a bloated, pretentious mess that's about as enjoyable as a root canal without anesthesia while being serenaded by a choir of tone-deaf banshees. Anyone who thinks otherwise clearly has the mental capacity of a lobotomized goldfish with a severe case of amnesia. So, congratulations, you've wasted your time on a digital abortion masquerading as entertainment. Bravo!
Posted May 24. Last edited May 24.
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40.0 hrs on record
I prefer White Theta.
Posted May 24.
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4.1 hrs on record
omg i love doom, it makes you errrr really feel like errrrr dom. Dom ist hes best game because I feel like a guy whos name happens to be DOOM. Doom is the best game because I an ripping natearing my underware while playing this omg theres ♥♥♥♥ severywhere. Doom is the best game because doom guy told me so and he will tell you as well IF you DISaggre. In colcundiosn irf you dont like eeerrrrr doom then you want like weeerrrrr doom, ill be here all night\][.
Posted May 24.
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341 people found this review helpful
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10.7 hrs on record
If dis gets 2 likes I will eat my friends pet hamster.
Posted May 10.
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100.8 hrs on record (93.6 hrs at review time)
Posted April 7. Last edited May 24.
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3 people found this review helpful
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1.7 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
this game is like poopy butthole but with no poop but instead a pole shoved up my urethra
Posted April 5.
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