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2 people found this review helpful
7.4 hrs on record
This is a really amazing game. OneShot is about this boy (or girl) named Niko who has to restore the sun to a strange world they were dropped into. This game, however, goes beyond the boundaries set by other RPG games. It knows you exist and will break the fourth wall constantly. There are many incredible moments in this game that you really have to experience for yourself. The characters and world are also great. You will meet many characters throughout your journey and you will explore three areas, each one different from the others. On top of the main game you can restart the game and do a completely different play through with the new content added in the solstice update. The solstice content really elevated the game for me and it is something you must do if you play this game. On top of all this the soundtrack is also very well done and its atmospheric style fits the game perfectly. The puzzles are also really good in this game, none of them were too challenging for me and they all were pretty fun. I highly recommend this game to anyone, especially if you already like RPGs. 10/10
Posted June 9, 2021.
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270.4 hrs on record (217.7 hrs at review time)
This is the best software for pixel art. It is so clean and simple and has so many nice features for drawing and animating. The UI also looks so nice and is in a pixel art style as well which is pretty cool. Overall there is not much to say about this except that it is a solid piece of software that is definitely worth the $20 if you want to make pixel art.
Posted January 10, 2021.
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1,064.8 hrs on record (1,028.8 hrs at review time)
This software is good, it is really easy to make simple games in it and it is pretty easy to learn. But if you want to make anything more than a simple game I feel like using a different game engine would be a better choice. That's not to say that Clickteam fusion can't make full complex games, it can, it's just that there are better engines out there if you want to make a full game.

The visual scripting in fusion is easy to understand, but there are definitely limitations to it and I found that my code got hard to understand later on in my project and that sometimes something that would be easy to do in a regular programming language is hard to do with Clickteam fusion.

But the main reason I don't recommend fusion is that there are better engines out there. I have switched my game to unity and there are so many nice things about unity that clickteam fusion doesn't have. For example, autotiling system, prefabs, built in ordering system, etc. But another thing that really makes unity so much better is that it is FREE, and you can export to all platforms at no extra cost. Fusion on the other hand costs $100 and you have to pay even more if you want clickteam fusion plus, the developer upgrade, or you want to export to any other platform than windows.

But you may be like me 3 years ago when I first got fusion, you just want to learn how to make a game simply. Well this is where fusion is better, it is much easier to learn than unity, but I would still say you should use unity because it is a lot better in the long run. It is hard to learn but if you search things up online and/or join the unity discord server and ask for help there, you will be able to learn unity and programming.

It is hard for me to not recommend Clickteam fusion, I used to love it because it was so much simpler, I thought it was way easier than using unity. But now that I am actually using unity I have to say that there are a lot of features already in unity that make it simpler because I dont have to make them myself like I had to in fusion. In the end I would say please try out unity, it will be very tough at the start, but you have to keep pushing through and after a few days or maybe weeks, you will understand and be able to make much better games in the long run.
Posted January 10, 2021.
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3.8 hrs on record
I just finished this game and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. I am not the person who typically likes these types of games, I like more action and less story, but this game really captivated me.

The story is really good, a lot of video games do not have good stories, even some that are centered around them, but this one does. You get to experience the story and have an impact on it, there are different endings you can achieve by doing different things in each play through. You talk with the other characters by clicking on a speech bubble (or not), this is a pretty immersive mechanic for me and I liked it.

But now I am going to talk about some problems this game has. The first one for me is that this game is clearly not made for mouse and keyboard, you cannot rebind the controls which is annoying also because I cant check the menus to see what the controls are. The controls themself can be annoying. You use wasd to move, ctrl for map, and shift for radio, and mouse to select speech bubbles, this all good except for the fact that enter is the action key. I find myself moving my hand from my mouse to the enter key and sometimes accidentally not clicking on a speech bubble because I couldn't get back to the mouse in time. If you do have a controller I highly recommend using it for this game, it will make things a lot more enjoyable.

The second downside, that many people have talked about, is the gameplay. The majority of the gameplay comes from choosing what you want to say when talking with the other characters, using your radio, and walking. The dialogue I already talked about and I think it is good. Using your radio is ok, it just involves switching stations until you find the right one. And the walking is what everybody dislikes, I agree if you are just focusing on walking it is boring, but if you are focusing on the story and talking with the characters (which you usually are) then it is not so bad. Plus I think it would not make sense if you sprinted everywhere like in an action game.

Overall, I recommend this game, although maybe not at full price because it is quite short. Do not come into this game if you are looking for great gameplay, come for the great story, art, and atmosphere. 7/10
Posted July 11, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
15.4 hrs on record (14.6 hrs at review time)
Super Hexagon is a great game. It is quite simple. You move an arrow around a hexagon and weave through walls that are always closing in around you. Each attempt things are somewhat randomized, this makes it so that you will have to get good at the game in general rather than memorizing each level. The game starts out quite slow in the first level, but by the end things will be going at lightning speed.

I just completed the game. It was a journey. There are six levels. Each is unique, they have different patterns and different color schemes. They get progressively harder and the last one is an insane challenge. The soundtrack to this game is also really good and another reason why I recommend this game, each track is great and in the end they do something with the music that I really like.

Your skills will increase greatly when you play this game. When I started I thought the last level looked impossible, yet now I have just beaten it. Through practice and determination you will keep inching your way closer to the sixty second goal.

Even once you beat this game you could still keep playing if you want to. All the levels are endless and have bonus stages you can get to if you survive long enough. Some people have survived hundreds of seconds. Maybe that could be you, but for me I am content with beating the game.

Overall this is a great game, and I highly recommend you pick it up, $3.00 is extremely cheap and it goes on sale for even cheaper. 9.25/10
Posted July 6, 2020. Last edited July 6, 2020.
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9.0 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
I really enjoyed this game. It has the unique core mechanic of flipping gravity instead of jumping, and does a lot with it. This game has an open world feel that I really like, it is fun to explore the map and find all the the trinkets. Beyond completing the game there are other things to do such as time trials and super gravitron, as well as trying to beat the game in flipped mode and no deaths mode.

The map could be a bit bigger and there are some very hard rooms (do as I say not as I do) that can make the experience less fun, but other than that this is a great game.

Overall I really like this game and definitely recommend it, it is really well designed and is a good price 8.75/10
Posted June 10, 2020.
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240.0 hrs on record (108.3 hrs at review time)
I don't know why I haven't reviewed this game until now, it is one of my favorites. Every run is different. The items you recieve will shape how you play the game. There are hundreds of items you can get, and many of them combine with each other to form synergies. There are also many things to unlock. You will unlock items, characters, and bosses. You will beat bosses multiple times to unlock new floors with even harder bosses and enemies. 100 hours into this game I still am not even close to finishing it. I have not beaten all of the bosses or unlocked all of the characters. This game is very hard. A lot of it depends on the items you get, so if you get a weak batch of items on one run you will have an impossibly hard time with later floors and bosses. This game can also get very grindy, you will be playing run after run just trying to get some good items. However, if you are just playing the game for fun you will have a better time. There are 2 DLCs for this game: Afterbirth and Afterbirth+. I really enjoyed both of them, they both add loads of fun items, monsters, and new things to do. I particularly liked Afterbirth for greed mode, and Afterbirth+ for the booster packs and mods. The Afterbirth+ DLC gives you access to mods. There are thousands of mods to choose from. Some will tweak the game (colored HUD icons, external item descriptions, etc.) and others feel like DLC (Alphabirth, Revelations). There is definitely something for you. However it is disappointing that mods are locked behind DLC (at least in the steam workshop). Overall this game is fun, it is definitely one of the best roguelikes I have ever played 9.75/10
Posted April 5, 2020.
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6 people found this review helpful
20.6 hrs on record (18.9 hrs at review time)
I just completed this game. I am speechless. This is, without a doubt, the most polished and AAA VR experience I have played.

This game has solid core components, fighting, puzzles, and exploration (as every Half-Life does). It also innovates in many ways. The physics in this game are great, it's not the leap from Half-Life 1 to 2 but it is definitely an improvement. The weapon upgrades are a very good addition. I love searching through the map for resin. And the gravity gloves are amazing. They feel fantastic, add fun twists to the game (taking stuff off of combine, steal an active grenade and throwing it back), and of course make it so you never have to bend over again! Enemies are great, every enemy is unique and you will eventually learn how to deal with all of them.

The puzzles are really fun. Using the multi-tool is a blast. Each puzzle is very different and utilizes the 3D space very well. At the beginning the puzzles are very easy but towards the end they will definitely challenge you. The sphere puzzles with the key and lock frustrated me until I realized that you can let go of the key you're moving and the red things will not damage it. This made the puzzle a lot more fun because I could always stop to readjust my position.

The story is very good. The new characters are unique and fun. But you will also learn more about old characters (especially Alyx). The ending is phenomenal, that is all I will say. You have to experience it for yourself. And please stay after the credits! On top of that there are a variety of things that top off this game: the markers and the playable piano are some of my favorites.

All that said, this game has a few very small flaws. There are no melee weapons. The guns mostly make up for this though because they are very well designed. You can definitely tell that this game was designed with teleport movement in mind. Using continuous movement, you will kind of float down when you fall. And there are some parts where you have to teleport. The good that comes from that, however, is that this game is much less likely to get you motion sick. There are also so many loading screens! Loading screens are placed about as frequently as in Half-Life 2 and last about as long (20-30 seconds for me). Whenever I got into a tough fighting part where I was dying a lot, it was very frustrating to wait 30 seconds every time.

Aside from that, Source 2 is great. The graphics are splendid and this game is also very well optimized. I played through it with my laptop which has a 1050 Ti and an i7-7700HQ. I used an Oculus Quest via Virtual Desktop streaming. At times the face animations were a bit off from the voice recordings, but other than that it was very enjoyable.

Overall, this a fantastic game, absolutely one of the best I have ever played. It is worth it to buy a headset just for this game (though there are many other great VR games you should play too!), especially if you are a Half-Life fan. 10/10
Posted April 3, 2020. Last edited May 24, 2020.
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0.5 hrs on record
Short little game, I mean non-game, that is very creative and fun. The narrator is funny, the graphics are not bad, it is a polished experience and the achievements make it fun to play the game through a few times. Overall, short but good, just like the days when I played it on flash 7.5/10
Posted March 24, 2020.
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5.3 hrs on record
This episode is way better than the first, it not only continues the greatness of Half-Life 2 but builds on it. There are a bunch of new enemies such as acid antlions and hunters. The environments in this episode are more open than the first one. In the later parts of this one you use the car which is a lot of fun (or not, depending on what you like). There were a lot of fun parts such as defending the Vortigaunts when they are healing Alyx or protecting the base from the striders. This game also had a lot of funny lines. The story is also developed a lot in this episode, you learn about a lot of new stuff that changes the Half-Life series. The only problem I have with this is not with the game itself, but, why is there no episode 3!! This episode ends on a frightening cliffhanger and we learn so much yet there is no episode 3, so sad. Aside from that this is a fantastic game, I love it just as much as Half-Life 2 10/10
Posted March 21, 2020. Last edited January 10, 2021.
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