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83.2 hrs on record (81.4 hrs at review time)
Never had a PSN account, probably never will have one.

Release a game one can play on Steam, just to make it unplayable unless you sign up to a service that wasn't required before. They may have their reasons but it's quite garbage.

Fun while it lasted, but this sort of 180 is clearly a bad move and all bad reviews are justified even if one could simply "just get a PSN account". There's a reason why a lot of users are on steam, and there's also many reasons why one might not use or own a PSN account.

Pretty sure Sony has Arrowhead by the balls though.

Gamers beat corporate greed.
Posted May 3. Last edited May 8.
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10.4 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
Having trouble running the game because of white screen?

When the launcher pops up, press the update button and then download and run the .exe, point it towards the TM nations folder inside of steamapps/common and it works.

That aside, quite a blast to the past this one, remember putting hundred of hours into this game.
Posted January 27, 2022.
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57.9 hrs on record (13.8 hrs at review time)
Probably the only battle royale game that I could say I found worth in playing and not feeling like I wasted my time when it was time to turn it off.

- You can play this on any potato
- It's free so you and all your supposedly non furry friends can get it
- Games are quick and not as frustrating as other battle royale games
- Easy to learn, hard to master

Even though it's not a perfect game by any means, I'd warmly recommend trying it out.
Posted November 19, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
17.9 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Most realistic physics engine in any game to date, extremely well designed levels with deep character customization and lots of weapons.

I'm surprised this studio hasn't been picked up by the big players yet as there's loads of hidden potential in a sequel.

Worth every penny.
Posted October 31, 2021.
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4.3 hrs on record
Never have you loved a camcorder so much!

Outlast is one of those games where you get a general picture of it just being jumpscare city and creepy NPCs chasing you around before you even get to play the game, and as much as there's some truth to it being filled with said jumpscares, the game does have some nifty ways to do some story telling and drag you deeper into the rabbit hole against your will. The curiosity sure killed the cat in this case as you will be chased up, down and sideways through tight corridors by some of the most unstable asylum inmates the game has to offer, but it also leaves a very interesting trails of documents, visual cues and characters that tells the story of the place you find yourself in. Even though the story ended up a bit over the top for my liking, it still wasn't a bad experience as a whole.

The game is VERY gruesome and has some scenes in it not for the faint of heart, but it fits in just perfectly in the general setting of the asylum you will spend most of your time in, and in no way does it feel overdone or out of place as you very quickly in the early parts of the game realize the roller coaster you signed up for.

Controls are very solid, you understand the game and the mechanics very easily from the get go. However to get the most "enjoyment" out of a game like this you should be used to some first person games with some pace to them, also preferably played with a keyboard and mouse as making some of the quick turns and scanning your surroundings in a pinch may not be the best solution via a stick on a controller.

Outlast is fairly short but sweet as far as a game goes, but I'd only really recommend it to people who are more into the horror genre. You will feel completely helpless at times playing this which I am sure the devs fully intended, and even though there's cheap moments NPCs get to kill the player in odd ways, it's throughout a very polished experience.

I played through Outlast as part of the 2019 Halloween stream, and the playtime is estimated to be around 4-5 hours. The full stream of the game can be found below:
Posted September 9, 2020. Last edited September 9, 2020.
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3.9 hrs on record
On the surface this is a game appears like something different but give it some time and you will find its colors!

Gone home is one of those games you could give to anyone that likes story telling media of any kind, it doesn't require reflexes or platforming skills, instead it relies on some more basic problem solving and exploration.

When I first got this game and booted it up I expected a full on exploration/adventure game in a spooky setting, a game where I'd unravel some big mysteries. If I will be honest to some extent it's what I got but the delivery and purpose of the game and it's story holds so much more than what this cover shows. The game has a different way of displaying itself and keeping you engaged so you never quite know what to expect as you make your way through and bit by bit make sense of the puzzle in front of you.

The play time is not very long and there's not that much re-play value but if you look at this more like a movie or a book you've decided to take on it will be a lot easier to get behind it.

Gone Home was a really warm surprise and a game I'd recommend to most people if they are after something very laid back and meaningful. It's not your typical game, but what it lacks in other fronts it makes up in others in a huge way.
Posted July 24, 2019. Last edited September 9, 2020.
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8.3 hrs on record
Another horror game to add to the list!

It will be hard to not compare this game with other memorable games like Penumbra Black Plague or Amnesia Dark Decent, it being made by the same studio and all. SOMA is a truly memorable game and it's one of those experiences you wish others could play through even if they aren't interested in horror games, or even games at all.

One of the reasons why I personally liked Black plague so much had to do with it's more modern setting and something I had a little easier to live into, even though SOMA takes you on quite the journey it sure handles the story to you in such a way so you can get more involved(in my eyes). Though there's a few unanswered questions far into the late sections of the game it works a lot better this time around, in other words, great story writing and telling to you the player.

Even though the voice acting can fall short on some lines, it's honestly really well done for most parts in the sections in the game where it needs it. One of the things that really impressed me over all was the impressive sound design and work made for the environments you are in and move around which REALLY puts a mood to your location in the game and the mood of scenes. Even if there were a thing or two I found odd, as hearing a metal gate open in a place where it doesn't make much sense to hear it, the sound work is easily one of the game strong suits.

Just like in Amenia A Machine For Pigs there's no true inventory this time around which is a bit of an opportunity lost if anyone would ask me, as it takes away a fun dynamic that both Black Plague and Dark Descent had. But what SOMA does have is more intense moments where you need to avoid patrolling NPC's which A Machine For Pigs lacked at times.

In SOMA I'd say they've a really good job with visuals, even though it will not blow your mind it does it well and has a lot of character in the places you visit and explore, and it feels like the makers of the game really thought through how to deliver them to you in the best way. If there's anything I'd say is a setback would be the repetitive use of certain models(or objects) spread around the game that feel a bit repetitive which can impact the experience over a longer game session, but nothing that ruins the game exactly.

SOMA is a strong game mentally and emotionally that makes you think what really makes us human, it has an interesting setting and a game that avoid typical horror cliches with good potential to scare the ♥♥♥♥ out of you.

I played through SOMA as a halloween stream, and playtime is estimated to be around 8 hours if you are adept at first person exploration games. A full game stream can be found below Here
Posted June 29, 2019.
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987.0 hrs on record (351.5 hrs at review time)
It's a quick game with very little time for smack talk and toxicity but yet this is a game where it really stands out. In no other game will you find teammates giving up after being down a score or trying to blame every mishap on you for merely trying to play the game. If you're going to play a bit more seriously try to play with people you know at all times, otherwise you will just feel like you're wasting your time in a random chatroom with angry children that apparently breathes Rocket League.

Great game, but it very easily brings out the worst in people unless you go for complete casual.

They've added an option to mute voice and text chat, +1
Posted August 21, 2016. Last edited May 7, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
2.8 hrs on record
Kinda Cute

Picked this game up with no expectations what so ever and after spending a few hours playing through it I'm pleased. Take this game for what it is and I'm certain anyone who likes felines or animals in general could find something of liking here.

Let's just start off and say that it is a cute little game with what I'd consider a rather pleasant art style, in fact the small spurts of kitty jokes and "Aww that's cute" moments combined with how the game has been drawn up is what pretty much made the game for me personally. After playing through all the levels and finding all the collectibles I ended up falling short of just 3 hours so if you're looking for an extensive game this is certainly not for you, it's more like a quick fuzzy experience that will warm you up, probably a great game if you're feeling down and need to get your mind off things.

Gameplay wise it's alright and nothing over the top. Controlling your character doesn't have too much feel to it and I'd class it more more like a well made flash game on that aspect which can be taken as you wish. The platforming is not by any means challenging when it does come up, so it just strengthen the idea of the game being a relaxing experience with kitties rather than a challenging puzzle and platforming game. The game allows you to play both with a keyboard and an xbox controller so that's a plus! And the controls feel solid enough so any seasoned player should not have too many problems or frustration going through the story and enjoying the game as a whole.

What I personally would've liked would be a longer game, where maybe the different areas of the game would have more than one level to give some more sense of travel since the game sure is, very short. Maybe some interesting cutscenes inbetween the levels instead of a "Straight into action from the menu" sort of take, since it feels like the game would benefit from this and give players something more to get invested in. The game also lacks much replayability once you've ran through it which is also a bummer. As far as the challenges and platforming goes I would've liked it getting even more tricky down the end of the game, but since there's not much room to expand a difficulty curve it makes enough sense that it was made the way it was.

Over all I think despite the shorter play time and the price tag I found this a welcoming game and I enjoyed myself. Snatch this game up on a steam sale and there should not be any regrets, just don't come in with high expectations as this game was probably a feat by itself on limited resources.

Nice art style, cute humor and easy going game. It get's my thumbs up.
Posted April 14, 2016. Last edited April 14, 2016.
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79.6 hrs on record (29.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is actually quite great.

Brings back a lot of real rallying that has been missing for several years in the series. Let's also say it's quite a challenge, and there's always room to improve yourself and your driving in various cars and stages.

I must say though, even though I'm fully aware it's early access it does need more stages around in different types of rallys like for example Sweden, or Kenya or something funky, but in the future more stages to the already existing rallys that exist. I also miss the Mitsubishi Evo's dearly and in general want to see the expansion of cars, especially 90's and 2000's. Hoping for it! That aside I think codemasters has done a great job with what they've provided so far, and every update has been really nice to see.
Posted October 23, 2015.
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